The Pain has only just begun...!

Started by Warph, April 25, 2011, 01:02:39 AM

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Since Barack Hussein Obama took office, the policy of quantitative easing has touched off a monumental wave of inflation.  While our delightful bureaucrat clowns in Washington insist that, "Hey... we have inflation under control," a quick drive to the gas station helps us refute that pile of crap propaganda.  Americans' costs for energy and everything it helps produce and move.... most importantly, food... is dramatically increasing.  This hidden tax on seniors.... the poor..... the middle class.... is the direct result of Barack Hussein Obuma's policies of record setting deficit spending and restricting our access to energy.

And the pain has only just begun....!!!!

To retire our National Debt, we need to retire Barack Hussein Obuma.  

Of course, fixing our national economic woes is not as simple as just getting rid of the community organizer.... but it is the required first step.  We now have a few people in congress that know what to do, and are ready and willing to do it.  But their hands are tied by this poor excuse of a president.  

Some people believe he's intentionally damaging America, because they believe he's too smart not to know that we face a crisis and that his policies can't work.

I don't pretend to comprehend the inner child of his past that apparently impels him to pursue this current path of destruction.  My educated guess is that his leftist ideology blinds him to the inefficacy of failed liberal prescriptions but also that this same ideology tells him that if things don't get appreciably better, then that's OK, too, because America's had more than its fair share of prosperity anyway.  As the leftists' sense of fairness and "economic justice" tells them that people's incomes in this country should be more equitably distributed, it likewise tells them that the wealth of the world's nations should be more equitably distributed.  Call it "balance," the Obuma's administration's most recent euphemism of choice.  

No, thank you, I'll call it what it is.  Not balance, communism.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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