Windfarm funfacts... a little more sunshine

Started by Patriot, April 22, 2011, 08:48:43 AM

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Please refer to your childhood stories:
The Grasshopper and the Ant.

GREAT THEORY, if it works.


The citizens will not vote on how to spend the money.  Only the commissioners can do that.  The citizens voted on what they thought was the most important and reported to the commissioners.  The commissioners are not obligated to go along with that vote.  It is their reponsibility to make their own decision.  I trust my county commissioner to do what is best.  Why don't you trust yours?


Quote from: Wilma on July 17, 2011, 05:45:20 PM
The citizens will not vote on how to spend the money.  Only the commissioners can do that.  The citizens voted on what they thought was the most important and reported to the commissioners.  The commissioners are not obligated to go along with that vote.  It is their reponsibility to make their own decision.  I trust my county commissioner to do what is best.  Why don't you trust yours?
Because politicians have only their best interests as top priority.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteThe citizens voted on what they thought was the most important and reported to the commissioners.



QuoteThe citizens will not vote on how to spend the money.  Only the commissioners can do that.

And, therein lies the issue. 

They reported to the commissioners.  How?
By going to the meetings and voicing their opinions?
By asking a 3rd party to speak for them?  (Elk Konnected)
Other unorthodox means?

Please explain.


I don't think I can do it justice, but there were several meetings at which the citizens were asked to write down what they thought were the most important issues.  The lists were collected and collated and the results given to the commissioners.  I don't know if they went to a commission meeting or just gave their findings to one of the commissioners.  I understand that this was done with the cooperation of the commissioners and done in more than one of the towns in Elk County.  Not having attended any of the meetings I can't say how they were conducted but I would say that if the citizens wrote their opinions of their own free will, that it should be a good indication of what Elk County citizens want.


Quote from: Wilma on July 17, 2011, 06:49:57 PM
I don't think I can do it justice, but there were several meetings at which the citizens were asked to write down what they thought were the most important issues.  The lists were collected and collated and the results given to the commissioners.  I don't know if they went to a commission meeting or just gave their findings to one of the commissioners.  I understand that this was done with the cooperation of the commissioners and done in more than one of the towns in Elk County.  Not having attended any of the meetings I can't say how they were conducted but I would say that if the citizens wrote their opinions of their own free will, that it should be a good indication of what Elk County citizens want.

So where is the record of what each citizen wrote?  Not talking about a collated copy. The only thing that makes it on that is what hte commissioners want on it.  Usually that is what supports their agenda. 

When you conduct things like this, there should be a paper trail for all to see.   Just because you or any of the commissioners say thats what the citizens want, doesn't mean squat.  Only hard evidence  is acceptable.  THAT Is the very reason we VOTE on things and have records to prove that citizens voted for this or voted for that.

Again, unlike you who for some unknown reason trust your politicians implicitly, i wouldn't trust ANY politician as far as a i could throw them. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on July 17, 2011, 05:45:20 PM
The citizens will not vote on how to spend the money.  Only the commissioners can do that.  The citizens voted on what they thought was the most important and reported to the commissioners.  The commissioners are not obligated to go along with that vote.  It is their reponsibility to make their own decision.  I trust my county commissioner to do what is best.  Why don't you trust yours?

Quote from: Wilma on July 17, 2011, 05:45:20 PM
The citizens voted on what they thought was the most important

And you know that because  -------
You have the list of who voted on what...... Right??????
Would you share that with the County Citizens????


I think you are the one posted how the meetings were conducted.


Quote from: Wilma on July 17, 2011, 06:49:57 PM
I don't think I can do it justice, but there were several meetings at which the citizens were asked to write down what they thought were the most important issues.  The lists were collected and collated and the results given to the commissioners.  I don't know if they went to a commission meeting or just gave their findings to one of the commissioners.

I can 'do it justice'... remember the Delphi Technique of creating a 'public consensus?  Read the following link carefully, please.  Any similarities?  You betcha!

Read this carefully:

Quote from: Wilma on July 17, 2011, 06:49:57 PM
I understand that this was done with the cooperation of the commissioners and done in more than one of the towns in Elk County.  Not having attended any of the meetings I can't say how they were conducted but I would say that if the citizens wrote their opinions of their own free will, that it should be a good indication of what Elk County citizens want.

Who compiled the results... those who facilitated the meeting.  How does one know if their input was even considered?  They don't.  And our elected officials supported this Marxist/Hegelian method of obtaining 'consensus'?  Shame on them.  What ever happened to public forums and Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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