An open letter to the citizens, voters & taxpayers of Elk County

Started by Patriot, April 19, 2011, 09:39:12 AM

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jerry wagner

Quote from: Ross on April 20, 2011, 10:51:54 AM
No I don't think the Kansas State Department of Commerce would really pay much attention. Have you ever worked for any government and seen the carelessness that goes on? Where do you think the state get's it's money? Simple --- taxes.

There is no difference in paid or unpaid as far as conflit of interest, it's all about the job. Are there no ethics in this world any longer?

Funny how you characterize the carelessness as a government phenomenon.  Actually it is a human condition.  It applies to all people in any profession or industry, public or private.  Worked in several large corporations over my few years (granted not as many as some obviously :P ) and it applies equally to all.  Ever had a phone bill calculated wrong or with incorrect charges, or your cable bill, credit card bill, wrong price on something purchased @ Wal-mart, plane crash because of faulty parts...  Mistakes apply everywhere.  Just those of government are always under a public microscope and an easy political attack. 


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 20, 2011, 08:06:26 AM
Ross, got to ask you this- do you attend? Do you have children that benefit from this? Just wondering. I do see Patriots point about using the tax dollars to benefit the group. But are you 100% sure that the scholarship was tax money?? Have you ever received a grant of any sort??? That is just like tax money received. That is money from the government that you don't have to pay back??? Just wondering. I see what Patriot was saying about having commissioners in Elk Konnect, but If they don't vote to benefit one or the other than I see no problem with it. As with most organizations in the area, there are only a select few people that attend and get involved in them. I don't actually go to the meetings, but I am sure if they called and asked me to help in anyway they know if I can I will. I learned this about groups really fast, you know the people that will help and do things and you have those that sit back and complain about how things are ran. If you don't like something get involved in it. Help out however you can, don't just be the ones to complain all the time about everything. I understand that everyone is upset about different issues and all. I get that. Government, even our local one, is struggling to survive. But I for one can't nor choose to sit and complain about it all the time. It does no good. It only makes me worry and upset and frankly I don't have time for either of those!! Life is what you make out of it, I feel that when it comes to government, I vote. I don't like how it's run or things that are done, but if I sit and worry about it all I am doing is causing myself grief and it's just not worth it. Not that the USA isn't worth it, its just I tend to worry more about our men and women that are protecting our freedoms everyday!! They are the ones that are getting the shaft in all of this mess!!! They deserve the highest respect and honor that anyone on this earth deserves!!

I do have child that I fought the state of Washington's child protective services to get out of the system. CPS as it is known up there (SRS I think down here) lied in family court about my wife and my self. Their social worker had her own personal agenda. It took me 1 1/2 years and over $30 G's as a second morgage to defeat them. My attorney failed to do what was necessary and I finally got the opportunity to speak in the court room. I told the Judge I and my wife would take psychological evaluations and pay for the test to prove we were not the type of people they were making us out to be. We should hav got him when he was a year and a half old but it took a year and a half to get him. He was physically and mentally abused by his biological parents and again by his foster mother. Now, don't get me wrong I'm not picking on CPS or SRS I happen to have a neice in the upper ranks of the agency in yet another state. My neice was completely flabbergasted by my story. She is a decent person and a good mother. The point to telling you this is, organizations do some times do the wrong things.
But in response to your question does my son benefit from Elk Konnected --- no.

Oh, I left Kansas in '66 I served in the military from 1966-1976 I made 8 tours of Viet Nam. I had planned to make a career of it but I changed my mind due to the number of thieves, alcholics, druggies and the trending lack of leadership and several other reaso Kansasns. I worked for the Department of Defense from 1994-2005. There again I saw much of the same stuff and a lot of lying and cheating and dirty dealing--- I just wasn't raised that way. They forced me off the job and into disability retirement even though I was out working most of my fellow employees. They simply said either you go with disability retirement or go with nothing. Truthfully I wasn't a bit happy about it until I found my little retirement farm here in Elk County. I am glad to be back in Kansas.

Am I going to worry about Elk Konnected a doing nd what I consider their wrong doing, no, not worry I don't like worry.
Lookatmeknow!! I hope, I have answered your questions. I gave a lot more information than I probably should have.

