Talk about a NIGHTMARE scenario.........Donald Trump/ president.......OMG

Started by thatsMRSc2u, April 03, 2011, 10:15:30 AM

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With his trademark braggadocio, Donald J. Trump is again hinting at a run for the White House.
Published: April 2, 2011

Something predictable happens to the ratings of Donald J. Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice" on NBC when he hints at running for president: They rise.

Donald Trump has been increasingly visible on television and in political news stories.
And when he talks about President Obama's birth certificate, they really rise.

Proving cause and effect is impossible, of course. But the coincidence is not lost on Mr. Trump, a man who has erected a real estate and media empire on immodesty and indiscretion.

"Did you get the info I sent you?" Mr. Trump asked in a phone interview with The New York Times late last week. "I told the girls to send you the ratings." He was referring to a 10-page packet of press releases with headlines like "Donald Trump Is Ratings Gold" and news articles from Politico and CNN that described his strength in recent polls. A day later, he re-sent the clips.

Depending on your perspective, Mr. Trump's growing visibility on television and in political news stories over the last few weeks represents the opening phase of a political campaign or the metastasis of a media spectacle. Mr. Trump, who says he is absolutely serious about a run for president, has appeared regularly on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC and in a wide variety of political blogs. Media outlets that had expected the Republican presidential ticket to take on a fuller shape by now have found themselves with a news void, and in the absence of other news-making characters, many of them are filling it with Mr. Trump.

"Trump and the press have a symbiotic relationship, not unlike bees and flowers," said William Grueskin, dean of academic affairs for the Columbia Journalism School. "At least in the natural world, you get honey out of it. Out of this campaign coverage, all you get are a lot of empty media moments about someone who is unlikely to run, more unlikely to be nominated, and utterly unlikely to win."

Mr. Trump insists that he is not disingenuous about his presidential ambitions, even if others accuse him of pulling a publicity stunt. "I'm very serious," he said. "I'm thinking very, very long and hard about it. I love what I'm doing. And I'm getting a tremendous amount of enjoyment out of running a really great company. My company is extraordinary. But the country is not extraordinary; it's doing very poorly."

Mr. Trump has said his announcement will come by June, which — coincidentally or not — is around the time "Celebrity Apprentice" wraps up its current season. A hint of his plans could come during the May 22 finale, he said in the interview last week. "I wouldn't announce a decision," he said, noting that NBC likely would not approve of politicking on its airwaves. "I may announce where the press conference will be," he added.

Mr. Trump is walking a fine line with NBC. If he were to run, he would have to give up his "Apprentice" franchise, he said. There are no federal prohibitions on candidates being on a network payroll, although the Federal Election Commission does have rules cautioning against the use of air time to further a political campaign in some cases. Fox News, which had five potential Republican candidates on its payroll, recently suspended Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum as they signaled they were planning to run.

NBC officials declined to comment on Mr. Trump's political aspirations.

Mr. Trump acknowledged that if he were to run, he would be walking away from a lucrative and successful business. "It's a great franchise, and I've done a great job," he said.

Ratings for the show are up this season over the same winter season last year, despite the fact that the "Apprentice" franchise is seven years old. On March 20, a few days after Mr. Trump appeared on "Good Morning America" and questioned whether Mr. Obama was born in the United States — an issue among some conservatives who harbor suspicions about the president's heritage and religion — the show had an average of 8.2 million viewers, up from 8.1 million for the same episode last year.

But Mr. Trump received significantly more media attention after he knocked heads with the hosts of "The View" on March 23. The March 27 episode of "Celebrity Apprentice" had an average of 8.6 million viewers, up from 8.0 million for the same episode last year.

"I want him to show his birth certificate!" Mr. Trump said on "The View," despite the fact that the president has indeed produced a certification of live birth showing he was born in Honolulu. "There's something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like," Mr. Trump added, to sneers from the hosts. "Oh, that's a terrible thing to say," Barbara Walters chided him.

Mr. Trump has a history of simultaneously talking up his presidential ambitions while promoting various Trump-branded goods. The first time was in September 1987 when he announced plans for a trip to New Hampshire ahead of the 1988 presidential primaries. A local activist who said he had never met Mr. Trump started a "Draft Donald Trump" movement and invited him to speak to a Rotary Club luncheon.

Mr. Trump also bought full-page advertisements in major newspapers around the country that said "There's nothing wrong with America's Foreign Defense Policy that a little backbone can't cure."

His book "Trump: The Art of the Deal" was published in November 1987 and reached The New York Times best-seller list by December. Synchronicity?

In any case, by the time he appeared at the Republican convention in New Orleans in August 1988, his ambitions had cooled. "Everybody wants me to do it," he declared then. "But I have no interest in doing it."

In late 1999, just before his book "The America We Deserve" went on sale, he began flirting anew with the idea of running for president, this time as a Reform Party candidate. He went on the road with his girlfriend, Melania Knauss, now his wife, to meet with constituents. He bashed the presidential hopefuls that year with trademark Trump braggadocio. Pat Buchanan was a "Hitler lover"; Al Gore was an "anointed" leader; George W. Bush had substandard business skills. Mr. Trump said he was for a woman's right to have an abortion, a position he has since reversed.

By February 2000 he had abandoned the idea of running, concluding that the Reform Party was fraught with infighting that he likened to "general fratricide." The head of the party at the time complained, "Donald Trump came in, promoted his hotels, he promoted his book, he promoted himself at our expense."

Just as then, the media now is watching with breathless anticipation. The anatomy of the latest Trump for President gambit also has mysterious New Hampshire origins, just like his 1987 efforts. On Oct. 3, a few weeks into Season 10 of "The Apprentice," reported that New Hampshire residents had received phone polling queries of unknown origin that appeared to be testing Mr. Trump's viability as a candidate. Later that week, Mr. Trump said of his presidential aspirations on Fox, "For the first time in my life, I'm actually thinking about it."

