Talk about a NIGHTMARE scenario.........Donald Trump/ president.......OMG

Started by thatsMRSc2u, April 03, 2011, 10:15:30 AM

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I'd vote for him right now. He would be 1000% better than what we have right now.


I'm with ya on that. He damn sure aint the man I'd pick but has to be better than what we got.
Yes, Tersa I am scared of you and ol Sarge----You because you're a better shot---ol Sarge because them Fly Boy sentry dog handlers didn't know an M-16 had anything but fully automatic. As you know I'm pretty quick on my feet but even I have my limits to dodging that much lead flying around


Probably could be a good choice.  There wouldn't be any more wars.  He would just go around and fire everyone.

(sorry, couldn't pass that up.)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


  Good one Larry :D

  On a serious note tho.....doesn't it bother anybody that for the last few elections (actually MORE than a few) the person people decide to vote for is the one THEY consider the LESSER OF TWO EVILS??? The fact that there hasn't been a seriously VIABLE candidate for the highest office in this country is a better weather-vane of the state of the country than anything else that goes or has gone on.

The fact that all you hear is people saying well I'M votin for so and so because he's better than so and so just depresses the hell out of me. The fact that we are in here ACTUALLY considering a man like Donald Trump the best  for the job.....a man with more skeletons in his closet and more shady dealings than Obama ever had the ambition for in his past DISGUSTS me with politics even more than I already was.

From what I can see of the other potential candidates...........OMG are we screwed.....AGAIN.....


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 05, 2011, 09:32:57 AMa man with more skeletons in his closet and more shady dealings than Obama ever had the ambition for in his past

Proof? I bet Trump has a way better history than Obama will ever have. We already know most of Obama's history, hanging around with extremists, socialists, communists, so on and so on. At least Trump understands the free market. Get this government to be economically responsible and out of the people's lives and that will fix a ton of our problems.


Quote from: mtcookson on April 05, 2011, 09:40:39 AM
Proof? I bet Trump has a way better history than Obama will ever have. We already know most of Obama's history, hanging around with extremists, socialists, communists, so on and so on. At least Trump understands the free market. Get this government to be economically responsible and out of the people's lives and that will fix a ton of our problems.

Thats like sayin Jeffrey Dahmer was a little less of a killer than Johne Wayne Gacy.....

A PRESIDENT is NOT going to change the way this government does business. It has been a money talks and bullshit walks operation from about ten minutes after it was formed.

The PRESIDENT is nothing more than the guy who either gets the blame or the credit for what Congress does...and what CONGRESS does depends on which LOBBY is payin the biggest bonus.

So spare me all the "Oh The Donald will fix it...HE knows what hes doin." WHATthehellever. What "The Donald" wants is publicity, the Prestige ( and I use that term loosely) of being the "top dog" and the Throne.

I personally shudder at the thought of either ONE of them being president next time.

As far as "The Donald"  :P demanding Obamas birth certificate...that dude has enough money and power that if he really wanted it and really thought it would "out" Obama he would've already found the guy willing to sell it to him.....and if Obama was a closet muslim, Trump would've found the one guy with a picture to prove it.

All that talk does is cloud the real issues...he's NOT much of a president and he is back-peddlin on every thing he "promised" that got people to vote for him in the first place.I can't believe people are still such pollyannas that they believe anything ANY politician says.
All this is my personal forgive me if I dont come back and justify it to you :) I dont WANT to convince you I'm right or get into a futile argument about it.


The Donalds' plan for getting us out of debt:

1.  Turn the Federal government into a series of LLCs (limited liability company)
2.  Shift all assets out of two or three of the LLCs
3.  Shift all liabilities into the ones wiped clean of assets
4.  Have the all-debt, no asset LLCs declare bankruptcy

He's done it before
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Who else is running? Just Trump and Obama????? What a scary thought!! ???
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 05, 2011, 10:05:57 AMAll this is my personal forgive me if I dont come back and justify it to you :) I dont WANT to convince you I'm right or get into a futile argument about it.

It doesn't work that way. You're trying to claim that someone is something without backing it up. That's like saying "in my opinion you're a murderer" yet have nothing to back up that claim.

QuoteA PRESIDENT is NOT going to change the way this government does business.

You're right. It also takes congress... well, except for in Obama's case. He's trying to get around that. But anyway, the President can give some recommendations to people in congress and congress goes from there. It also helps having a President that will actually do something once congress passes what is needed.

QuoteThats like sayin Jeffrey Dahmer was a little less of a killer than Johne Wayne Gacy.....

No, its like calling a successful businessman a worthless hippie. Or maybe someone who watches porn a rapist. Or maybe a petty thief and killing criminal.

Trump is a successful businessman that got a ton of money by working hard. You may not like how he does it, that's tough. Obama rode on coattails and hangs out with radicals that want to change this country for the absolute worse. Trump is not a lesser of two evils, he's better than Obama in every way.

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!!Who else is running? Just Trump and Obama?Huh? What a scary thought!! Huh

Technically he's not even running yet, at least not that I've heard. :laugh:

Currently I'd love for Ron Paul to win, a few others are on my list. If Trump got the nomination though I wouldn't complain. We'd have a very strong economics President and we could really use one of those right now.


QuoteIt doesn't work that way. You're trying to claim that someone is something without backing it up. That's like saying "in my opinion you're a murderer" yet have nothing to back up that claim.

OMG Mr. Cookson, anybody who has been alive for more than ten minutes and watched the news in the last 30 years or so has seen Mr. Trumps modus operandi. I'm not accusing him of anything without proof. He buys and sells people and tries to/does strong-arm them if they say they ARENT for sale.

On second thought maybe he's just what this country deserves because he operates on MONEY is the ONLY thing he hears talkin.....and after all this country does operate on the principal of greed. He's got THAT in spades.

Got it by "working hard" my ass. That dude has never had a blister or broke a sweat. Of course my definition of working hard and most peoples does tend to differ.

I think maybe when I write that I think Obama sucks and that I didnt vote for him...will not vote for him THIS time that it becomes invisible ink or something......seriously.....maybe I just imagine I wrote it.....who knows.....who cares? LOL

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