Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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For those who obviously missed, or chose to ignore it and for those silent readers who are evaluating the dialogue here...

I have come to believe there is something rotten in our local wood pile.  There has been for some time.  Undue influence of the few over the best interests of the many.  I was warned of this soon after we located to Elk County several years ago.  I'm discovering that many others have been likewise warned.  Apparently this has been the case for years.  The 'good ole boys' factor doesn't even begin to cover it.  The putrefaction in our midst has become intolerable as Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure involving well announced open public hearings to debate public policy have been effectively thrown out the window in favor of the consensus management (by hired professionals) of vulnerable, uninformed citizens, using well adapted, professionally implemented group control techniques.  I opine that such crony capitalism & public manipulation have become the rule rather than the exception.

Such 'alternatives' to elected representation & public debate become abrasive to the spirit of liberty when government officials abandoned their responsibilities of above board constituent representation by turning those responsibilities over to an elite group of unelected cronies, giving heed to their desires and openly rewarding them with taxpayer monies and the use of other taxpayer/voter resources.  Even to the point of making a local government employee's primary function that of a fundraiser and a government paid lackey for the same elite, non-elected group and elected officials who trumpet that group. The influenced votes of figureheads are not necessarily representative of the public's wishes.

This county is at best stagnant, and at worst dying.  Limited local employment, a shrinking population and the generous number of for sale signs give light to that truth.  This due, in my opinion, largely to the mismanagement of a few who quietly use government power to enhance their personal station and that of their families and close friends.  And that shouldn't be.  The people in this county may be blinded, but they aren't stupid.  Keep them uninformed, distract & dictate to them, make them think their input matters and they are kept numb and easily controlled.  Give them the chance, and they will see foolishness for what it is.  Ask questions in open forums, and the citizens at large will produce the right answers.  Let them be clearly heard, and our community can improve.   Not through centralized control and extra-government direction, but through the open, non-facilitated expressions of their needs, ideas, dreams & skills.   Even our state and federal representatives make themselves available in town hall settings, away from their ivory towers, to listen to their constituents.  Not so, our local representatives.  Elk county, in some regards, is no different than our entire country at this point... government needs to be open, honest, responsive and not directive, and needs get the hell out of the way of the people.

Many posters on this thread, through their words, have clearly demonstrated the antithesis of what liberty is all about.  They have (knowingly, unknowingly, coached or otherwise) associated themselves with the questionable actions of others by responding to openly submitted yet clear questions of fact with blind defenses, distractions, deflections, personal attacks and demands of silence.  Some have lowered themselves to back channel chatter & behaviors in efforts to silence those who would question the status quo in this thread.  Yet those poster's involvement was something they could have avoided or modified.  No such actions were required of them.  They freely chose to engage in the discussion and try to stifle debate rather than stimulate & further it.  Sad, really sad.

Stay connected, citizens.  Your liberty depends on it.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 21, 2011, 06:18:03 AM
Oh, I asked a county commissioner about this issue, just so you know. He is kind of related to me and you know what you could surely do the same and get the answers a lot faster then you have gotten them off of this thread.

That wouldn't be worth a nickle.  IF Ross were to go and ask, and then come back and say the County commissioner said.....it amounts to hearsay and no one believes it.  Just like he keeps saying, unless your an admitted member your just a follower and know nothing about EK LLC.  

Now i find this thread very telling.  I reflect back on how our forefathers founded this country and the ideals that have run this country for over 200 years.   Back then,  the majority didn't want a Republic based on a rule of law. They may not have been happy with the king but they were too afraid of losing what they had. SO the MAJORITY sat on their collective asses, and notice the word collective, much like today's citizens, they want to be included in a group a collective, no individuality, and they did nothing.  The very few men and women stood up and risked all. Did something about the king.  Shoot if they had Elk Konnected back then we would still be bowing before the crown.   These men came up AS INDIVIDUALS, expressed their concerns, their ideas and solutions AS INDIVIDUALS,not group therapy types, they didn't form circles and have 1 facilitator write down things then give them to another level. They themselves wrote down their ideas and solutions to the problem at hand. A tyrannical king.  Then they came together AS Individuals into a group and formed the articles and government.  Once that was done, Then the hard part came.  Keeping what they created.   ALL Of these men risked all they had, many lost all they had and died as paupers.

