Talk about a NIGHTMARE scenario.........Donald Trump/ president.......OMG

Started by thatsMRSc2u, April 03, 2011, 10:15:30 AM

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Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 05, 2011, 10:38:08 AM

Got it by "working hard" my ass. That dude has never had a blister or broke a sweat. Of course my definition of working hard and most peoples does tend to differ.

Smart people do not work hard, they work smart.  They know how to duplicate their efforts without having to do it by their own hands. THats why they get rich. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 05, 2011, 10:38:08 AM
OMG Mr. Cookson, anybody who has been alive for more than ten minutes and watched the news in the last 30 years or so has seen Mr. Trumps modus operandi. I'm not accusing him of anything without proof. He buys and sells people and tries to/does strong-arm them if they say they ARENT for sale.

On second thought maybe he's just what this country deserves because he operates on MONEY is the ONLY thing he hears talkin.....and after all this country does operate on the principal of greed. He's got THAT in spades.

Got it by "working hard" my ass. That dude has never had a blister or broke a sweat. Of course my definition of working hard and most peoples does tend to differ.

I think maybe when I write that I think Obama sucks and that I didnt vote for him...will not vote for him THIS time that it becomes invisible ink or something......seriously.....maybe I just imagine I wrote it.....who knows.....who cares? LOL

The problem I'm having is it appears you're trying to make Trump come out as having as bad a history as Obama when... its simply just not even close. True, that part is a matter of opinion I suppose but in reality its pretty clear which of the two has a truly nasty history when it comes to shaping how they'll run this country.

Yeah, Trunp may seem like a major prick or whatever you feel when it comes to business but the fact is he IS successful and he doesn't have the truly shady history that Obama has (that I've seen). If he's a closet socialist then you can bet I'll change my tune the instant I hear it but so far all I've heard about him doesn't touch Obama's very scary past.

Like I said before, IF it comes down to Trump vs. Obama it won't be a choice of "lesser of two evils". Trump would clearly be a better choice.


Hasn't Trump filed bankruptsy? (Spelling wrong) But how is that working hard? Just asking? MT, I think that he has worked hard at being smart, which is no down fall of his, but to say that the man has actually worked like you and me, don't think so. I feel that working hard is earning everything you have!! Not that he hasn't, but his working is more of a book and paper work I would say, which by no means is not work. I know that know.

I do like Trump, DO NOT like Obama!!! But to me the congress is a little like our own little school here in town. The big man (President) tries to push around the board(Congress), and both need to work together to provide a good government for the United States of America!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 05, 2011, 11:30:24 AM
Hasn't Trump filed bankruptsy? (Spelling wrong) But how is that working hard? Just asking? MT, I think that he has worked hard at being smart, which is no down fall of his, but to say that the man has actually worked like you and me, don't think so. I feel that working hard is earning everything you have!! Not that he hasn't, but his working is more of a book and paper work I would say, which by no means is not work. I know that know.

I do like Trump, DO NOT like Obama!!! But to me the congress is a little like our own little school here in town. The big man (President) tries to push around the board(Congress), and both need to work together to provide a good government for the United States of America!!

Maybe he wasn't a huge physical worker but if he spent a lot of time working out deals with companies and whatnot how is that not working hard? I recall taking difficult tests in school and feeling just as drained as I would working out in weight lifting class. I worked hard either way, one of them you just can see me do but does not mean I didn't work hard.

Even now when I do coding on websites, especially with one of the latest sites I've done, I feel completely wore out at the end of the day trying to look through all the coding thinking of how to make it all work. I get to the point where I feel mentally drained and can't figure out why the code isn't working. I go home, go to bed, start fresh in the morning and am able to see right away what went wrong. Same goes for when I work on my cars. After a long day lifting, bending down, crawling, having my arms above my head for long periods, I am physically drained, have to call it quits just relax so that I can continue the next day. Just because that is physical work doesn't mean it is more demanding than the mental work.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 05, 2011, 10:43:47 AM
Smart people do not work hard, they work smart.  They know how to duplicate their efforts without having to do it by their own hands. THats why they get rich. 

RICH is a relative term Mr. Kruzich :) Working with your hands and muscles does not make you stupid...and I realize the fact that someone would choose that over what YOU are calling success makes them stupid in your eyes...but the fact is you and I , we operate on different planes and different skills earn our respect. You respect material success....material success is nice but it ain't the REAL prize. Being a master of the money game AIN'T gonna help in what is coming....but being able to apply some OLD skills will.

Fact remains I will neither vote for Trump OR Obama......but I will have to live with whoever the majority/make that the electoral college picks.

QuoteJust because that is physical work doesn't mean it is more demanding than the mental work.

No it doesnt.


I totally agree with you MT. I understand that mental work is just as hard. I don't really see a win win with either Obama or Trump. Can't there be any good candidate out there? LOL- sorry!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


  Was workin in my garden and had to see what was I'm goin back to the garden LOL Y'all have a most excellent day!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 05, 2011, 11:30:24 AM
Hasn't Trump filed bankruptsy? (Spelling wrong) But how is that working hard? Just asking? MT, I think that he has worked hard at being smart, which is no down fall of his, but to say that the man has actually worked like you and me, don't think so. I feel that working hard is earning everything you have!! Not that he hasn't, but his working is more of a book and paper work I would say, which by no means is not work. I know that know.
Book and paper work, computer work is 10 times harder than digging a ditch.  i've done both and I can attest that after 8 hours behind a desk working, i was always more worn out than i was doing manual labor. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 05, 2011, 11:50:13 AM
RICH is a relative term Mr. Kruzich :) Working with your hands and muscles does not make you stupid...and I realize the fact that someone would choose that over what YOU are calling success makes them stupid in your eyes...but the fact is you and I , we operate on different planes and different skills earn our respect. You respect material success....material success is nice but it ain't the REAL prize. Being a master of the money game AIN'T gonna help in what is coming....but being able to apply some OLD skills will.
Not at all.  IT DOESN"T TAKE BRAINS to dig a ditch, or do manual labor.  And the fact that it is SMARTER to use your knowlege to make your money.   You can only do so much work by yourself. 
I'll guarantee that those like trump will be riding fine with what is to come. THey'll have enough money to take care of themselves.   I do respect those individuals like Trump, Koch, guys who went out there and started from scratch and built their business's.  They overcame the obstacles that most people today can't even begin to fathom on how to get past them. 
I do not envy their money nor their success. I Do admire them as they are Definately smarter than the avergage guy and have proven it
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 05, 2011, 11:52:12 AM
I totally agree with you MT. I understand that mental work is just as hard. I don't really see a win win with either Obama or Trump. Can't there be any good candidate out there? LOL- sorry!!

I don't see why he wouldn't be a good candidate. He is extremely strong on the economy side of things and we desperately need someone in there that understands economics.

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