Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: srkruzich on May 03, 2011, 09:54:09 PM
Ross the school is private property and is not subject to the city doing anything.  That is the right of the owner. 
They did talk about condemning the mans property and even about sending the man the bill for clean up

Okay, but I thought mtcookson was talking about private property. I guess I misunderstood. Thank you.


Quote from: Wilma on May 03, 2011, 08:47:25 PM
You might do a search and read all the posts concerning the old school house.  Then you will better understand the situation.
Thank you Wilma.


Quote from: mayflower on May 03, 2011, 01:47:22 PM
I just called the city office and talked to the clerk.  Elk Konnected had NOTHING to do with the city hiring the person to leave the signs.  They had a person hired in the past and decided that they needed to hire someone because the citizens of the city were complaining about the properties being messy.

Awesome, good to know. Thanks!

Quote from: srkruzich on May 03, 2011, 09:54:09 PM
Ross the school is private property and is not subject to the city doing anything.  That is the right of the owner. 
They did talk about condemning the mans property and even about sending the man the bill for clean up

Its actually owned by a corporation, trust, or something along those lines. A person doesn't own it.


To the person that e-mailed me directly. I have never intended to be belittling or abusive on this forum. I don't operate behind closed doors. The number of years in school or the number of degrees a person holds or how smart they think they are does not provide all the answers. I have associated with people who are members of Mensa and some couldn't tie their own shoes while others were brilliant. I myself am not papered, but I have a lifetime of experience and I do listen to other people with more experience than my self. I also like to believe that I can stand constructive criticism and accept it generously. I also try my best to verify what I am talking about. I also try to be as honest as possible.

I guess since I am not papered I make mistakes, oh yea - I'm human -- and have made a lot of mistakes in my lifetime so far and will probably make more and hope to learn from them. So you see I wasn't  judging you only replying to your responses. I sincerely apologize if I hurt your feelings.

Yes, we can agree to disagree. I have a friend on one of the committees but I am not about to lose a friend over it.

What I was saying on this link is that Elk Konnected, LLC is a privately owned company. That is what LLC means, limited liability company. The reason Elk Konnected LLC is required to be licensed is to have a non-profit status in order to avoid paying taxes. Who ever the locals are that own it have names on the business license. I am almost sure that it would unlawful to fabricate names to represent no-one to the Kansas State Department of Commerce and the IRS. You could if you wanted, verify that with the Kansas Dept of Commerce and the IRS if you doubt what I am telling you. I and others have even posted information form the Kansas department of Commerce on this link. Why do they insist on saying they don't use our tax money?

You may be a member of one of their committees, a volunteer. You may attend one or more of their community conversations but that does not make you a member of the company and only means you are doing their bidding. Their main bidding is the strength they acquire by having more people think they are part of Elk Konnected LLC and do their volunteer work.

Don't you think you should know who you are working for as a volunteer?


I was listening to the radio this morning while taking my son to the school bus. We like to listen to these dj's, make phone calls to people and ask dumb questions. And most times the answers are really funny.

This morning the question was, "You know the car the Jaguar, they have an animal junping off the hood, could you tell me what that animal is?

One person said, " I'm busy can you call me back later and I'll answer all your questions."

Another said," A lion".

And yet ansother person said, "A tiger."

One person said honestly, "I don't know."

At the time it was sort of funny.

For some reason, I just don't find that all that funny now.


This I find amazing.

Civics lesson: 'We have a crisis on our hands'
Article by: SAM DILLON , New York Times
Updated: May 4, 2011 - 10:39 PM

Knowledge about the Bill of Rights, Congress and how the branches of government work stumped many students tested nationwide. Summary.

Fewer than half of U.S. eighth-graders knew the purpose of the Bill of Rights on the most recent national civics examination, and only one in 10 demonstrated acceptable knowledge of the checks and balances among the legislative, executive and judicial branches, according to test results released on Wednesday.

At the same time, three-quarters of high school seniors who took the test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, were unable to demonstrate civic skills like identifying the effect of United States foreign policy on other nations or naming a power granted to Congress by the Constitution.