This can only be done as individuals not as groups of volunteers being led by facilitators.  Heck even the men who VOLUNTEERED to fight brought their own weapons and powder.  They all risked either all they had or their lives.  

This EK LLC risks nothing.  They consume.  What do they provide?  Street cleanup and balls for sports, and a gym. Big woop.  Its nice to have those things but they are not necessary.  And UTILIZING taxpayer funds should only be for necessary operations of government nothing else.  In fact its a disgrace that they would even have to utilize taxpayer funds to fund a ball team.  Gyms need to be left to free enterprise. NOT funded by taxpayer money.  Thats a luxury item not a necessity.  

There are some folks on here that are old enough to have lived through the great depression.  What would have happened back then if the county had spent money on a gym? or ball teams when most of its citizens were losing their farms and were hungry most of the time.  There would have been a gathering in front of the courthouse and i'll guarantee that most would have had shotguns and rifles to run the officials out of town.  Or there would have been a barrel out in front with ropes to tie and whip those individuals in the public square.  Tar and feathers come to mind too.

The simple fact is this.  The public has gotten so used to using stolen money to get things they want that they don't want to give up the Largess that they receive; forgetting that that largess is a millstone around the neck of each and every taxpayer, not just in Elk County but in EVERY county across the US.  Unless we stop the money-flow from going to every tom dick and harry, we will not even have a county or a farm or a house to live in.  You think its bad these days?  Think again, this is a Sunday picnic compared to what it will be soon when the hyperinflation kicks in from USING TAXPAYER MONEY TO FUND EVERYTHING.

It is truly Amazing how people just sit back and allow the PTB to take their money.  I saw a bit of spirit and fight in people last election when they tried to ramrod that 5 - 10 million dollar school bond (amounts still in question, never got the true cost), the people spoke and said enough!  I applaud all of those who stood up at the polls. Now you got to be vigilant to keep them from sneaking another bond or some form of tax to try again.  Make them stay in a budget.  
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on June 21, 2011, 06:09:02 AM
The REAL puppet master is the one who can tug one little string and get a whole lot of jumping around to occur...lol...Ross, you are so funny... ;D...I am just hoping this keeps up for another 100 pages...I've not had this much amusement in years!! 

You still haven't stated to what purpose you'll put all this information that you supposedly so desperately need...You certainly haven't followed up on any of the leads you've been presented with so far...So...The real question here would have to be why you keep persisting?  Narcissism has been suggested before...And I'd have to start agreeing at this point.

I don't believe for a minute there is anything funny about this subject, especially the Juvenile behavior of making fun of people because perhaps the puppet master says to. Nor is there anything amusing unless a person lacks the maturity to comprehend the subject.

The purpose is to bring your puppet master out in to the open. We are asking them to stop hiding, simple. Elk Konnected and Public Square Communities have stated goals of engaging the communities yet they won't do it. Why? When they refuse to become engaged.

I believe you are usiing the term on the wrong place, you see I am only here on this thread.  I feel certain Elk Konnected is watching on this thread, and have stated they would use this web site and cable tv and have used the newspaper weekly and have used one Magazine. They have even improperly used the County Government web site. Why are they afraid to come out of the closet? It is Elk Konnected that is all over the place. They are on our County Commissioners Board, They are or will be on Our School board, They are on one communnities police force of one. What else are they going to infiltrate? What are their goals? If you think that is funny or humorous it's time to grow up.

I am not looking for leads, I am looking for answers. I'm looking for Elk Konnected to come out of the closet.

So do you know?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?

Do you have an intellegent answers?


Quote from: Wilma on June 21, 2011, 07:01:30 AM

I wonder if maybe the reason no EKLLC members names are forthcoming is because they don't care to have them published in this manner.  After all, their names are in the paper quite often.

Given the overt pride their followers continually express in the organization, I would think the owners would at least take a public bow in thanks for the blind adoration.  'Their' names are never directly associated with their ownership of the privately entity.

Quote from: Wilma on June 21, 2011, 07:01:30 AM
...they are not being paid with taxpayer money.  I can't see where anyone has the right to demand that their names be published on this forum.

I don't believe their personal compensation was ever at issue, and no demands have been made... only requests.  Let's keep things in perspective.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on June 21, 2011, 07:01:30 AM
Janet, you are right.  mea culpa.  What a relief.


