Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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This is me as a taxpayer, not speaking from Elk Konnected: Ross, has everything you ever done in your life been a complete success? The way you discuss the Wellness Center closing you act as if your whole life and every part of it has always been the way you wanted it to turn out.  Just because it did not have enough membership to support it's expenses does not mean that it should not have been attempted.  Since 1995 when we moved back here, I personally have been hearing from various places that we needed a fitness center.  It was still being talked about when Elk Konnected started.  That's why it was attempted.  Until you have no disappointing outcomes in your life, you shouldn't cast stones.


Amazing, simply amazing.  People here have complained that those asking questions are uncivilized and somehow threatening.  Yet I could swear I've asked a couple of very simple, direct questions and attempted to seek clarifications in just the last 24 hours or so.  Both without accusatory tone or inference.

Do we see clear, civil responses, or even answers of "I don't know"?  No, we see the usual detractors spiraling off into long winded personal attacks and unrelated discussions of semantics.  I submit that such responses are reactionary diversions aimed at avoiding relevant facts.  Not unlike children who, when caught unawares having knowledge of some wrongdoing, want to discuss anything but the main issue or want to endlessly deflect responsibility.

I'll try again.  Please, jprxmkt, are you saying that Mr Fish has some role as an admitted member/manager of Elk Konnected, LLC, other than the simple role of Registered Agent, both as defined by Kansas law?

Thank you in advance for a concise answer.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Hefe de vaca

[quote author=Patriot

Now we accept your admitted ignorance and lack of any factual knowledge.  Now we ascribe no validity to your vain, self serving and unproductive attempts to add to this discussion, realizing that you only seek to disrupt the conversation rather than advance it.  Now we assess your lack of knowledge of business structures.  Now we accept you for what you claim to be... a taxpayer with nothing of value to add here, providing only distractions & personal attacks. 

Now we assign a meaningful and accurate value to most, if not all, of your input on the subject at hand:  Zero.


       Wow, a little egg on your face Patsy? How did someone so supremely intelligent think I was part of EK? :o I would think since you know so much about what I know or don't know you would have seen that from the start. Or did you get fooled by the facts? "just a taxpayer with nothing of value to add here" ::) kind of how you feel about anyone not in your sinking ship, eh.I wonder what the other taxpayers think about that. ::) "personal attacks", I guess your drivel here isn't. ??? Yes, I am an admitted ignoramus without any knowledge in my body, sadly, my father was the scarecrow in the "Wizard of Oz" :D

      I have no desire to add to you and Robin's so-called "discussion" Batman. Just like seeing you waste your time.

     Tag me out Sodbuster, I just got hit with a " folding chair"  :P   


Speaking of un-productive attempts, how about this Wellness Center thing?

How much government money/grant money was invested in that losing deal.  Or did the Steering Committee members
put up the money for that one?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on August 18, 2011, 10:44:10 AM
No, that's not what I'm saying.  Anyone can file the paperwork yet have no ownership standing.  A reading of the appropriate statutes makes that clear.  The LLC must have at least one person with ownership standing.  Are you saying that Mr Fish is that person?

The Registered Agent (RA) of an LLC doesn't automatically translate to admitted member status.  If you are saying that Mr. Fish, in addition to being the registered agent, is an admitted member (owner), then so be it.  Any person can be designated as a registered agent (attorney, accountant, next door neighbor, etc.).  The RA is simply a mail stop.  We are inquiring about admitted members/managers having authority to do things officially in the company name (sign leases, contracts, checks, etc.) and bind the company as owner(s).  Are you asserting that Mr. Fish, in addition to being the RA, is one with those owner powers?

Again, not sure why this is so important to you but yes, he has the power to do these things but he is not "in charge" of EK.  Again, the steering committee "steers" EK.


Jefe I've tried to tag out of this but I must say I am still interested in this thread for my own reasons. I don't think there is anything that can be said to satisfy Ross and Patriot. Here is what I have to say regarding the Elk Konnected Fitness Center.

