Simply Amazing..

Started by Varmit, April 06, 2011, 04:23:59 AM

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Quote from: Varmit on April 08, 2011, 07:13:36 PM
Nothing built on genocide, slavery, extortion, or theft is a good idea.  Were the founders wrong?...absolutely.  Just look at the original constitution.  It did not apply to all people.  Just white male landowners. 

I think we would.  Simply turn over control of the military to the military.  I would think that an entrie populace armed, trained, and prepared to fight would present more of a deterant than an overstreched and restrictive "military". 

You know you can rant and rave all you want about the founding fathers were wrong but the simple fact is this. No other country has had the same form of government for as long as we have.  It worked.  ONLY WHEN lincoln usurped the constitutional authority and the progressives moved in and started their attack on it did it start to fail.  Wilson is one of the biggest enemies of the state we have ever had until now.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 08, 2011, 07:39:46 PM
You know you can rant and rave all you want about the founding fathers were wrong but the simple fact is this. No other country has had the same form of government for as long as we have.  It worked.  ONLY WHEN lincoln usurped the constitutional authority and the progressives moved in and started their attack on it did it start to fail.  Wilson is one of the biggest enemies of the state we have ever had until now.

Wrong.  Every country has had the same form of gov't.  Yeah, I know, we get to vote blah, blah, blah.  But you have to remember what the purpose of govt is.  Governments exist, no matter what type they are, for one reason, that is to limit the power and freedom of their citizens.  I gues in that regard you're right, our gov't has worked. 
You bring up a good point with Lincoln.  If he hadn't "usurped" his constitutional authority slaveowners in southern states would have continued to make a living off the blood, sweat, and tears of others.  Granted that wasn't the issue that started the war, but the abolishment of open slavery was the greatest outcome.

Yes Wilma, the constitution can be amended.  But quite frankly what is the point?  The gov't sure doesn't follow it.  Hell, our own citizens don't even follow it.  They use it as a means and excuse to push their own private agendas.  Instead of applying it equally to everybody.  If it was applied to everyone then there wouldn't be laws against polygamy, homosexuals, censorship laws, etc. 
Again, the constitution is nothing more than a tool for the powers that be to limit and lists the freedoms you have.  Thanks but No thanks.  As a human being I'll decide what freedoms and rights I have. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


When people run at election time to any office and they say "This is what I will do for you"!!!!! They need to do just that.  We get sweet talked at election time but when they get in office all of a sudden it is "You scratch my back on my bill and I will scratch your back on the bill you want. Now we have an elected officer that is not doing what he/she said they would do. You can not go by what they are telling us you have to look at how they voted in the office that they have held or holding. Bottom line, both parties are at fault for the mess we are in.  >:(
Also if anything get in the future gets shutdown it should be the Post Office instead of the Military. We have a lot postal workers making big money for sorting an delivering mail. We need to make it a part time job. Every time we turn around they are raising the price of stamps because the internet has caused them to lose their profits. When did the Post Office protect this country?


Quote from: Warph on April 08, 2011, 05:37:59 PM

It doesn't matter blaming the average citizen.  No matter how they vote, the bureaucrats, lobbyists and the regulators will be sitting there, waiting.... waiting to pounce on the poor clown that was just elected, be he/she demo or repub.  That's Politics.  It has been that way for many, many decades. 

Dammit Warph, how come you have not said this before? Due to your engaging writting style I was pulled into the politics forum here and have apparently been wasting my time . How many decades has it been this way? If it is true that no matter who is elected that the bureaucrats, lobbyists, Illuminati, Bildeberber group, (some of those are my words not Warph's) will dictate their path, what can I do? Warph, how come you never let me know this ?I could have spent more time down at the 19th hole (Not where you and Slappy are; think more like Charlie Sheen,Tiger Woods  and Cinnamyn favorite haunt)

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: Jane on April 09, 2011, 08:44:04 AM
Also if anything get in the future gets shutdown it should be the Post Office instead of the Military. We have a lot postal workers making big money for sorting an delivering mail. We need to make it a part time job. Every time we turn around they are raising the price of stamps because the internet has caused them to lose their profits. When did the Post Office protect this country?

