Wind farm conversation

Started by indygal, March 23, 2011, 09:32:46 AM

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    Public Square Communities is a small company out of Leoti, Kansas.
    I certain our County Commissioner lived in Leoti at one time.
    Our County Commissioner was listed on Public Square's web site as founding member of Elk Konnected.

I believe Elk Konnected came about during the approximate time that the wind farm started negotiations with Elk County but before the contract with the county was signed.

    Definition of FACILITATOR:  one that facilitates; especially : one that helps to bring about an outcome (as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision
OR to put it simply to take Control.

       What is it Elk Konnected? Is it a political action committee?
Who is Elk Konnected?

From The National Community Action Foundation the definition of a political action committeee is:
In the United States, a political action committee, or PAC, is the name commonly given to a private group, regardless of size, organized to elect political candidates or to advance the outcome of a      political issue or      legislation.                 From The National Community Action Foundation

As I see it Elk Konnected is attempting to have an effect on monies that may or may not be acquired by the county.
Therefore any involvement by the county commissioners is a conflict of interest. Isn't that unlawful?

Definition of LEGISLATION

: the action of legislating; specifically : the exercise of the power and function of making rules (as laws) that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization.

The county commissioners make the laws that establish property taxes, right?
And I believe taxes are a political issue because they are controlled by our county government.

A Political Action Committee by any other name is still a Political Action Committee.

What gives Elk Konnected any authority to have a say about the finances of Elk County?
   Does Elk Konnected have control over our elected County officials?

If Elk Connected is really about pulling the county together as connected communities,
what is Elk Connected doing to Stop the city of Howard from trying to take control of  our County School District by moving it's city limits to encompass the school property?

Elk Konnected is not yet Accredited. What does it take for Elk Konnected to get accredited? 
      Who pays for it?      $1500 to $4000 EVERY 2 YEARS?
               Paid for by the Four Public Square Sectors
      By Elk Konnected soliciting or pressure
them into donating money.

      Who are the three of Four Public Square Sectors?..........................
1.   Business
2.   Education   School Board's Taxpayers
3.   City and County Government  Taxpayers
4.   Churches and Health Clinics

Accreditation is granted by a 4 person peer review team from other communities within Kansas. Other towns and other counties supposed leaders.

So Elk Konnected needs the approval of this small non-profit non-tax paying company
Uh what's it called   Oh yea, Public Square Communities, LLC. They have all of 15 customers.

But with out these community meetings Elk Konnected would not get accreditation. And it would not be state wide as I heard someone tell the school board. Just this little company after they collect the money from Elk Konnected.

Elk Konnected according to the company they hired says on their web site that you are suppose to have taken ownership; doesn't that simply mean to take control?
Look under PSC Definitions at

Elk Konnected on our County Web Site
Are they ashamed to list the 60+ individuals, organizations, and businesses giving $50 each that the mention on their web site? Where is there board of governors listed? Who is there President? Who is their Treasurer? Who is their Secretary?

Elk Konnected on Public Square Communities Web Site. 
Look who is listed under Staff for Public Squares Communities.

About property taxes.
The Kansas Department of Revenue posts the average county mill levies for 2006, 2007 and 2008, via its website at .
COUNTY     2008 avg. mill levy
1. Elk    193.140        2009  - 194.558
2. Smith    189.833
3. Hodgeman    178.955
4. Jewell    172.217
5. Labette    167.681
6. Ford    166.631
7. Pratt    166.569
8. Lincoln    163.834
9. Wichita    163.147
10. Rush    162.765
How and when has Elk Konnected ever offered any real information about them selves?
You are quite right Patriot in your opinion.
My opinion is they operate through deception, manipulation and control.
Husbands and wives don't sit together, friends don't sit together. No matter what they say it is just a control factor. Jump through our hoops.
A referendum would be fair for everyone, that's why we register to vote. But for Elk Konnected to have the only say would be down right wrong.