Back when the fitness center was being talked about I offered my services for free. I had spent over 20 years managing and developing multiple fitness centers both big and small for two of the largest companies in the Industry.. What I got was basically a cold shoulder from those involved in the fitness center. I feel I could have offered a great deal to add to the sucess of the fitness center. I am sorry to hear it is closing. It doesn't suprise me though that I was rebuffed. Being a Kansas Boy I know that we like to do things on our own and aren't very open to oustsiders. Same reason why Kansas has 105 counties and EK has multiple fairs. You all just can't work together. I applaud those that are trying to change that, but I see EK fading into the rural sunset. Once it is a ghost town maybe I will come to visit. Still love the place, just think it is more of a hopeless cause than ever. Jefe that doesn't mean I won't give you a chair to hit back with, just means let's save it for another fight. EK problems are bigger than whether you have a fitness center. Brown water, run down housing, bad roads, inability to work together, are much more limiting to the sucess of Elk Count.


Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: sodbuster on August 18, 2011, 06:55:19 PM
Jefe I've tried to tag out of this but I must say I am still interested in this thread for my own reasons. I don't think there is anything that can be said to satisfy Ross and Patriot. Here is what I have to say regarding the Elk Konnected Fitness Center.

Back when the fitness center was being talked about I offered my services for free. I had spent over 20 years managing and developing multiple fitness centers both big and small for two of the largest companies in the Industry.. What I got was basically a cold shoulder from those involved in the fitness center. I feel I could have offered a great deal to add to the sucess of the fitness center. I am sorry to hear it is closing. It doesn't suprise me though that I was rebuffed. Being a Kansas Boy I know that we like to do things on our own and aren't very open to oustsiders. Same reason why Kansas has 105 counties and EK has multiple fairs. You all just can't work together. I applaud those that are trying to change that, but I see EK fading into the rural sunset. Once it is a ghost town maybe I will come to visit. Still love the place, just think it is more of a hopeless cause than ever. Jefe that doesn't mean I won't give you a chair to hit back with, just means let's save it for another fight. EK problems are bigger than whether you have a fitness center. Brown water, run down housing, bad roads, inability to work together, are much more limiting to the sucess of Elk Count.



Sorry, but I have been on the fitness center committee since it began and I do not remember you offering any services to us.  If you felt you got a cold shoulder, I am sorry for that, it certainly was not intentional.  The problem with the fitness center was not a management problem, but rather the same problem that exists across the country.  People are too, busy, lazy, fat, tired, poor, or whatever other excuse they can find to not exercise.  Obesity is at an all time high and this fitness center just confirm that lack of commitment to take care of ourselves.

You are right, not working together is one of our biggest problems in Elk County. (you can filter the brown water. ;) )


Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 07:18:31 PM
Sorry, but I have been on the fitness center committee since it began and I do not remember you offering any services to us.  If you felt you got a cold shoulder, I am sorry for that, it certainly was not intentional.  The problem with the fitness center was not a management problem, but rather the same problem that exists across the country.  People are too, busy, lazy, fat, tired, poor, or whatever other excuse they can find to not exercise.  Obesity is at an all time high and this fitness center just confirm that lack of commitment to take care of ourselves.

You are right, not working together is one of our biggest problems in Elk County. (you can filter the brown water. ;) )

Go back and look on archive.com for the forum when Elk Konnected had a big presence here. As I remember Tobina was more of a driver of that program than you. Yes it was a management problem. I've got people involve in fitness programs for over 20 years that used those same excuses. No need to argue with you because I like you and Pep. Thanks for being one of the ones that does keep Howard alive. Still  you all are heading for the designation of ghost town.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: sodbuster on August 18, 2011, 07:45:22 PM
Go back and look on archive.com for the forum when Elk Konnected had a big presence here. As I remember Tobina was more of a driver of that program than you. Yes it was a management problem. I've got people involve in fitness programs for over 20 years that used those same excuses. No need to argue with you because I like you and Pep. Thanks for being one of the ones that does keep Howard alive. Still  you all are heading for the designation of ghost town.


So do we just let that happen or fight it as long as we can?  If we become ghost towns, most of us can not live here (unless living off the government).  Most of us, despite all the negative opinions of mostly everything, choose to live here because we appreciate what it offers us.  I for one am not ready to accept defeat yet!  We need to shop local, bank local, doctor local, haircut local, nails local, eat local, etc, etc, etc.  We still have most services available to us.  There is still plenty of fight in the dog.  The dog might have some fleas, but still has quite a bite! ;D

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