Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:48:42 PM
I agree, Patriot.  Obama, with all of his hope...And visions of change...Has done nothing but bring this country misfortune.  It is hoped that he is a one-term president.

Nice dodge, but I prefer Fords.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quotewhile I agree with Ready

oh hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   shiver me timbers and bar the door Katy!    ;)


Obama might be President, but I'm not too sure he's part of Elk Konnected...well not directly!




I did understand that Elk Konnected went to our local preacher and offered help.
The answered was "thank you EK, LLC however we have our own God to worship as we please.

ready....to be striken


Liberals are all about alike - they think they can do something constructive.

Obama and EK - two of the kind.

Keynesian they are.....


Quote from: redcliffsw on September 25, 2011, 09:00:20 PM
Liberals are all about alike - they think they can do something constructive.

Obama and EK - two of the kind.

Keynesian they are.....

And if you ask 2 liberals 1 simple yes/no question 10 times you'll get at least 82 responses... and none of the the answers will be yes or no.... but you will be called you a moron, bully, idiot and divider just before they tell you they are a Christian, apologize, blame their behavior on you as the instigator and then call you 6 more names.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
They don't take up lots of space and waste oxygen by repeating...And repeating...And repeating...


When you create a memory, a pathway is created between your brain cells. It is like clearing a path through a dense forest. The first time that you do it, you have to fight your way through the undergrowth. If you don't travel that path again, very quickly it will become overgrown and you may not even realize that you have been down that path. If however, you travel along that path before it begins to grow over, you will find it easier than your first journey along that way.

Successive journeys down that path mean that eventually your track will turn into a footpath, which will turn into a lane, which will turn into a road, and into a motorway and so on. It is the same with your memory: the more times that you repeat patterns of thought, for example when learning new information, the more likely you will be able to recall that information. So repetition is a key part of learning. If you look at the article on your Brain's natural rhythms you will find the optimum plan for reviewing (repeating) information to get it into your long term memory.

Sounds good to me. I know I've learned quite a bit about this whole thing since this thread was started. And repetition does help. That's why after you keep doing something it gets easier and you remember how to do it. Once you fall off a bike, you keep getting back on. Repetition. I do it everyday at work and it helps me get better with my job. You don't just teach spelling words to kids once before they take a test. You give them to them on Monday and test them on Friday, after going over them all week long. Repetition. Brilliant concept!---Jennifer





"There IS a difference between public and private."
"Intentions and results ARE two different things."

"There IS a difference between public and private."
"Intentions and results ARE two different things."

"There IS a difference between public and private."
"Intentions and results ARE two different things."

"There IS a difference between public and private."
"Intentions and results ARE two different things."

"There IS a difference between public and private."
"Intentions and results ARE two different things."

"There IS a difference between public and private."
"Intentions and results ARE two different things."

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
OK...Ross...I'll write slowly so that you can understand this time...
Thanks for writing slowly but I think perhaps you should have typed slower so you could understand what you have written and I mean that in a constructive manner.

Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
My viewpoint is as it has been in every post having to do with EK...

They are a bunch of people attempting to do something constructive for Elk County.  Period.

What bunch of people are members of Elk Konnected, LLC?????

What have they done that is constructive?????

I don't see anythig constructive about abusing and usiing county resources, do you??
Like using the county's web site without proper authorization, which they would never get, do you find that constructive?????

Or Like using the county's emergency call system without proper authorization, which they would never get, do you find that constructive?????

Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
They don't take up lots of space and waste oxygen by repeating...And repeating...And repeating...
You are so right on that, Elk Konnected, LLC won't communicate at all, they are above communicating with the citizens of Elk County, i guess, without a facillitator form Wichita County to control the people.

Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
And, while I agree with Ready that there are some odd things that I don't understand...I am sure that, if I took the time to approach any of the good people who are involved, they'd be able to not only explain it but show in what way it is entirely legal, ethical and upstanding.  If they wouldn't be able to, then shame on them.
Now you are learning some what. But think again about getting answers and besides thet would hold no credibility without the posting on this forum, I did not say on this thread. If you reported it, it would only be hearsay same as if I reported it.
So let them come on the forum and communicate, quoting you, " show in what way it is entirely legal, ethical and upstanding. If they wouldn't be able to, then shame on them."

Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
As for you and your minions...I hope you all listened thoroughly this time and are now able to understand my viewpoint.
We are not the minions, we are not followers. But from your attitude you are the minion, sorry.

Your viewpoint really appears to be confused, you just questioned them all by saying,"And, while I agree with Ready that there are some odd things that I don't understand."

Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
If not, it's a personal problem on your part...Not mine.

No it is not a personal problem except on your behalf! You really sound very confused. Because you have no idea of anything about Elk Konnected, LLC.


Quote from: kshillbillys on September 25, 2011, 09:17:08 PM

Successive journeys down that path mean that eventually your track will turn into a footpath, which will turn into a lane, which will turn into a road, and into a motorway and so on. It is the same with your memory: the more times that you repeat patterns of thought, for example when learning new information, the more likely you will be able to recall that information. So repetition is a key part of learning. If you look at the article on your Brain's natural rhythms you will find the optimum plan for reviewing (repeating) information to get it into your long term memory.

Sounds good to me. I know I've learned quite a bit about this whole thing since this thread was started. And repetition does help. That's why after you keep doing something it gets easier and you remember how to do it. Once you fall off a bike, you keep getting back on. Repetition. I do it everyday at work and it helps me get better with my job. You don't just teach spelling words to kids once before they take a test. You give them to them on Monday and test them on Friday, after going over them all week long. Repetition. Brilliant concept!---Jennifer

Good points Jennifer. You would think a teacher would have already understood that.

It is also the samething she sees on tv, advertisement. That was my intent to advertise to Elk Konnected,LLC to answer some questions and to communicate with Elk County Citizens. Pretty simple, don't you think. After all I am not a carrier of a college degree and I understand that. And I do not confuse my view points. I simply ask questions like a good tax paying citizen of Elk County.

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