I retract my request for the names of all the sheriff's department employees.  They might not want their names out there in cyberspace.  If they do, they can post them.  I would still be interested in who all the employees are, though.  Also, who the road department employees are.  Those are the two largest Elk County departments that are being paid with taxpayer money.  It would be nice to know just who is receiving it. 

I wonder if maybe the reason no EKLLC members names are forthcoming is because they don't care to have them published in this manner.  After all, their names are in the paper quite often.  AND, they are not being paid with taxpayer money.  I can't see where anyone has the right to demand that their names be published on this forum.
What right do people in hiding have in asking for and recieving  taxpayers money and then denying they use taxpayers dollars. Read public Square Communities, LLC web site. It is a requirement to use taxpayers money to become accredited. Accredited means to join Public squares Private little club so you can keep paying them.

What right do people in hiding hve to claim credit in the newspaper for the Elk County Childrens Summer Day camp? What right do people in hiding have using our children as their tool  and weapon?

Now why don't you ask them to come out of hiding. Transparency has it's power of it's own and it appears that is what Elk Konnected  wants.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 21, 2011, 06:18:03 AM
Oh, I asked a county commissioner about this issue, just so you know. He is kind of related to me and you know what you could surely do the same and get the answers alot faster then you have gotten them off of this thread.
As I have told you in the past. You should seek his wisdom and advice. He possess's something College does not teach experience and honesty and the wisdom of age.

Appreciate the man.


Such a lot of words and still nothing to back up those words.  If there is something going on that there should not be in this county, let's have it investigated and settled the right way, instead of with a lot of words.

By the way, the Elk County Commissioners do not have to confer with the taxpayers when making a decision.  The fact that an organization decided to do that and then present their findings to the commissioners does not infer that someone else is running the county.  And if there were, wouldn't that someone be a fairly new comer to the county?  Or are you implying that an outsider is making our decisions?  If so, who and how do you know?

Ross, the only people that the EKLLC is hiding from is you and people like you that make demands, insinuations, innuendoes, etc. ad nauseum.

Why don't you seek the advice and wisdom of talking to the people that can answer your questions instead of demanding answers here?  Maybe because the answers are already here?


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 21, 2011, 06:13:53 AM
I had to calm down a little before I replied to your down right rude manner of this comment. Just because I choose not to post the names of the people that I know that are members of Elk Konnected doesn't mean that I'm dumb. I choose to not say because I feel it is common curtiousy not to put names of people out there. I'm not hidding a thing, I went and got some of the information that you asked about and you can do the same. But you choose to want to get it from here, that's your choice and I don't think your dumb for doing it, maybe not the way I would choose to get information but that is your choice. And Teresa and her husband run this whole forum, you have no right to tell anyone to get off this thread. If they choose to read it it is their choice, and if they choose to comment it's their choice not yours. Just because some of us choice to not pin point names and have actually went and talked to people about the subject and questions that you have been asking, we are now dumb!! WOW!!
I could care less if you provide names or not. In fact I would prefer you don't.
What i want is Elk Konnected to come clean. I want Elk Konnected to engage the citizens of the county in a real conversation, no circle of chairs, no manipulator from out of county.

If you were to tell me some names, there would be no assurance they would be true. So no I don't want you to give me names. I want them to come out on their own behalf.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Quote from: Wilma on June 21, 2011, 07:51:10 AM
Ross, the only people that the EKLLC is hiding from is you and people like you that make demands, insinuations, innuendoes, etc. ad nauseum.

Admitting that they hide from open, non-facilitated public discussion & debate doesn't help make their case.  In fact, it makes a strong  case in favor of backroom dealing and top down control.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I also take it they have no regard for the majority of tax paying citizens, The very people they claim to be there for. Because without the taxpaying citizens there would be no communities.
amkes me believe
That makes me feel they are not interested in pulling communities together. They are only gathering one or two people from each community and therefore makes me believe they are attempting undermining the communities ciyt councils. I wish they would come forward and put that suspicion, feeling and worry to rest. After all they now have the Longton City Police Officer working for them on their steering committee.

So come on Elk Konnected put all this and other questions to rest and have a real conversation.

And don't forget you still have time to right that apology in the paper. Apologizing to the Elk County Commissioners and Elk County citizens and tax payers for taking credit for the Elk County Summer Day Camp. You have time to step up to the ETHICAL plate.

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