Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Patriot on May 19, 2011, 11:57:01 PM
3000000 is a bit of an exaggeration.  How about answering questions for a change instead of deflecting?  A question, by the way is a line ending with... never mind.
I just did.  You asked if the LLC ran the fitness center.  I said yes.  You started to tell me about questions ending with......I didn't get the rest.


Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 20, 2011, 12:01:23 AM
I just did.  You asked if the LLC ran the fitness center.  I said yes.  You started to tell me about questions ending with......I didn't get the rest.

Notice that I made a statement.  There was no question about who ran the center.  Nice try.

Now, since you brought up tax forms and their relation to LLCs and compensation, and it's apparent that the discussion overwhelmed you to the point of childish distraction, perhaps the subject was more complex than you were prepared to examine in depth.  Sorry for leading you in over your head.  Sad, but not really shocking (pardon the pun).  Have great tomorrow.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 19, 2011, 10:08:04 PM
Instructions from the leader...

All for the 'collective', I presume.
Was this a star trek reference? 


Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 19, 2011, 09:42:37 PM
October 2007

For those of you who live in Elk County (and the surrounding area) and didn't attend the Elk Konnected Conversation meeting in Longton last night...YOU MISSED OUT.  This was an AMAZING event put on by a steering committee of local people who want to turn Elk County into a place of of the future; not a dying county of the past.

The evening started out with a free chili supper served by both FFA clubs from West Elk and Elk Valley High schools.  Child care was provided by the same group, along with other high schoolers from both schools.  They did a great job keeping the kids entertained so the parents could enjoy the conversations.

The first instructions we received from the conversation leader, Terry Woodbury, was that we have to start expelling all the negative thoughts and perceptions of the past.  We also have to think like a COUNTY COMMUNITY, instead of each city.  Because; if we don't work together, ALL the cities will fade away.  Our second instructions were that we were not there to point out the problems or to point fingers... we were there to start thinking about SOLUTIONS.

Before the conversation, the steering committee sent out surveys to people from the county (and Severy).  They were asked to rate their city and the county as a whole on 20 clues to building community.  On a scale from 1 to 4 (1 = excellent), they were asked to rate statements like "Evidence of community pride: our community is a show place of care, attention, history, and heritage".  The results of this survey were given out at the meeting.  As an example, for the statement above, only 27% of the people rated Elk County has having Excellent or Good ratings (1 or 2).  Individual cities were below 50%, actually below 40% (except Moline; they were at 58%).  Of the 20 points, there were only 4 that 50% or more of the people ranked the county as being Excellent or Good.  These points were 1) Strong support for education, 2) Strong presence of traditional institutions, 3) Acceptance of women leaders, and 4) Strong multi-generational family orientation (the leader was impressed with this last one, as not many counties he's worked with has ranked this one highly).

Our goals throughout the night were to take these 4 strengths of the county, and focus on the lower ranked points.  We started working with people at our table.  Then we grouped together by cities.  Then we grouped together having at least one person from each city at the table.  Some of the lower ranked points that we discussed were active econonmic development program (2nd to last); sound, well-maintained infrastructure (3rd to last); evidence of community pride (6th to last); and cooperative community spirit.  We also talked about improving the youth quality of life, and how to get citizen engagement in some of the activities and events that already go on within the community.

The interesting thing about this conversation... we didn't leave with any action items or a need to go out and "save the county".  Just our thoughts and the thoughts of others in the county.  This will be a long-term investment of people power, time, and eventually money.  Again, this was a FREE supper.  Not even a "free-will donation".  Just county neighbors getting together on Friday night to look to the future of the county... and how we will have to work TOGETHER.   YOU MISSED OUT.

Wow a letter from the past telling us we don't want to be like the past, simply amazing. Also it tells of the lollipops, a free baby sitter and free bowl of chilly all bought and paid for with taxpayers dollars, sweet how you get told you get free stuff when you actually pay for it. Yws there was a guy from Wichita County who was telling everyone from Elk County where to sit, who to talk with and what to talk about and even howw to think. The guy refered to as the LEADER in the letter above was the man from Wichita County. Excellent letter. Excellent Argument. Excellent post.


Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 19, 2011, 10:12:56 PM
L Hendricks
Hero Member
Posts: 151   
If our community was given $450K, what would you like done with the money....
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:04:57 pm »

Let's focus on something fun, positive, long lasting... If our community was given $450,000 a year for a period of 10 years, what would you like done with this money...Anything is possible....
How did $450k for ten years turn in to $675,000 for twenty.  It couldn't have been anything a verbally abused commissioner's ability to defer from her "acorn style" community organizing and wasting county tax dollars and negotiate a better deal.   Or could it.   Ask your shadow, he seems to follow you around every where you go.

Is that our community as in Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity Steering Kommittee or as in Elk County Government which is suppose to, by the people, of the people, snd for the people??????????????????????


Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 19, 2011, 10:31:01 PM
Let us assume that this is not a monumental waste of keystrokes on you and your two codependence and give the crazy idea for a minute that the $250 baseball money was somehow given to "E.K."   The proceeds would be local tax money given to a corporation.  All you would have to do is get a copy of the corporation's form 1120 , look on line 12, (the deductions sections) compensation of officers________(schedule e line 4) read to us all on the big ole world wide web the amount printed there.  If this is anything but zero then  all you would have to prove was the the compensated party is one Liz Hendricks, commissioner.  If not what are we discussing?

How does a entity incorporated in September of 2009 plan a wind farm or school bond that happened two or three years eariler.

Really you have to ask, How does a entity incorporated in September of 2009 plan a wind farm or school bond that happened two or three years eariler. You should perhaps read your own post. I quote your post, 'October 2007[/b]

For those of you who live in Elk County (and the surrounding area) and didn't attend the Elk Konnected Conversation meeting in Longton last night...YOU MISSED OUT.  This was an AMAZING event put on by a steering committee of local people who want to turn Elk County into a place of of the future; not a dying county of the past." I'm sure it took a  some time for this steering committe to get together and develop a plan, but perhaps that happened years before --- we have no way of knowing do we?


Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 19, 2011, 11:55:41 PM

my best stuff is just wasted on you.  I don't feel appreciated.

I appreciate you. You bring a great deal of humor to this thread. You Pat are a Riot.
Patriot, however is a veteran that has served his country and a stubborn ole fart like me that believes in "We the People".
"The Constitution", " God and Country". Not so much control by corporation.


Ok, the money that Elk Konnected went and asked for at the last meeting was for the hit, pitch, run contest. it was for balls for the contest. It was a kid that asked, if I am right. The kid is a member of Elk Konnect, so what. The money comes from the parks and recreation funds. The money in that fund is for different types of organizations around the county to use. That is where the money for the different ball clubs that asked for it came out of. So, what your telling me is, its only ok for that money to be spent on the different towns parks and different types of recreations???? I personally don't mind seeing my tax dollar go to an event like the hit, run, pitch contest. Did my girls participate?? NO!! We don't do summer ball at all because we are to busy with haying and things. But if my tax dollar is going towards it it really doesn't bother me. I think what you really want is a run down of where all the tax money is going. I personally am not happy that we still owe money on an ambulance and it needs fixed already. I feel that we need the ambulance, but now our county owes even more money than the ambulance cost. Shouldn't we be concerned about all the different aspects of where our tax dollar is going instead of worrying about Elk Konnected and slamming them at every turn. Oh, wait, your not slamming them, just questioning them. But your using a public forum to question them instead of writting a letter or calling the individuals that are the members. Don't tell me that you don't know who to question, as it has been stated time and time again names of individuals that are members. That would be like me sitting on here and stating different people around town that I support with my tax dollars through them receiving welfare. That just isn't right!!! I know I don't have to read this forum, but actually you all are getting kind of comical!! So, why not!! SAME QUESTIONS, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 20, 2011, 07:38:00 AM
Ok, the money that Elk Konnected went and asked for at the last meeting was for the hit, pitch, run contest. it was for balls for the contest. It was a kid that asked, if I am right. The kid is a member of Elk Konnect, so what.
No problem with who asked for the taxpayers money at all. The point was that right afterwards the Founding Member of Elk Konnected, LLC and County Commissioner said, we don't use taxpayers dollars.

Using kids as a tool as an argument in a discussion concerning adults is just terrible. Using kids in politics is just terrible in my opinion.

You said, "It was a kid that asked, if I am right." Maybe  just maybe it was a kid that asked. Depending on the definition of a kid. If it was a kid, that kid was instructed by an adult form Elk Konnected, LLC. So what difference doe it make if it was a kid or not?

Therefore I repeat, "No problem with who asked for the taxpayers money at all. The point was that right afterwards the Founding Member of Elk Konnected, LLC and County Commissioner said, we don't use taxpayers dollars. "


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 20, 2011, 07:38:00 AM
Shouldn't we be concerned about all the different aspects of where our tax dollar is going instead of worrying about Elk Konnected and slamming them at every turn.

Sorry that you can't see that this is about much more than a few dozen tax dollars and what kid asked for them.  Maybe a re-read would help you see the deeper theme.  And we should also be concerned about how our tax money is spent.

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 20, 2011, 07:38:00 AM
Oh, wait, your not slamming them, just questioning them. But your using a public forum to question them instead of writting a letter or calling the individuals that are the members. Don't tell me that you don't know who to question, as it has been stated time and time again names of individuals that are members.

I'll bite, Lookatmeknow.   Please recite all those names of the admitted member of the LLC that we've missed.  Not volunteers, but names actually identified as admitted members.  Oh, except Ross, because even though someone said his attendance at a 'conversation' made him a member, he's said thast he's not.  I, for one, believe him on that.

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 20, 2011, 07:38:00 AM
I know I don't have to read this forum, but actually you all are getting kind of comical!! So, why not!! SAME QUESTIONS, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!!

And still the same lack of answers, over and over and over.  The same deflections, over and over and over.  No, not comical, just obtuse and dishonest.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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