What happens when a Fly Falls into a Coffee Cup?

Started by Warph, April 16, 2011, 08:01:45 PM

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The Italian – throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.

The Frenchman – takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.

The Chinese – eats the fly and throws away the coffee.

The Russian – drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no charge.

The Israeli – sells his coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the Chinese, buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money to invent a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.

The Palestinian – blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his coffee, protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European Union on false pretenses to buy a new cup of coffee... instead, uses the money to purchase explosives and then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, the Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that he should give away his new cup of coffee to the Palestinian.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The redneck american SWATS the fly...rinches out the cup....gets fresh coffee and dont waste her time thinkin about those others....


But before the isreali can sell his coffee, he goes into the coffee house that is owned by the perisan tells him that God gave the coffee house to the isreali, the he runs to the U.N. demands that it be rezoned and the palestinian workers fired, then hires only jewish waiters.  Then just for kicks the american throws a penny tip between the two waiters and watches them fight over it.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

A not- so- red- neck American rescues the fly since it was an endangered species and gets a Government grant to help keep it alive.. Then he waters down the coffee to half strength and sells the two new cups in recycled paper cups to two teenagers at three times the price because he has renamed it ZOWIE! He then sells the original cup to two tourists as a local collectable and buys some shares of BP with his profits. ;)

Roma Jean Turner


Diane very good. The California surfer pours in some bourbon killing the fly which he never notices, drinks the coffee, burns a big fat one of sinsemilla, and paddles out to the waves.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Warph... great post.

Pam... Diane...  We may viciously disagree on many issues, but on this you've both hit the nail squarely on the head!  When you're right... you're right.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I agree with Patriot. Warph, Diane, Pam I agree with you too. From my point of view we consist of a broad spectrum of political beliefs and we have now just formed the political coallition that will save the world. Even if it just started with a fly in the coffee I think we are doing better than Congress. :laugh:

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


You know, I may pretend not to care about what happens thousands of miles away in a place I'll probably never see, like the heart of the Africa bush where that Fly probably comes from.  But I know that all of life is deeply interconnected and interdependent in a symbiotic, primal dance.  For instance, take that Fly..... beating its wings in the bush, dislodging a particle of dust that makes a monkey sneeze and fart.... which startles a herd of gazelle into stampeding... causing a rockslide down a hill which dams up a stream and floods it.... creating moisture which evaporates and cools the air.... which rushes into the hot air above it becoming a cyclone.... which whirls out to sea and joins up with other storm clouds forming an enormous raging squall that travels thousands of miles across the ocean... disrupting electromagnetic fields.... and making my cell phone cut out. 

Freakin' Fly.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Monkey farts?    
Leave Pelosi and Reid out of this, please.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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