Talk about a NIGHTMARE scenario.........Donald Trump/ president.......OMG

Started by thatsMRSc2u, April 03, 2011, 10:15:30 AM

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Understands economics - right.  ::) 

Tell me again how many times he has declared bankruptcy or forced his creditors to rewrite the terms of his loans under threat of another bankruptcy filing?

From Webster's New World Dictionary:  double standard - a system, code, criterion, etc. applied unequally

Also, since this litmus test is required of all politically active men of his generation, how did he avoid military service during the Vietnam era?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from srkruzich
I'll guarantee that those like trump will be riding fine with what is to come. THey'll have enough money to take care of themselves.

If things go south,like it might, what good does money do for people like Trump ? Who will sell him food for his worthless green paperbacks ? You say it doesn't take brains to do manual labor. When the going gets rough put a garden hoe in them rich fellers hands, to try and raise something to eat, and we will see who has the brains. Wonder how many of them rich people know how to shoot wild game, process it, and pressure cook it so it don't spoil, in warm weather . How many would know how  to prepare and eat wild polk greens---lambs quarter--cattails--and the list goes on . All that land that rich idiot Ted Turner owns and I bet if the fish weren't biting, and his tummy was growling , he wouldn't have a clue how to jump in the water and noodle his supper. Plus I bet I got more ammo stored away than them rich fellers, so when push comes to shove, I will take their worthless money and use it to build a fire to cook me a goat steak.


Uh-o, Jar, you shouldn't have specified goat and that is poke greens, not polk.  Take it from the widow of a real Elk County redneck.


Why Donald Trump for President Is a Joke - Ed Schultz
QuoteDonald Trump continues to parade himself around the media as if people in this country actually care about his potential candidacy in 2012. I don't think they do. This is a circus and it's fake.

Trump gives public service a bad image. It's not about flash, it's not about wealth, and it's not about hairstyle. It's about doing something for people and being an advocate for the community you represent. Trump, well, he's done none of that... ever.

Donald Trump is no more a serious candidate than me going back to North Dakota in an attempt to get a Senate run going. And I must say, at least they asked me.

Who has shown any interest in Donald Trump being the next president of the United States other than Donald Trump? Nobody.

The Republican Party isn't banging on his door, and the hilarious part of this is that he's trying to court the tea party through the birthers.

Trump is screaming to the public, "Please, pay attention to me! I'm important! I can get on any show I want! I could be president! And I'm thinking about it!"

You know what I say? "So what?"

Have you noticed in all of the interviews he has been giving, that he never has any solutions, no real answers other than verbal bomb throwing?

I'd like to know, Mr. Trump, what's your plan for 15 million Americans unemployed in this country? How about the 50 million uninsured Americans when it comes to health insurance? How about the poor, do you have a plan for them?

Trump doesn't talk about that stuff -- he continues to harp on the fact that he screwed somebody in a land deal and that's proof he can do a great job in foreign relations.

But when it comes down to the devil in the detail of dealing with the issues of the people and making real change, Trump, you don't have it. You've never had it. Money is not a measure of a man's character or success in the arena of public service.

I'm curious, where do you stand on the farm bill? Do you know anything about it? I'd like Donald Trump to tell the American people what state he thinks he can win. Maybe with all his money he can create a state.

Mr. Trump, stop embarrassing yourself.

Yes it's HuffPost/MSNBC, but I like it anyway.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Now you made me do some reserch. Google polk and you will see that it's sometimes called "poke weed" Same, same !!
You live in Howard and I live in Longton. We are further south than you so us Southerners call it polk and you northern Yankees call it poke----and you can take that from a southern hillbilly . :)


Jar, I don't trust this newfangled "Googling" so I went to my trusty 1947 Winston Dictionary, College Edition, and this is what it says.

Polk, not even listed.

Poke--a bag or sack

Poke--a tall, American herb purple berries:  also, called poke weed; pigeon berry.

Poke--to thrust or push against with a sharp pointed object.   to thrust in or out, as to poke at a fire.  To move lazily; dawdle;  A projecting rim on a woman's bonnet;  also, the bonnet itself;  a wooden collar with a short, projecting pole, to prevent cattle jumping fences.

Maybe us Northern Yankees are just able to pronounce it without an L.

Diane Amberg

Not sure what The Donald has to do with fresh poke, but he has enough money to go to Europe to buy food if he wanted or would hire someone to grow it for him. He was born into money, learned from his father and went to SCHOOL (imagine that) to learn more. He went to Military School too. I suspect his number just never came up for Viet Nam ,not every body's did, plus he would have had educational deferments until just about the time Viet Nam was over. Or his Daddy would have gotten him into a National Guard Unit like some others did.



Is what he said a joke, or is it a joke because of who said it?

O'Reilly and Rove sure didn't think much of the Donald last week:
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


What about this scenario:

1.  The Donald loses in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina; then leaves the reactionaries behind by jumping ship to the Reform Party or runs independent.

2.  The reactionaries and Tea Partiers nominate one of the Pauls, or Palin, or an ultra-right pandering Huckabee or other former conservative.

3.  The reactionary takes the right third of Republicans, and all of the Libertarians and Anarchists, while The Donald takes the majority of conservatives, spliting the right and handing the election to Obama, repeating the Perot fiasco of 1992.

4.  We suffer through four more years of Obama, instead of finding a candidate that can beat him by capturing the Moderates that don't like Obama either.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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