Diane Amberg

Yes, Ross, I did work for state Gov't my entire working life and had a private business on the side.  I  had to promise not to advertise for work for my side business while working for the state. New Castle County also has an ethics board and every year employees who are in politically sensitive jobs have to write and declare anything they are involved in that could have a conflict of interest appearance. My husband had to declare that he was a volunteer firefighter because he worked in the Planning Dept. He even had to declare when his  own sister got her realtors license. On the one hand he had to live in New Castle County as a job requirement, but on the other hand we couldn't buy a house from a realtor or builder without a lot of problems because he dealt with Realtors and builders every day. So we finally found a nice house within the city limits and bought directly from the owner at market price. Even at that he had to declare it to the ethics board. Most Gov't people are just like everyone else, hardworking, honest people who do the best they can at their jobs. Yes, there are skunks, like at every other job. Sure people have bad experiences, who doesn't? But is it fair to judge everyone and assume they are bad too?
Right now Al is, and has been, an official on the New Castle Pension Board. I assume you know what pension boards do. He is the retiree rep. Aha you say! Conflict of interest because he receives a pension! Nope, it's an unpaid position, and he does nothing that could affect his own pension. He was appointed by the President of County Council.
There are many checks and balances in Gov't. Usually it works just fine, sometimes it doesn't. Just look at what's going on in Michigan. Would you want the Kansas Governor to simply take over Howard and declare the town no longer exists and close down all the offices and services? Founding Fathers my foot! Somebody better do something and fast! I could make a comment about the sanity of anybody who would reup for Viet Nam that many times but I'm afraid you wouldn't know I was just kidding.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2011, 02:49:07 PM
...New Castle County also has an ethics board... I could make a comment about the sanity of anybody who would reup for Viet Nam that many times but I'm afraid you wouldn't know I was just kidding.

1.  This has nothing to do with your precious New Castle, or you.

2.  You just did make a comment.  And to infer questionable sanity on the part of anyone who served multiple tours in Nam is, imo, disgusting. It's damned sure not anything to kid about.  If you have any conscience, you should be ashamed.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


"I could make a comment about the sanity of anybody who would reup for Viet Nam that many times but I'm afraid you wouldn't know I was just kidding."

Of all of the disgusting posts I have seen on the Forum, this has to be the worst. I had Family and Friends that PROUDLY SERVED in Vietnam, I lost Family in Vietnam, I had family that proudly served Multiple tours.

Diane Amberg

My, my, aren't we touchy. There is NOTHING you can tell me about Viet Nam! I lost people there too. Why so self righteous?  Any body of a certain age has sorrow and sad stories to tell about Viet Nam. I said I wouldn't say it! So get off it!  Some of you out there treat each other in a very incredible miserable fashion, so don't bother me!  BAH!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 21, 2011, 09:10:58 AM
My, my, aren't we touchy. There is NOTHING you can tell me about Viet Nam! I lost people there too. Why so self righteous?  Any body of a certain age has sorrow and sad stories to tell about Viet Nam. I said I wouldn't say it! So get off it!  Some of you out there treat each other in a very incredible miserable fashion, so don't bother me!  BAH!

Why so defensive, diane?  We all get caught with foot in mouth occasionally (not so often our whole leg, however).  You said you wouldn't say it but you might as well have said it, as you put the true thoughts of your heart clearly on display and made no attempt to recant.  No matter how you try to justify, those thoughts are clear... and no less disgusting.  
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Good God, people.  This sounds like a bunch of 3rd graders on the playground with the class bully heading up the hate and discontent.  Now I know why I got away from the forum.

Diane Amberg

Sorry Flo, I surely didn't mean to offend you. Not everyone on here is allowed to make quips or poke fun without getting called on it and a few are always watching to see who they can "catch". I think Ross understands I wasn't serious and if not HE can tell me. He doesn't need anyone to run interference for him.

jerry wagner

Quote from: flintauqua on April 21, 2011, 11:41:08 AM
One difference between the bully on the playground and the chief one on here.  On the playground the bully had a face and a real given name, on here the bully hides behind a mask of anonymity.

How True :D

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