A group of New Hampshire Trump loyalists started a Web site called; they said Mr. Trump had nothing to do with their efforts.

Then, however, there was little change in ratings for "The Apprentice," which were only slightly higher in the weeks after news broke about his presidential flirtations. By February, Mr. Trump's name began to percolate in the news media as a presidential hopeful. He has made headlines as far away as India and Australia.

Yet Mr. Trump has a well known fear of germs, which he has  promised to conquer before he starts the glad-handing required of presidential candidates. His most serious effort yet at campaigning was done mainly at a distance from crowds — a speech in February at CPAC, a gathering of conservatives in Washington.

His comments about Mr. Obama's birth have been the subject of lengthy, heated debates on cable programs like "Morning Joe" on MSNBC.

He was a guest last week three nights in a row on Fox's "O'Reilly Factor." And starting Monday, Mr. Trump will be a weekly guest on its morning show "Fox & Friends," which is touting "Mondays with Trump."

Whether or not they take him seriously — and some surely do — media outlets have found great grist in Mr. Trump. He makes news as a serious candidate or an unserious self-promoter. Either way, he makes news.

"We are doing lots of coverage of nearly every possible and plausible candidate," said Jim VandeHei, executive editor of Politico. "Trump certainly falls into that category."

Mika Brzezinski, a friend of Mr. Trump's and co-host of "Morning Joe," where he appears every few weeks, said she takes his candidacy as "seriously as anyone that wants to run for president." But she said it was her obligation to call him out on the birth certificate issue, as she did on TV last week. "Along the lines of friends don't let friends drive drunk," she said, "friends are honest with each other."


I could never vote for a man who wears a squirrell on his head, and thinks it is attractive!  :o :o


Would you vote for a man that won't /can't produce his birth certificate
( I didn't say Certificate of Birth )---a man that's made all his college papers where no one can look at them---a man that's married to a woman that up to 3 years ago was never proud of this country---a man that sit for 20 years in church listening to a man that hates America ( and white people)---a man that has close fiends like Willie Ayres, George Soros, Jeffry Immelt (Just to name a few ? and not to mention his running mate who has had hair transplants that look like rows of sweetcorn on his head and thinks it's attractive ?
I in now way am endorsing Trump but I don't care if the SOB had antlers growing out of his head if  the right person loves this country and believes in the Constitution, and follows it.

Diane Amberg

Miss Delaware has Alopecia. Ya wanna make fun of her too? Some people have very thin hair, both men and women, so what? It has nothing to do with their abilities or character. For many it's genetic, blame their parents. People lose their hair during cancer treatment. Is that something to judge them on too? It's their business whether they choose to wear wigs, have transplants, rub in Rogaine or do nothing. Judging people on that alone is awfully childish if ya ask me. It must be nice to live in a world where only perfect people are tolerated. I'm very surprised. >:(



Ouch! Ya'll are pretty hard on me! First of all, this discussion does not involve our president nor his wife, although I think that you are all wet with your opinion Jar. Afterall, the supreme court should have their rulings accepted by the rightwingers, no? Diane, I still stand by my statement; I do question the judgement of a man who wears a squirrell on his head and thinks it looks good. This has nothing, nada, nyet to do with Miss Delaware or any other person who has hair loss. Hair loss runs in my own family; my brother is a real chrome dome, hates it, but it is tolerated and considered normal for him. The Donald is used to having his ego curried and I am certain he has absolutely no interest in the presidency. It's all about the money folks! He does it for the money! And whoever told him he looks young and (ahem) sexy with that thing on his head did it for the money.  :P :P :P

Diane Amberg

I was half seriously talking to The Jar! After all, for some reason shaved heads....bald! is fashionable now  among men. It has nothing to do with anything!


Oh, so you were talking to JUST me? I used your beloved Joe just to make a point to 6 dogs about her statement about Trump's hair. I say again, I don't care if he has antlers growing from his skull. Too many people vote because of looks. Before Obuma even got the Demo nod, about 3 years back, in our local café I heard a highly educated dummy say he would vote for him because---and I quote" he's tall, articulate and presidential looking" OK, whatever. Then a Repub at the same table said he hoped Fred Thompson would run because" he was presidential looking and had a deep voice"
If it's the right person I don't care if he /she looks like Pee Wee Herman and has an annoying voice like Lucille Ball-----------------never mind. I'm too damn old and too damn tired to argue with someone that is just itching for a fight. You want a fight, next time you see Joe ask him if he will crawl in the octagon and go a couple rounds with ya.


 I dont care about trumps hair or lack of hair LOL. He's a arrogant big-feelin, thinks he's better than the "common man" elitist obsessed with appearances , money and "power". I would NOT vote for him.

I havent heard of ONE potential candidate I WILL vote for....I threw my vote away on an alternative party just because I refused to vote for either major party LAST time.

There ARE no worthy potential candidates as far as I can see. Anybody who thinks they are going to get anything different is a fool anyway. This government is entrenched and entrenched in corruption and we have NO-ONE to blame but ourselves for continually re-electing the same individuals so many times that being a politician became a CAREER or a family dynasty instead of a calling to serve.
and now...........back to the show  ::) :P


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 04, 2011, 10:31:33 AM
I dont care about trumps hair or lack of hair LOL. He's a arrogant big-feelin, thinks he's better than the "common man" elitist obsessed with appearances , money and "power". I would NOT vote for him.
Actually he is smarter and better than the common man. Thats why he is rich!  YOu don't get that way being a blue collar worker!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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