They Didnt Have the Green Thing........:D

Started by thatsMRSc2u, April 19, 2011, 08:00:06 AM

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Very good post!! As I did have lots of these things available, we didn't really have many of them. Had a dishwasher, didn't work. Only had antenna for TV until I was in Jr. Got a VCR and cable, but really didn't watch much TV. I was always on my bike going down to the low water bridge out by Pam's mom's old house in Severy, or we tend to make club houses around town at different peoples house. I lived in town, of course in Severy to me it was more rural than a town. Would love to go to Coop and get pop in a bottle and take bottle back to get a refund. We would save up to be able to get a little round salt block from Coble's feed store to suck on. Sounds gross now, but when we were young it was so awesome. LOL!!

Now, I don't have a dishwasher. I am not planning on getting one either!! Isn't that why we have kids????? LOL! LOVE LOVE LOVE to hang my clothes out, it's so much faster getting them done this way!!! I was out of pancake mix at the daycare last week so I looked up pancake recipe on internet and made it from scratch! They were the best!! I do make cakes from boxes, but try to make everything else from scratch. My daughters love to cook, so I have them help me. This is to help them learn how to. Also, they are in 4-H and my oldest has been in sewing for 5 years now, plus this is her 2nd year in the quilting project. She loves it. This is my middle girl's 1st year in sewing, but she is already bugging me to make a quilt. I told her that would come in time. I had to buy a new machine, just got a cheaper one at Walmart, and the guy said people still sew. I said, well yes, I patch alot of my girls clothes, make some of their clothes and my daughters love to sew!! He was amazed!! He said it is a dying art!! I laughed. I said not to me!! or to my girls!!

Isn't funny how we do tend to take the modern things as a need, not just a want.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

I like to make my own baking mix and even make my own baking powder. That way I know how fresh it is and I know what's in it. It's easy. I do love my dishwasher because it washes so hot and use my dryer a lot, but also like to put sheets outside. I sometimes have bird problems because we have so many.

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