Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Aw, ain't you two purdy boys ffuuuuuuuuuuuunyyy... ;D...But you didn't try hard enough...You didn't fill up enough space to create more than about one page...Try again! lol  ::)

Hefe de vaca

Quote from: Patriot on July 30, 2011, 07:53:48 AM
Not to mention the talk in the street.  And people are talking.

       Oh my God. People in Elk County gossiping ? Talk in the streets? What is the world coming to? :o :o :o


QuoteOh my God. People in Elk County gossiping ?

They, and other rural counties have for years.  Haven't you seen the screenplay 76 Trombones, with the song, "Pick a little"
Only this time, no names are being stated.  And for a reason.
Gossip is never a topic to indulge in , however being that we are who we are....there is a difference between the New York Post, and the Inquiry.  That is, gossip vs.  discussion/questions.   

Most people in this area are smart enough to know the difference.



Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
.And as independent and unable to work together as some people are down there, it stands as nothing short of a small miracle that there's a group of people, uniting for the single cause of bettering everyone's life down there. 

I have a real big problem with this!  Who gets to make the decision.  You know the last time a group of people got together with a real big idea to better everyones life, 6,000,000 Jews were butchered, and around 20,000,000 Russians were murdered
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 30, 2011, 04:59:58 PM
You know the last time a group of people got together with a real big idea to better everyones life, 6,000,000 Jews were butchered, and around 20,000,000 Russians were murdered

Well, that coupled with the hindsight that Adolph's 'published' intentions were to save the sinking motherland from its economic collapse by 'uniting the people'.  Uh huh.  All that glitters isn't gold.  He didn't publicly telegraph his real intentions, and those who questioned him were at first considered extremist loons who sought only to stir the pot... guys like Churchill come to mind.

Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That EK organization is another Acorn.  It's anti-American.  Why not call EK like it is - a fraudulent community organization?
Looks like a few on here will tell like it is and stay with it. 


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 30, 2011, 02:47:29 PM
      Oh my God. People in Elk County gossiping ? Talk in the streets? What is the world coming to? :o :o :o
Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 30, 2011, 02:47:29 PM
Oh my God. People in Elk County gossiping ? Talk in the streets? What is the world coming to? :o :o :o

NO, no Jefe de vaca people are not gossiping, they are talking and paying attention and for you to belittle them is very unbecoming. The people are asking questions such as?

Who has ownership of Elk connected? Who are the admitted members? Who is responsible for Elk Konnected?

What is the editor of our newspaper affiliations and what does that mean?

They are not asking who the (paid) Volunteers or who the (mostly) Followers are?

They are asking why Elk Konnected uses children as a tool to accomplish
whatever it is they want to accomplish and what do they want to accomplish?

They are asking what has Elk Konnected done besides write letters praising themselves?

They are asking why an Elk County Grant was applied for with the title for the program as Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp? Wasn't the Grant applied for by the Elk County Economic Development and Youth Services Employee paid by the taxpayers of Elk County?

They are asking how can a person tell the difference when an employee is working if they are working for Elk County or Elk Konnected?

They are asking if Elk Konnected and Elk Konnected, LLC are one and the same? Or are they seperate entities?

They are asking why doesn't Elk Konnected use the full effect of the internet as they said they would?
That means, why won't they come on this thread and talk with us?
Elk Konnected or Elk konnected, LLC has the following thread on this forum: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,9298.0.html
and a link to their Web Site http://www.cascity.com/howard/?page_id=3

They are asking what Elk Konnected has really accomplished?

Let's just take a chance and suggest the Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp. But, what was their part? Did Elk Konnected get the grant? I believe the Elk County Youth Services (paid) Employee did that. I believe Elk County got the grant, didn't they? And possibly our employee working for Elk Konnected slipped Elk Konnected's name in there, is that a possibility?
I haven't read anything in the County Commissioners Meeting Minutes that anyone from Elk Konnected requested such an act, have you?

Perhaps Elk Konnected organized the Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp as it was called because the name was on the Grant? No, I don't believe so, do you? The newspaper said to mail applications for Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp to the Elk County Youth Services (paid) Employee at the Elk County Court House, If I recall it right.

Perhaps Elk Konnected provided the organization of the Summer Day Camp daily activities, again I don't think so.  Again, I believe the Elk County Youth Services (paid) Employee did that because all the cheap toys were assembled and stored in the Elk County Court House. After all isn't that what we pay Elk County Youth Services Employee to do.

Perhaps Elk Konnected provided (paid) baby sitters for the Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp, right? No I don't think so. I believe the Elk County Youth Services (paid) Employee did that. And they were paid out of the Grant most likely.  What do you think?

So what was Elk Konnected's part in the Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp besides possibly using our Elk County Youth Services (paid) Employee to put their name on the Grant as a title for the Summer Day Camp is about all, right?

I understand Elk Konnected has rented an inflatable wet slipper slide for the Longton Free Fair for the Children. I'd like to ask is it really for the children or is it for Elk Konnected? Is it for the children to have fun or for Elk Konnected to make money off of the children? What about the children that can't afford to pay to play, are they just left out? Poor children, suffer while the children that have money enjoy, is that the goal?

Where did the money coming from to pay for the inflatable wet slipper slide? Did the money coming from the
Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp funds acquired from the Elk County Grant? Did the money coming from the Elk County's Recreational Funds? If so I sure hope the play on the inflatable wet slipper slide is free.

What has Elk Konnected accomplished?

1) They took unauthorized use of our Elk County Web Site by putting a personal web page on it.
2) The web page was up there until Commissioner Liebeau's aunt complained at the County Commissioners meeting?
3) They took unauthorized use of the Elk County Emergency call system by sending out messages several times in one day that one of their functions was cancelled.
4) Until people complained.

People are asking WHAT ELSE may they have done with the counties resources that we don't know about?

If Elk Konnected calls for a community conversation and it is just a bunch of circles of chairs with a man from Wichita County controlling everything to a "T" it's okay?  And not aloow a citizen to have the opportunity to talk with them in front of the community, why?

But let Governor Brownback call a meeting and no circle of chairs it is "Topic: Way to screw things up Brownback." Why is that?  see at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11874.0.html

So you see Mr. Jefe de vaca your bullying tactics are more demeaning to yourself then to the people you are bad mouthing.

If you would or could, would you answer a few questions in an intelligible way. Especially the following:
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members
who own,  
                and run,
                              Elk Konnected?
Who is their Leader?


Yup, Jefe, they're gossiping, alright... ;D...From what my friends down there tell me, they have bets running on how many more pages this is going to go... ;D :o ;D


Then let's just stop this at the quick:
Jeffe and Ross----duke it out with facts.  Ross seems to have some, Jeffe....not so much.

Then the pages will diminish and we will still get to crank our necks at a 'somethin, sometin' until someone sets them straight...like someone from the ELK KONNECTED community  (without tables, please!)
ready, and scratching my head


How many more pages will this thread go?  Considering that Ross is doing most of the posting himself and he doesn't seem to mind typing the same thing over and over and over, and a single post of his can take up most of a page, it could go on forever.

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