"Liberty Defined"...

Started by redcliffsw, April 22, 2011, 09:23:19 AM

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Ron Paul's "Liberty Defined"
.... for an exposé on that alias of despotism we call "democracy." Lauded by dictators criminal or merely notorious, worshipped by much of the American public, democracy is America's sacred cow. Yet Dr. Paul fearlessly slaughters it. "Pure democracy, in which the law itself is up for grabs based on legislative maneuvering, is the enemy of individual rights, and it victimizes the minority," he explains. Nor should citizens "be able to vote to take away the rights of others. And yet this is what the slogan democracy has come to mean domestically. It does not mean that the people prevail over the government; it means that the government prevails over the people by claiming the blessing of mass opinion."

How can we 'spread our goodness' around the world through occupation and violence when here at home we have squandered our liberties and wealth?


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