Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on July 12, 2011, 08:25:24 AM
The Economic Development Council has existed for years, to try to attract economic development to Elk County.  The problem is, no one really wants economic development in Elk County.


Thank you for opening a sane discussion!  And while I may disagree on some of your points, you make a great one in the beginning.  It's really all about attitude!  And it's attitude, more than anything else, that can stifle or promote growth.  Doing nice things for our kids and cleaning up the ditches are nice & welcome.  But attitudes must change before a shrinking county can be revived.  Attitudes about how government is run, about how tax money is spent, about 'those people', and attitudes about ourselves.  Elk County is down in some respects, but never out, IMO.  If we can refresh attitudes about 'growth' we might just recover.  Maybe not this week, but recover we can.  And it has to be bigger than petty community kerfuffles. I'm no cattle guru, but why not a sale barn in our county?  Why not a slaughter facility, why not some of the things you mention, and why not some agro-tourism?  If it attracts new people, voluntary spending in the local economy and provides some local jobs... why not?  Wouldn't that be real economic growth?

Good observations Catwoman.  Thanks.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 12, 2011, 08:25:24 AM
The Economic Development Council has existed for years, to try to attract economic development to Elk County.  The problem is, no one really wants economic development in Elk County.  The comment I used to hear was, if economic development came to Elk County, it would attract "that kind of person"...What kind?  The taxpaying kind?  The kind with kids?  The kind that might move in and stay longer than one or two years?  There are those who believe that agri-tourism is the way to go...And I just laugh when I hear that.  Agri-tourism only goes so far...REAL economic development, on the level needed to rejuvenate Elk County, would have to be on the level of attracting a meat packing plant.  There are four main crops in Elk County...Welfare, kids, cattle and rock.  Martin Marietta has the corner on the rock market...The school system is dealing with the kids...Welfare is taking care of those who can't manage on their own...So that leave cattle.  Yeah, yeah, yeah...I've heard the arguments about the lack of potable water.  The main fact remains, you've got cattle everywhere you look down there...There needs to be some development in that area in order for there to be real economic advancement in Elk County.  Agri-tourism dollars are a drop in the bucket, compared to what you could be reaping through the cattle avenue.

Damn you made sense!  Agritourism, ROTFLMAO.  OOOOOk  Not something i would spend my hard earned money on!    IF i am going on vacation, you can bet i'm going to go where theres a hell of a lot more than grass, cows and windfarm turbines!  Shoot, when i think of vacation that means, mountains, hills, rapids, woods, rock climbing, fine dining, (which means you actually spend decent money on some fine italian or greek or even russian foods), Maybe a day at the dog track,  fishing (And i mean real fishing).  Sorry but there isn't a real river around here that i have found that could qualify.  GIve me a river like the white river over in Arkansas.  Deep, colder than a witchs tit and loaded with every kind of fish you can shake a stick at.  Hog hunting, now you can load up on meat for your freezer doing that! Plus it can get exciting.  

THe meat packing plant seems like a no brainer for a industry here. Go figure.  Why ship your cows out west to fatten and send to packing plant. THeres enough beef in this area to support a slaughterhouse!    Heck, this area would actually make a nice place for a technology company if they could get the qualiified people. THat would take a lot of planning and steering the young into that field and preparing them through education but long term goals are what keep a county growing.

Your comment attract what kind of people?  You mean the outsiders who will come in and bring new money into the county, bring new taxes, kids, education, intellegence, and yeah some might be snooty and snotty, but i love the snooty and snotty especially as i am depositing their money into my bank account!  I double the price for snooty and snotty!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I don't know anything about this guy, I just stumbled on him.
And I thought I'd share something he said simply because I like it.

By Wesley Pruden
What we've got is war—a war between the taxpayers and the tax-eaters. The tax-eaters can't understand why the taxpayers won't shovel out the swag, salute as usual, and shut up.

It goes well with,  Maggie Thatcher years ago diagnosed the terminal ailment of socialists. "They always run out of other people's money."


Maybe you guys should read the previous pages.  The questions that you ask have been answered.  Have you been skipping posts?


Quote from: Wilma on July 12, 2011, 10:20:13 AM
Maybe you guys should read the previous pages.  The questions that you ask have been answered.  Have you been skipping posts?
Wilma. Wilma, Wilma,

We are not asking about the volunteers/followers and I think everyone understands that.

Please read the following questions and then please quote where they have been answered, if you can do that.
Thank you. No smoke and mirrors please.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is your Leader?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?

Diane Amberg

I still don't understand why you think anybody "steers" the steering committee. Why aren't they the top? If you have that list, don't you have it all? Why do you think there is anyone else?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 12, 2011, 11:52:57 AM
I still don't understand why you think anybody "steers" the steering committee. Why aren't they the top? If you have that list, don't you have it all? Why do you think there is anyone else?
They are simply volunteers/followers nothing more from what I have read.
Smoke and mirrors that's why.
They claim nobody owns it or are registered members.

I don't even know if Elk Konnected and Elk Konnected, LLC are one and the same?

So that brings up another question does Elk Konnected, LLC that uses Mr. Fishes name only for the purpose of having a name on the paper (so we have been told in a previous posts) make a profit with the large number of users of it's fitness center? Is it a non-profit? I think, it was indicated that it was not in earlier posts but who knows? If the fitness center is non-profit who benefits from the income it makes?

Did you like that quote in my earlier post? Oh, here it is again.

By Wesley Pruden
What we've got is war—a war between the taxpayers and the tax-eaters. The tax-eaters can't understand why the taxpayers won't shovel out the swag, salute as usual, and shut up.

It goes well with,  Maggie Thatcher years ago diagnosed the terminal ailment of socialists. "They always run out of other people's money."

What  happened to sodbuster with all the Education and Sophistication of a Californian with connections of a family involved in Elk County with all the answers?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are their admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

What are their real goals?

How do they plan to meet their goals? So sodbuster everyone want's to know what you know, please enlighten us.

Diane Amberg

I'm still not understanding. If there is a steering committee, and I thought that's what I read LONG ago, then they would be the closest to "leaders" that there are.  Why do you still think differently? As far as the fitness center, I would think the money they make would go right back into rent, utilities, repairs and cleaning, paper, bathroom supplies, etc. Where else would it go unless they have a paid formal exercise leader to hold organized scheduled exercise classes. Someone from the forum who goes could answer that. Perhaps like the swimmercise program at the pool?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 12, 2011, 01:24:27 PM
I'm still not understanding. If there is a steering committee, and I thought that's what I read LONG ago, then they would be the closest to "leaders" that there are.  Why do you still think differently? As far as the fitness center, I would think the money they make would go right back into rent, utilities, repairs and cleaning, paper, bathroom supplies, etc. Where else would it go unless they have a paid formal exercise leader to hold organized scheduled exercise classes. Someone from the forum who goes could answer that. Perhaps like the swimmercise program at the pool?
I can't give anybetter of an explanation Diane, if you can not understand what I said, I'm soryy that's the best I can do?
No organization runs on volunteers/followers alone, or they would not need to be an organization.

Check out all the real organizations in the world, do a google on any of them asn see how rhey are organized. And let me know if you see smoke and mirrors>



There are very sizable organizations in this world that operate without any formal leadership, or with nominal leadership that flows from one person to another as needed, based solely on the consensus of those being led. 

A rather pertinent example would be the Society of Friends, commonly referred to as the Quaker religion.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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