I happen to be one of those "postal workers making big money for sorting and delivering mail." Until you've walked at least 14 miles a day in my shoes, don't knock delivering mail. It's hard work, what with the weather and dogs and hateful people. Part time job? LMAO! And no, we don't protect this country, but a lot of times we are the only people that some elderly people see all day and they enjoy the visit. Also, there are a lot of stories out there about postal workers being heroes after they saved people. If the post office was run better, they wouldn't be losing so much money. I, as well as a few of the carriers I work with, have said all along for them to drop my pay a few bucks so people wouldn't be out of work. What you are proposing, shutting down the post office, would put around 615,000 people out of work. Some people don't have internet or don't use the internet to pay their bills. So, in short, never gonna happen! I'll get off my soapbox now.---Jennifer

P.S. And before someone jumps my hiney about my post, I am in NO WAY comparing postal workers to our military servicemen and women. I'm just saying, maybe the current administration needs to get it together and pass a frickin budget so NO ONE has to be shut down...



jerry wagner

Quote from: kshillbillys on April 09, 2011, 09:57:43 PM
I happen to be one of those "postal workers making big money for sorting and delivering mail." Until you've walked at least 14 miles a day in my shoes, don't knock delivering mail. It's hard work, what with the weather and dogs and hateful people. Part time job? LMAO! And no, we don't protect this country, but a lot of times we are the only people that some elderly people see all day and they enjoy the visit. Also, there are a lot of stories out there about postal workers being heroes after they saved people. If the post office was run better, they wouldn't be losing so much money. I, as well as a few of the carriers I work with, have said all along for them to drop my pay a few bucks so people wouldn't be out of work. What you are proposing, shutting down the post office, would put around 615,000 people out of work. Some people don't have internet or don't use the internet to pay their bills. So, in short, never gonna happen! I'll get off my soapbox now.---Jennifer

P.S. And before someone jumps my hiney about my post, I am in NO WAY comparing postal workers to our military servicemen and women. I'm just saying, maybe the current administration needs to get it together and pass a frickin budget so NO ONE has to be shut down...

While I agree with most of what you have to say, the administration is not the one that has to pass a budget, congress does and it is the constitutional power of the President to veto said budget if it is unacceptable.  Congress needs to pass one first.


Quote from: jerry wagner on April 09, 2011, 10:25:37 PM
While I agree with most of what you have to say, the administration is not the one that has to pass a budget, congress does and it is the constitutional power of the President to veto said budget if it is unacceptable.  Congress needs to pass one first.

She is correct in her statement this Administration.  THIS ADMINISTRATION abdicated their responsibility cause they were too chickenshit to do it before the elections.  They were too afraid it would cost them their job. THIS ADMINISTRATION had control of the house and the senate as well as the executive branch and they could have easily passed the budget had they even attempted it. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: jerry wagner on April 09, 2011, 10:25:37 PM
While I agree with most of what you have to say, the administration is not the one that has to pass a budget, congress does and it is the constitutional power of the President to veto said budget if it is unacceptable.  Congress needs to pass one first.

And you do earn every dime not to mention beauacracy in the post office that you have to be concerned with. That alone should double your paycheck. It looks like a few thousand more postal workers may be losing their jobs soon. I'm a retired federal employee and I know what higher ups in the ranks of the employeed do in the government. Hang in there and be proud of your job.


I am VERY proud of the job I do for the Postal Service. I'm also very proud to say that I've been there for 10 years now. It's a very demanding job and somedays you wonder if you really have it in you to get it done! But I'm always proud when I do get it done! I may gripe about it now and then but working for the United States Postal Service is truly the best thing I could ever do!




No you can't lay off everyone in the post office but it is just like any other goverment run agency, there are corners that can be cut starting at the top, not the bottom.
Maybe if we did not get our mail for a couple of days our delivery person might drive up and knock on the door.  As far as part time, the post office in Auburn is only open 1 1/2 hours on Saturday so why even open up at all?

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