Libya: A War of the Womb

Started by redcliffsw, April 08, 2011, 08:07:08 AM

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Try as they might, "humanitarian hawks" like Power, Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the MSNBC phalanx cannot distinguish themselves from neoconservatives such as Bill Bennett, John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, the folks at Fox and Sarah Palin. All have been champing at the bit to take the battle for Libya away from the Libyan people and put it where it belongs: the U.S. military.

If indeed we're subsidizing "freedom" for the Libyans and are fighting their battles, then we've also increased their impotence and diminished their initiative. Subsidize individuals because you believe they are helpless – and you'll get more learned helplessness. Besides, what are these Libyans? Wards of the crumbling American Empire? Whatever happened to fighting your own revolutions?
-Ilana Mercer


If the reasoning that America intervened for humanitarian purposes sounds ridiculous, that is because it is.  There is an underlying motive we are at war there.  Oil and Libyan ties to Iran are two.


The very second American boots put their toes into Afghanistan and Iraq, the cry from the left was: "What's our exit strategy?"  I guess so we could announce to the enemy how and when we were leaving.  Apparently, we're not leaving.  In any case, one has to wonder aloud on the Libyan adventure: What's our entrance strategy?  And along with that, what's our foreign strategy, policy, attitude?

I felt that Obuma wanted to get in on Monday and out by Wednesday or Thursday, just in time for another weekend trip with the family.  Qaddafi, Gaddafi, Kadafi... whatever name you want to use... has to go, unless he stays, and we need to defeat him... or not, or have a stalemate and perpetually divided Libya.... or maybe just bomb both sides, but no arms to the "rebels" and no American soldiers on the ground... unless we change our minds.

How about if we had just kept our noses out?  How about if perhaps we had let Europe deal with it... since they are the biggest users of Libyan oil?  And how come the Left isn't asking what the exit strategy is?  Oh, but this is for humanitarian purposes to save lives, an oft ignored collateral effect of bombing.

Maybe the new Obuma policy is: easy in, never out.  A policy pursued by others since the Korean War.  Gee!  Thank goodness that one is over.

Sooooo... lets see now:  Korea 1950-53, Vietnam 1960-75, Grenada 1983, Iraq 1990, Bosnia 1993-94, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003, Libya present day.  Without counting the lesser forays into Grenada, Lebanon and Somalia this nation has and is actively engaged in eight wars for reasons other than the one vital U.S. interest our Department of Defense is chartered with; protecting our country from foreign incursions.  Ironically, attacks on our interests and person in the U.S. are not worthy of due diligence by our elected officials, who deem that foreign nation's grievences should take precedence over ours.  I think it's high time we call it what it truly is; the Department of War.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


warph have you noticed that obama has triggered some major events in the middle east with his protest to freedom speech to egypt?

What i am getting at is this.   Since that has happened....

Egypt has become buddy buddy and making an aliance with Iran.
Saudi arabia is so pissed at obama they are negotiating a alliance and selling the oil to china instead of us And have aligned themselves with russia.
Iran and russia and Turkey are aligning themselves with each other against us and Israel, all that needs to happen is for libyia and sudan and a couple other players in that region and you have the isaiah prophecy fullfilling itself. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Yep... sure have.  That is why I've harped so many times that this current administration has to go. 
The damage this clown has done to the United States in the two short years of his presidency is staggering. 
His military strategery on Egypt and Libya and other parts of the middle east is complete suicide!

For those who study history
And military strategy,
A new approach to waging war
In ways that were untried before,
     Is rarely seen or heard:
     The old ways are preferred.

But in these times of global strife,
With sounds of drum and notes of fife,
A new clown joins the hall of shame
Of leaders who receive acclaim,
     For strategy in war,
     Too brilliant to ignore.

With Hannibal, Napoleon,
And Kahn, the great Mongolian,
With Brennus and with Pericles
With Sun Tzu and Eurybiades,
     Our President does share
     A real strategic flair.

He joins in war, almost too late,
Makes public his withdrawal date,

Commences action from the air,
Then makes his enemies aware
     He'll not attack on land,
     Across the desert sand.

Within just days, perhaps a week,
His reputation and mystique
For managing the world's affairs
Achieves its peak when he declares
     He'll bomb the rebels too,
     For things that they might do.

Perhaps another Nobel Prize
Our friends from Stockholm could reprise,
For excellence in strategy
While waging war on Tripoli.
     It's merited, at worst,
     As much as was the first.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Really enjoyed this, thanks. This is eloquent and shows so much depth of knowledge.  

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