Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on May 15, 2011, 07:15:55 AM
You keep talking about tax dollars being spent on Howard improvements.  Do you care to enlarge on that?  Just what improvements in Howard, such as the clock tower, has tax money been used for?  List them and keep it simple.  There is no need to enlarge your post with your opinion.  The facts, sir, just the facts.

And if I remember right, the one fair was to be a new facility, centrally located, which is certainly not Howard.

Wilma, are you talking to me?
If so.
I don't believe, I have mentioned that the tax dollars are used for improvements in Howard.
I do believe, I have said tax dollars are used by a Howard business. 
I was refering to Elk Konnected, LLC a Howard business.

I also believe I have mentioned that I don't understand their community boundaries. For instance how does Severy in Greenwood County fit in to Elk County? What's with the bias?

That remark about centrally locarted, that sounds like what people told me was said about the West Elk High School which was suppose to be built at the rodeo grounds yet it is just a quarter of a mile outside of Howard. That reminds me of the remarks about the Fitness Center in Howard. I believe they said they checked the other communities but there was nothing in the other communities that was up to Howards standards. Soomething to that effect.


They did check other fitness centers and found that what other communities had cost too much for this area.

Severy is included in the Elk Konnected because it is connected to Elk County.  I lived in Severy for 25 years.  My children, two of whom now live in Howard, grew up in Severy.  Severy is connected to Elk County because they are in USD 282, which is based in Elk County.

At the time the West Elk High School was built, it could not be built in the vicinity of the rodeo grounds because of the proximity of the then fully operational rock quarry.

Is Elk Konnected, LLC an operating business in Howard?  Or is it just an organization of people who are interested in improving the area?

And what about the tax dollars?  Just how is tax dollars included in this for anything except the school?

Diane Amberg

Ross, I was talking about the clock, which I think everybody likes and people also donated to help get it. It wasn't just tax dollars. As far as combining the Gov't functions, I don't know enough about the real pros and cons to have an educated opinion. Since Howard, like it or not, is the County Seat, I can see why some things would tend to cluster there. I also understand that the other little towns are, in a sense, fighting for their lives and don't want any other place to over shadow them. The lack of people is really tough.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 15, 2011, 09:36:23 AM
Ross, I was talking about the clock, which I think everybody likes and people also donated to help get it. It wasn't just tax dollars. As far as combining the Gov't functions, I don't know enough about the real pros and cons to have an educated opinion. Since Howard, like it or not, is the County Seat, I can see why some things would tend to cluster there. I also understand that the other little towns are, in a sense, fighting for their lives and don't want any other place to over shadow them. The lack of people is really tough.

I have enjoyed hearing the clock on occassion and none of what I have said was concerning the clock. Also, I don't live in any of these little communities but have enjoyed the uniqueness of each and the decent people that live in them. I have enjoyed their festivals and their parades. I truely believe if Elk Konnected, LLC wanted to make a real difference they would help these little communities acquire the community grants that are or have been available to them. But I fear with all the cut backs in government spending across the country those will disappear. By such action versus trying to get involved in governmental control they could have truely made a name for themselves. To me ir's all about attitude and ethics.

In the near future we all may need to rely on each other to survive. Help a neighbor with a basket of vegatables from the garden, a dozen eggs to another neighbor, it's all about attitude. One community being better than the other has no part in attitude or ethics.

I grew up as a cub scout and a boy scout often wondering where the dime for the meeting was coming from. We played at the park and up and down the rivers and creeks, As we got older farmers allowed us to hunt rabbits across their pastures, we hiked for miles. And we never got obese. VBS was another great thing. None of these activities took a private company raising money and bragging about themselves to themselves. I took my scouts oath and lived by it. I joined the military took that oath and lived by it as well.

I'm saying ethics and attitude use to be of great importance in this country. If those had remained in tact through the years in politics and banking our country would not be in the trouble it is in today. These little communities in Elk County still appear to have those qualities and that is one of the reasons I live here.

Have you ever been to Independence, Kansas? Ever heard of Neewollah? Today it is a pretty large event in Independence, people arrive from all over the country. They had a great promoter a Mr. Halsey which helped the festival tremendously for many years. Now that's the way to boost a communities economy at least once a year. Their festival runs for a week give or take a day. All the motel rooms get book for miles around. Some people even stay in the motel in Longton I understand. Of course you have to start small just as they did in the early 1900's. Suggestions of that nature are not desirable. You can't force a garden to grow to fruit over night but you can nurture it and enjoy watching it grow until the fruit appears.