27,000 students tested

"Today's NAEP results confirm that we have a crisis on our hands when it comes to civics education," said former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who last year founded icivics.org, a nonprofit group that teaches students civics through Web-based games and other tools.

The Department of Education administered the tests, known as the nation's report card, to 27,000 fourth-, eighth- and 12th-grade students last year. Questions cover themes including how government is financed, what rights are protected by the Constitution and how laws are passed.

Average fourth-grade scores on the test's 300-point scale rose slightly since the exam was last administered, in 2006, to 157 from 154. Average eighth-grade scores were virtually unchanged at 151. The scores of high school seniors -- students who are either eligible to vote or about to be -- dropped to 148 from 151. Those scores mean that about a quarter of 4th- and 12th-grade students, and about one-fifth of eighth-graders ranked at the proficient or advanced levels.

"The results confirm an alarming and continuing trend that civics in America is in decline," said Charles Quigley, executive director of the Center for Civic Education, a nonprofit based in California. "During the past decade or so, educational policy and practice appear to have focused more and more upon developing the worker at the expense of developing the citizen."

One bright spot in the results was that Hispanic students, who make up a growing proportion of the nation's population and student body, narrowed the gap between their scores and those of non-Hispanic white students. On average, Hispanic eighth-graders scored 137 and non-Hispanic whites 160. That 23-point gap was down from 29 points in 2006. Among high school seniors, the gap narrowed to 19 points from 24 in 2006.

The black-white achievement gap, which is about 25 points at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels and 29 points among seniors, did not change significantly.

At the bottom

The results showed that a smaller proportion of fourth- and eighth-graders demonstrated proficiency in civics than in any other subject the federal government has tested since 2005, except history, U.S. students' worst subject.

"We face difficult challenges at home and abroad," O'Connor said. "Meanwhile divisive rhetoric and a culture of sound bites threaten to drown out rational dialogue and debate. We cannot afford to continue to neglect the preparation of future generations for active and informed citizenship."


If the the schools were teaching the right civics, we'd have less central gov't.

Schools ought to be turning out thousands of States Righters each year.
Instead, they're teaching them the ways of socialism and big government more than ever.

Ross you're doing a fine job.  It's good to see somebody on the ball.  Stay right in there. 


Don't like politics, never have and never will!! It's just to much of who you are. I am really not sure what the teach about government. I guess that will be another thing I will have to do research on. They have state standards that the state is to teach so I will have to check that out.

I have to put a boost out. I am a 4-H leader and this year our younger kids did gavel games. That is where they have to learn about running a meeting, and all the procedures that are involved with meetings. The kids learned alot!! Probably can run a meeting that would make some people go WOW!! I didn't know that is how a meeting is ran. It is amazing the stuff that I learned, too!! Ok, just putting a good thing about 4-H in there, had to!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

This may be a bit off topic, but I do agree that civics and geography too, should be more important in school curriculum. I don't worry too much about the third and fourth graders who are just really being introduced to the idea of gov't and are still learning to read. But eighth graders and high school students should have more and with all the computer programs ,films  and independent learning possibilities it could and should be made very interesting for any level. I know some areas seem now to be worried more about their kids taking just those things that will help them get a job. But I think that's very short sighted.
 Red, public schools are charged with teaching the children of all parents, Democrats, Republicans, Independent, far right, far left, you name it.The public schools can't just turn out thousands of states righters. As far as teaching them the ways of socialism and big gov't, yes, kids are taught what it is, just as they are taught what communism and capitalism is and how it works. They are not taught that socialism is a better choice from what we have now. The taxes of ALL people pay for kid's public educations, not just the taxes from the far right or the conservatives. Your statement is incorrect, IMHO!
Pam, great plug for 4-H!  Good for you.That is where I too learned about Parliamentary Procedure and Roberts' Rules many. many years ago.


Diane, it's most likely never going to change in the public schools.  Your kind dominate the public schools.  There's no improving the public schools.  Public schools ought to be abolished.     

Our country is headed towards a "better" socialism and one world government which "so-called" conservatives seem to favor over the principles of our States and the U. S. Constitution of our founding fathers.

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