Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: greatguns on July 28, 2011, 09:44:02 PM
Keep listening!  Never have told everything I know :-X
Yea, but first ya have to know something, right?


Who are the admitted members who own, and run, Elk Konnected?


It doesn't look like anybody knows anything about the EK or the EK LLC.

Even the so-called defenders/supports know nothing, yet they seem to trust such operations.

Much worse is the government support of such foolishness like the EK.


Red, I do believe you are so right. Someone claims to know something just to sound important. And really doesn't know anything. And that just doesn't float.

Oh, did you hear the Navy just fired their 14th highly respected person this year?
Number 14 supposedly fired for drinking. That's one of them there highly respected
officers and a gentleman know as a Commanding Officer. I do believe there is more
to that story then is politically correct to report.
Sure, we can surely trust our government to be transparent, that is if it is politically correct for them.

Just like Elk Konnected in my opinion?

No organization runs strictly on volunteers or followers.
So why, if it is all it's cracked up to be, why won't they talk with us?

And answer a few questions, like?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

I do believe if they are proud of their organization they would be tickled to discuss it. Don't you?
Also what is the affiliation of our newspaper editor to Elk Konnected, just how or what does that mean?


LOL...OMG...Here we go...

Backs to the wall, boys...It's going to be a bumpy over 200 page ride...Again! lol


That's right young lady. No end until Elk Konnected talks and and answers some questions.
And I believe everyone including you and Elk Konnected and others are either monitoring, or reading or posting to this thread.

I think you keep coming back out of curiosity to find out WHO?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who are the admitted members who own,
and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

I can say that because this thread has been Read 22674 times and Elk County only has a population of just under 3000.
I doubt Elk Konnected's web sight has had a forth that many hits. So yes more than a few people are interested.
So you OMG and LOL all you want.
Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 01:05:41 AM
LOL...OMG...Here we go...
Backs to the wall, boys...It's going to be a bumpy over 200 page ride...Again! lol


I keep coming back for the very same reason that you can't turn away as you pass a hideous wreck...Morbid curiousity to see just exactly how long this line of diatribe is going to continue.  Nah...I couldn't care less who, or what UFO-riding creature, is at the helm of EK.  It is enough to know that they are trying to work as a cohesive unit to do good for Elk County, Severy, or wherever.  I don't question a miracle, Mr. Ross...And as independent and unable to work together as some people are down there, it stands as nothing short of a small miracle that there's a group of people, uniting for the single cause of bettering everyone's life down there.  The easiest way to stop a miracle is to start questioning why it exists.

You go right on, manufacturing another over 200 pages of grins and giggles, Mr. Ross...Yes, I'll be here, telling you that you and your buddies are all pretty and that, yes, you have been noticed...And everyone can go away happy.  ;D 


Quote from: Ross on July 30, 2011, 05:44:54 AM
... So yes more than a few people are interested.

Not to mention the talk in the street.  And people are talking.

People wanting to know who owns Elk Konnected. What's their long range plan to 'Konnect' the county of Elk?  Surely they aren't just shooting from the hip.   Why are so few involved so deeply in the peoples' business?  Government officials wearing Elk Konnected hats while claiming to do the peoples' business.  Why?  How are they using government to accomplish their goals?  What do they know that the rest do not?  What role does Public Square Communities, LLC play in the future of Elk County?

And the answers all flow from one question:  Who are the legal owners of Elk Konnected, LL?C?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
It is enough to know that they are trying to work as a cohesive unit to do good for Elk County, Severy, or wherever.  

Based on what facts... other than what EK says about themselves?  And who, exactly, are they?

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
I don't question a miracle, Mr. Ross...  

And now EK is somehow a miracle???  Even God in all His omnipotence and mystery is more transparent in His plans and purpose for mankind.

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
And as independent and unable to work together as some people are down there, it stands as nothing short of a small miracle that there's a group of people, uniting for the single cause of bettering everyone's life down there.

"Everyone's life"?  Bettering how, exactly?  And who's 'everyone'?

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
The easiest way to stop a miracle is to start questioning why it exists.

No, the easiest way to garner appreciation for a miracle is for people to know its' true source.

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
You go right on, manufacturing another over 200 pages of grins and giggles, Mr. Ross...Yes, I'll be here, telling you that you and your buddies are all pretty and that, yes, you have been noticed...And everyone can go away happy.  ;D  

I'm sure he will continue...as will you.  It's just too bad you would adopt the un-American stance that says a few people and special interests should be able to manipulate government at will, with little or no transparency.  Trust me.... the grins and giggles are mostly your own.

So who are the miracle workers and what are the measurable results of their miracle?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
Nah...I couldn't care less who, or what UFO-riding creature, is at the helm of EK

Are you saying a UFO-riding creature is the Leader of Elk Konnected? Wow, what planet are you from to be so supportive of them.

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
It is enough to know that they are trying to work as a cohesive unit to do good for Elk County, Severy, or wherever. 
: exhibiting or producing cohesion or coherence
What is coherent about not knowing who owns Elk Konnected or Elk Konnected, LLC?
What good are they doing? Pray tell more about this miracle.

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
I don't question a miracle, Mr. Ross...
How is this a miracle, I don't get it. Miracles are of God and God doesn't hide does he?
And I can't figure out if you are talking UFO-riding creature or God, are you confused too?

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
it stands as nothing short of a small miracle that there's a group of people,
There are groups of people all over the earth and they all have leaders that do not hide unless they are criminals. So you see it is not a miracle to have a group of people.
Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
there's a group of people, uniting for the single cause of bettering everyone's life down there. 
How? You really believe that story you are being fed don't you?
I don't get the down there, are you really from another planet?

Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
The easiest way to stop a miracle is to start questioning why it exists.
Even the hierarchy of the catholic church question miracles, don't you see?
I don't question real miracles of God but this is not a miracle. Don't you see the way you have misused the word?

But you keep coming back and try to convince us of the good and great wizard of OZ and miracles and aliens and such.
It is so much fun to read about.

Just funnin' Catwoman didn't you say lighten up? LOL

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


Quote from: Catwoman on July 30, 2011, 07:49:16 AM
Mr. Ross...Yes, I'll be here, telling you that you and your buddies are all pretty and that, yes, you have been noticed...And everyone can go away happy.  ;D 

Do you really think I'm pretty? I'd prefer handsome, but really I ain't that either.
But you know what they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?
Who steers the steering committee?

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