Ok, haven't talked on this subject for awhile been other things on my mind. But I did talk to a person that knows things and I do still think that Elk Konnect is a good thing. But have found out things about it, which doesn't change my view on it at all, but I don't believe that posting what I have found out is the thing to do. I feel that putting the information that I have heard on this forum just isn't right. But I think no matter if tax dollars are spent on Elk Konnect or not, that won't change the need that some of you have to answer questions. I do know that I am not involved in Elk Konnect, but do support what they are trying to do. Also, the talk about one fair and fair ground has been around as long as I can remember. I am not worried that there will be any change on there being a Howard and a Longton Fair. I just don't see this happening. I also don't see one local government happening either. It just doesn't make sense. Each community needs there own government or town council, each community has different needs and with a central government I can't see each of those needs being met.

That's all I will say. I don't think that Elk Konnect and Elk County are in anyway the same thing. So, is this thread about Elk County or Elk Konnect, I am confused????
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 16, 2011, 06:54:44 AM
...I don't think that Elk Konnect and Elk County are in anyway the same thing. So, is this thread about Elk County or Elk Konnect, I am confused????

Try this.... It's about an incestuous relationship between the two of them that results in a fading of the lines between public & private enterprise leading to conflicts of interest on the part of government and officially promoted & sanctioned gang rape of the taxpayer at large by private special interests.  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! Link=topic=11780.msg162083#msg162083 date=1305550484
Ok, haven't talked on this subject for awhile been other things on my mind. But I did talk to a person that knows things and I do still think that Elk Konnect is a good thing. But have found out things about it, which doesn't change my view on it at all, but I don't believe that posting what I have found out is the thing to do. I feel that putting the information that I have heard on this forum just isn't right. But I think no matter if tax dollars are spent on Elk Konnect or not, that won't change the need that some of you have to answer questions. I do know that I am not involved in Elk Konnect, but do support what they are trying to do. Also, the talk about one fair and fair ground has been around as long as I can remember. I am not worried that there will be any change on there being a Howard and a Longton Fair. I just don't see this happening. I also don't see one local government happening either. It just doesn't make sense. Each community needs there own government or town council, each community has different needs and with a central government I can't see each of those needs being met.

That's all I will say. I don't think that Elk Konnect and Elk County are in anyway the same thing. So, is this thread about Elk County or Elk Konnect, I am confused????

You said, "But I did talk to a person that knows things and I do still think that Elk Konnect is a good thing. " Good for you, talking to someone that knows things. Did they tell you that Elk Konnected, LLC is a company and that you cannot be a member of the company. And that people are used a volunteer to fulfill the needs of the members of Elk Konnected . No one has said that Elk Konnected, LLC can not be a good thing. It's seems a lot of people misconstrue what is actually written. In fact no one has actually said it's a bad thing. We just feel as a non-profit, tax free organization wanting to shape our governments in Elk County should be as transparent as everyone wants our national political system to be. Come out of hiding, so to say.

You said."I also don't see one local government happening either. It just doesn't make sense. Each community needs there own government or town council, each community has different needs and with a central government I can't see each of those needs being met." Elk Konnected, LLC proposed exactly that as a big idea, now why do you suppose they would do that? We who have been asking the questions are simply trying to get people to open their eyes and see for themselves.

You said." But have found out things about it, which doesn't change my view on it at all, but I don't believe that posting what I have found out is the thing to do. That just doesn't sound to positive.But you know you aren't required to share anything at all. So enjoy that information and be happy.

You said, "I do know that I am not involved in Elk Konnect, but do support what they are trying to do." Can you enlighten us as to exactly what you think they are trying to do?

You said, "Also, the talk about one fair and fair ground has been around as long as I can remember. I am not worried that there will be any change on there being a Howard and a Longton Fair." I have to ask you, why do you suppose it was written in Elk Konnected, LLC's proposals to the Elk County Commissioners?

Elk Konnected, LLC has shown that they controlled what was turned in to the Elk County Commissioners. So the business of people making suggestions just doesn't cut it. Unless of course you know who made the suggestions. You see Elk konnected does not document any of this type of information, There again a lack of transparency.

You said, "So, is this thread about Elk County or Elk Konnect, I am confused????" Don't be confused any longer. This thread is about Elk County, all of the communities in Elk County and rural areas and Elk Konnected, LLC. Because they are all tied together. And it's about open and honest communication. I hope that clears things up.



Quote from: Patriot on May 16, 2011, 07:07:46 AM

Try this.... It's about an incestuous relationship between the two of them that results in a gang rape of the taxpayer. 

Let's play nice Patriot. ROFLMBO


Quote from: Ross on May 16, 2011, 08:25:49 AM
Let's play nice Patriot. ROFLMBO

Oh... you said 'take the high road' not 'let's get high and take to the road'... sorry.  I recoated it with some chocolate... sorta.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You got your humor fined tuned this morning. Good job.

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