Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: flintauqua on July 08, 2011, 12:13:12 PM
"Politeness, the most acceptable hypocrisy."
Ambrose Bierce
Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on July 08, 2011, 01:18:12 PM
and the most POISONOUS...

Well since you must.
Politeness: The Most Acceptable Hypocrisy. -- Ambrose Bierce: "The Devil's Dictionary"
I don't subscribe to "The Devil's Dictionary".
Sorry. So thatsMRSc2u Do you subscribe as?well??
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Leader?


Quote from: Ross on July 08, 2011, 02:28:37 PM
...]"The Devil's Dictionary".

The devil's in the details Ross.  Maybe that's why folks are unwilling to share details.  They don't want us, or the rest of the taxpayers, to meet the devil head on.  Maybe those not really answering and those distracting want to keep him all to themselves.

Being too comfortable with the status quo isn't always a good thing.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from Patriot:
Interesting how liberal progressives always persist in trying to humiliate, demonize and ridicule those they don't agree with or topics/concepts they fail to understand.

Could we get a big fat AMEN to that ?


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 08, 2011, 08:07:26 AM
The fair in Longton is called the Longton Elk County Fair. You can't just say Elk County fair because both Howard and Longton hold fairs in the summer. During the year that the 4-H fair is in the town they call it the 4-H fair, like this year it is Howard Elk County 4-H fair, and Longton is called Longton Elk County Free Fair. I think that is how they do it. Might be wrong, but I enjoy both of the fairs!!

First off, Longton does call their fair the Longton Free Fair not the Longton Elk County Fair. You can read the sign on the highway.

From Skyways.org on Longton.
Special Events
The "Ozark Jamboree" on Thursday evenings in Longton is fun & free.  Amateur singing and performance in Brighton Hall

The Longton Free Fair every summer offers classic rural fair events: Food by a local group, exhibits of kids' projects and a rodeo.
Each fall, the wolf hunters of Kansas hold their field trials in and around Longton.  More dogs than you'll ever want to see unless you're a wolfhunter.

Second copying directly from the newspaper on the front page Please read my quote from an earlier post:
Quote from: Ross on July 08, 2011, 07:07:43 AM
But wait a minute the District Director and Agent 4-H and Ag & Natural Resources called it The Elk County 4-H Fair,
right there on the front page of the newspaper.
IMHO I think he is very right in his title of the fair so other titles must be wrong, right??

Quote from: Catwoman on July 08, 2011, 08:13:05 AM
In other words, Angie...Just good ol' common sense at work...Gee.  Pretty simple stuff, Rosco...There ya go!
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Leader?


Quote from: jarhead on July 08, 2011, 02:40:56 PM
Could we get a big fat AMEN to that ?

More likely to get flamed in these parts.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jarhead on July 08, 2011, 02:40:56 PM
Quote from Patriot:
Interesting how liberal progressives always persist in trying to humiliate, demonize and ridicule those they don't agree with or topics/concepts they fail to understand.

Could we get a big fat AMEN to that ?

Amen, brother. And Halleluyah.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 08, 2011, 01:55:02 PM
You must...You're devlishly irritating! lol  ::) ;D
Now that I seriously appreciate.
I love it, very funny.
I'm serious I'm chuckling up a storm.
:D :angel: :laugh: ::) :o :angel:
And I am not being the least bit sarcastic. I love it.
But No I'm sorry I don't subscribe to "The Devil's Dictionary"


Awwww, don't be sorry in the least, Ross...You're just the same as the rest of us.  None of us subscribe to anything having to do with the head of Hades...And all of us are capable of being supremely irritating.  That's what makes this adult playground such a fun place...You just never know what it is that you're going to read on here! lol  ;) ;D


I guess you didn't see that I said I wasn't sure. Sorry that I messed that up, too!! You really do come off as being so perfect in this whole county. I for one, am not!!! I have only been around Elk County for nearly 37 years only lived here about oh 18 years. I did state that I liked both fairs!! DID YOU NOT SEE THAT????
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Angie...He's definently not perfect...And far from being any kind of definitive, representative voice for mainstream Elk County.

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