Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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six:   you really need to fix those glasses on your avitar!   ;D


QuoteReady, I don't see it as taxpayer's dollars funding a corporation.  I see it as an organization that is trying to do something good for the community, asking the county for a few dollars to help in that endeavor.  This isn't the only organization that is asking the county for money.  In the last two months two summer baseball organizations have asked for money and received it.  I don't see the difference.  Summer baseball can have money from the county coffers, but EKLLC can't?
Perhaps it lies in the conflict of interest area. 

I personally wish to follow the money trail and it's funneling chanells...however, I work full time.

I llove the ideas of the kids/elderly/un-taken-care-of population being supposrted by the community.  Somethings need to be supported on their own, without the council.  It all depends on if it is a field built or just uniforms.   
It all boils down to what is more important...uniforms or a field, and how much money is there in the coffer.   The commissioneers have to be accountable to the constiuents.   They are under a micrscope.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 19, 2011, 08:26:44 PM
Ross:  I am not saying I necessarily agree with your methods of questioning , however I do understand where you  are sort of coming from:
You wish the results to be the same, but the methods of how the funds are distributed are questionable.   That concern is reasonable.  Unfortuately, by reading all 15,000 threads on this Elk Konnected LLC it boils down to "technicality".
Technically the commisioner can be a member of an organization that distrubutes funds to his or her own county.  I would think out of professional courtesy he/she would abstain on that particular vote. 
You seem to continually bring up some letter of praise from this commisioner wrote as a 'pump our organization up' of which he/she belongs.   Well, that reeks of a pompous action if it can actually be proven that he/she wrote it personally or from a proxy.  Those are strong acusations.   
How am I doing so far....or perhaps it is none of my business?????  From an outsider viewpoint, some comments are the reasons this contry is breaking down. 
I will not address the taxpayers dollars funding a corporation as it may be too convoluted or just an assumption.   There needs to be more legwork and proof, other than supposition.   
My .02 worth

readyaimduck you are very good. The letter I am refering to was sent to a local publication I get that is related to my power company it is also published on the internet at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/resources/kcl0511.pdf . I would never make something like that up.

Our County Commissioner is also listed as a staff member of Public Square Community, LLC the company hired by Elk Konnected, LLC you may check it out at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/publications.htm simply click on the button that says "Our Staff".

As I have said several times I feel pretty certain that I am speaking directly to Elk Konnected, LLC right here on this forum. It would only make sense for them to monitor this forum as a source of the community's pulse.


Let me back up....it IS the taxpayers money that you are asking for.  
If you pay Property tax and the Mil levy is set...x amount of dollars goes for "community/service" functions  (whatever their word for it is)
so, in essence...your $.50 went for that ball team..  Is that what you wish?  and if they raise the mil levee another 4 mile, then you will in turn help pay for that team, only at a higher rate.  
Am I turning to mud?


QuoteAs I have said several times I feel pretty certain that I am speaking directly to Elk Konnected, LLC right here on this forum. It would only make sense for them to monitor this forum as a source of the community's pulse.

of course one might, Ross.  As no one really speaks what they feel, unless they are on a forum!   
Now, go downtown Howard, and you may just get ignored, or flat knuckled in the chin!


I am going to say this, and probably will get flack...it will be a knee jerk reaction, a yellow flag, and a shoot from the hip/lip from what I have read here:

Can you all say:  " working the system?"
Those who can - benefit.   Those who can't - do without and struggle.  And I am with the do withouters only to show how you don't have to "work it honey. "

That being said - Most SE Counties, and I repeat Most counties are in a crunch.  How do we fix it? 

It's all about Politics.  Now, how is that working out?
Over and Ready...going to bed!   jeesh I am exhausted!


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 19, 2011, 08:50:54 PM
of course one might, Ross.  As no one really speaks what they feel, unless they are on a forum!   
Now, go downtown Howard, and you may just get ignored, or flat knuckled in the chin!

I don't get it? Are you saying this is a Howard thing. I have been down town Howard and neither thing has happened.
Not everyone in Howard or the County support Elk Konnected. LLC. So I don't really understand your point.
As far a speaking my mind it has not been only on the forum, I have also went before the County Commissioners.
Even a County Commissioners Aunt spoke to them about the misuse of the County's web site by Elk Konnnected, LLC.
So I am not the only one to speak up.


readyaimduck have you had a chanc e to look at the links I posted? I for got to mention Elk Konnected, LLC's web site that shows our County Commissioner Using her title as Commissioner http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/ and the link that shows her as part of the steering committee http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/steering.php .


October 2007

For those of you who live in Elk County (and the surrounding area) and didn't attend the Elk Konnected Conversation meeting in Longton last night...YOU MISSED OUT.  This was an AMAZING event put on by a steering committee of local people who want to turn Elk County into a place of of the future; not a dying county of the past.

The evening started out with a free chili supper served by both FFA clubs from West Elk and Elk Valley High schools.  Child care was provided by the same group, along with other high schoolers from both schools.  They did a great job keeping the kids entertained so the parents could enjoy the conversations.

The first instructions we received from the conversation leader, Terry Woodbury, was that we have to start expelling all the negative thoughts and perceptions of the past.  We also have to think like a COUNTY COMMUNITY, instead of each city.  Because; if we don't work together, ALL the cities will fade away.  Our second instructions were that we were not there to point out the problems or to point fingers... we were there to start thinking about SOLUTIONS.

Before the conversation, the steering committee sent out surveys to people from the county (and Severy).  They were asked to rate their city and the county as a whole on 20 clues to building community.  On a scale from 1 to 4 (1 = excellent), they were asked to rate statements like "Evidence of community pride: our community is a show place of care, attention, history, and heritage".  The results of this survey were given out at the meeting.  As an example, for the statement above, only 27% of the people rated Elk County has having Excellent or Good ratings (1 or 2).  Individual cities were below 50%, actually below 40% (except Moline; they were at 58%).  Of the 20 points, there were only 4 that 50% or more of the people ranked the county as being Excellent or Good.  These points were 1) Strong support for education, 2) Strong presence of traditional institutions, 3) Acceptance of women leaders, and 4) Strong multi-generational family orientation (the leader was impressed with this last one, as not many counties he's worked with has ranked this one highly).

Our goals throughout the night were to take these 4 strengths of the county, and focus on the lower ranked points.  We started working with people at our table.  Then we grouped together by cities.  Then we grouped together having at least one person from each city at the table.  Some of the lower ranked points that we discussed were active econonmic development program (2nd to last); sound, well-maintained infrastructure (3rd to last); evidence of community pride (6th to last); and cooperative community spirit.  We also talked about improving the youth quality of life, and how to get citizen engagement in some of the activities and events that already go on within the community.

The interesting thing about this conversation... we didn't leave with any action items or a need to go out and "save the county".  Just our thoughts and the thoughts of others in the county.  This will be a long-term investment of people power, time, and eventually money.  Again, this was a FREE supper.  Not even a "free-will donation".  Just county neighbors getting together on a Friday night to look to the future of the county... and how we will have to work TOGETHER.   YOU MISSED OUT.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 19, 2011, 08:26:44 PM
Technically the commisioner can be a member of an organization that distrubutes funds to his or her own county.  I would think out of professional courtesy he/she would abstain on that particular vote. 

Technically well put, other than recusal from such a vote would be more closely related to a legal expectation than a professional courtesy.  When such votes continue on a range on similar issues or official negotiations give the appearance of resulting in potential personal gain or excessive influence of special interests then the lack of recusal may become evidence of a deeper problem.  While conflict in the distribution of a few dollars to a recreational activity might be casually overlooked, the story may not end there.
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