Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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LOL...That's what I was wondering but wasn't going to ask, given the tone I tried to put forth in  my previous post! lol  ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 05:33:51 PM
You know, this has all been fun, trading jabs...It filled up an unusually slow Sunday afternoon...
I do feel sorry for you, Ross.  Forgive me for irritating you just for my own entertainment (and possible profit).
Don't feel sorry for me my dear. I'm not a teacher being told I'm glad my child is not taught by you.
Feel sorry for yousellf for being so narrow minded. And have a good evening thinking about that.

But if you know anything at all answer the questions:

Are you anything more than an Elk Konnected follower?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


Narrow-minded?? lol  Mr. Ross...I can tell you are one who has never, ever met me...We have only conversed, limitedly, about your posts...Nothing more.  Those who do know me are getting quite a grin out of that statement... ;D ;D...And, don't you worry your purdy little head over your attempted slights to my job...I will just consider the source and smile... ;D ;D ;D


I don't believe anybody would be gossiping about me. I'm a nobody, a redneck hick. what's there to gossip about. How I enjoy life, how I ask the questions they want to ask? Naw, I don't think so.  But the topic, I believe they are discussing it and in a more educated and refined way then Catwoman of the League of Cheerleaders.

But there are other people on here asking the same questions and they are all good people.
I am very happy to be among there presence.

Catwoman, No one has suggested that Elk Konnected is obligated to communicate with us. It was in their own words they suggested to do so. But they are suppose to be there for Elk County's benefit right? So where are they? Who are they? What are they? What do they accomplish? You are their apparent cheerleader so tell us Catwoman in the words of an educator so we can understand?

Give it your best shot. You haven't been able so far but we will let you keep trying. This is Catwomans night to excel.
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


Why, thank you, Mr. Ross!!  ;D

I guess, what you don't know won't harm you, right?

And, thank you for an exciting afternoon...It helped to pass the time... ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 06:28:25 PM
Why, thank you, Mr. Ross!!  ;D

I guess, what you don't know won't harm you, right?

And, thank you for an exciting afternoon...It helped to pass the time... ;D
No dearie what you don't know won't help anyone.


Ross, from what I have been reading on here, you need to take notice that Catwoman says it's in your best interest to shut up. Sounds like a threat. Sort of like the one that could have been construed when Wilma asked about your knee. Or the one that Janet had put on about her belief in the 2nd Amendment. Or the one from Wilma to my wife about how they could find her because they know where she works. It sounds like the EK groupies have their panties in a bunch, fruit of the looms, bvds, boxers, I don't know maybe I've got an underwear fetish like Wilma.
Catwoman, you need to pull your head out of that sandbox that the cats have been in. I'm not calling you a dunghead. I'm not saying you have feces for brains. Or that you can't hear guano. What I am saying is that you as a teacher cannot read or comprehend the serious nature of the questions that have been put forth by Patriot or Ross. I realize that us simple minded folks in Podunk County, Kansas are so cut off from the rest of the world that we don't know up from down, left from right or right from wrong, but we can count and if no one cares, why in the hell do the pages of this thread keep going up and the views continue being off the charts. How on earth can we ever find out the news from the outside? I see it on my 46" plasma screen TV. I see it on the 21" computer monitor. I get it in text form across my phone. Or I get it from my Sirius satellite radio. I didn't realize that CNN in Podunk County was different from CNN in Sedgwick County. But the one thing I don't have is someone calling me up on the phone and telling me what to say or do, as I could give a rat's ass less about what Elk Konnected thinks of me or you. Nor do I care about that welfare trash that moved to Canada. I and my wife work for a living and will continue to do so whether it's with the County or a better paying job. I am used to making a week what I make here in one month. ---MR. KSHillbilly




You are reassuring, Hillbilly...Your tune never changes.  ;D

These earthshakingly serious questions you all are hounding and expounding on don't seem to be making a nickel's worth of difference in how ANYTHING is run down there...

So...The questions being asked were important why again???

Hefe de vaca

      I'll bet Ross a donut hole to a dog turd, and let him hold the stakes in his mouth. :D ;D :D


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 07:04:21 PM
You are reassuring, Hillbilly...Your tune never changes.  ;D

These earthshakingly serious questions you all are hounding and expounding on don't seem to be making a nickel's worth of difference in how ANYTHING is run down there...

So...The questions being asked were important why again???
I d 10 T I appologize for that, I could not help myself. You set the situation up. We live here that's why it's important to us. You don't live here and that's why it's not important to you. Any kindergarten teacher could have taught you that. MAYBE.

Good job, good post kshillbillys.

We now interrupt this fun time with an important announcement.

POLITICO Breaking News
Facing the imminent prospect of default, the White House and congressional leaders reached a debt ceiling deal that gives President Barack Obama greater certainty in managing the Treasury's borrowing needs while making a joint commitment to major deficit reduction without any explicit concessions by the GOP on new tax revenues.

For more information... http://www.politico.com

That is for those who know what is important.
Now we return to the important local questions who some from out of the area do understand their importance.
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

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