I have been thinking about this for a week now. Something just did not seem right to me, and it has finally dawned on me what it is. We the people have elected our county commisioners to make decisions on our behalf regarding the monetary expenditures of this county. They get a lot of flak when things don't go the way that we think they should. There never seems to be enough in the budget to pay for what the county needs, but somehow they keep it all together. Now that there is a little money on the horizon, meetings are being held, designed by outside influences, and all sorts of ideas are being brought forward depending upon the favorite oxen of choice. Our elective process seems to have been lost in the dust. There surely are public forums before the commission to express all these desires before they decide what to do with any monies the county might receive. I too disapprove of Elk Konnekted being included on the county website. Regarding this group; you don't get anything for nothing, and if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. 'Nough said.  :P


Scholarship, I thought scholarships were for kids to go to college. So what poor kid misses out on a scholarship?
My e-mail from Kansas Department of Commerce.
I copied and pasted from my e-mail program the following.
Is that the $3000 form the 60+ that donated?
Where is the transparency, what are they hiding.


I found out that our agency provided a one-time $3,000 "scholarship" to Elk Konnected in September of 2008.  Upon receipt of a required report, these types of contributions were available to communities/counties to help them with the cost of participating in Public Square.   

I hope this helps.  Commerce has no control over the projects or initiatives that arise from the sessions conducted between Public Square & Elk Konnected.  It's basically community driven from what I understand.  However I'm not an expert on it but I have sat in on multiple sessions in other communities.  Again, you might visit with Elk Konnected reps. if you disagree with any of their goals or objectives. 



Craig VanWey

Southeast Regional Project Manager

Business Development Division

Kansas Department of Commerce

Shirk Hall - 1501 South Joplin St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Phone:  (785) 633-8407

TTY:  711

My response e-mail from the newspaper after submitting a Letter to the editor.
I copied and pasted from my e-mail program the following.

Dear Mr. Ross:

     Our newspaper tries to provide accurate information to our readers, and we have tried to do so with regard to Elk Konnected and its excellent spirit of cooperation in Elk County.  Prairie Star is a charter member of Elk Konnected which is simply a loose-knit group of people and businesses which try to link together for the good of the countywide community.

  We encourage letters to the editor, but they must be of reasonable length and stay with issues that are relevant to our readership market. For those reasons we are declining to print your letter in our newspaper.

  Thank you.

  Rudy Taylor, publisher
  The Prairie Star


Kansas Department of Commerce Said, "I found out that our agency provided a one-time $3,000 "scholarship" to Elk Konnected in September of 2008.  Upon receipt of a required report, these types of contributions were available to communities/counties to help them with the cost of participating in Public Square."

I believe he is saying each of the 15 customers of Public Square Communities LLC recieved $3000. Correct me if I'm wrong.
That would have been $45,000 for college students that needed scholarships to continue their education.


I have been reading this thread again and it seems to me that there is one thing that we should all know.  We have three elected county commisioners to make our decisions for us.  Only one of these commissioners has been named.  The other two have names, too.  Douglas C. Ritz  is the newest commissioner in District 1.  K. R. Liebau is commissioner in District 3. 

I don't know any of these people personally, but Liz Hendricks has always done her best when I have had a problem and I have full faith that she will continue to do her best for the county.

K. R. Liebau bears a well known and respected Elk County name.  I have full confidence in him, also.

I do not know anything about Mr. Ritz, had never heard of him before he became a commissioner, so I cannot say what I think of him.

But, I do think that these three people are trying to do what is best and right for the citizens of Elk County.  I would appreciate it if when one finds it necessary to refer to one of them, that their name is used.

As for the conflict of interest, it would be best if the commissioner in question woud resign one of her positions and I think she will if she thinks it is a conflict of interest.  Personally, I would like for one or all of them to get on this Forum and explain to us each step that is taken in this regard.

There might be some wisdom in having an outsider organizing and conducting these meetings.  This outsider has no ax to grind with another Elk County citizen, nor should any Elk County citizen have a personal problem with him.  However, it is beginning to remind me of Sedgwick County and Wichita where every time they want to do something, they hire an outside firm to do a study of the situation, spending mega bucks and still not getting anything done.

What is this outsider being paid for doing this and who is paying him?

Elk County does have some questions that need to be answered by someone that knows the facts.


Doug Ritz grew up in Howard, graduated from Howard High School in 1969, and married a local girl.  They live and farm in eastern Elk County, somewhere past Busby, I think.  Both of their families have deep roots in Elk County, and I wouldn't hesitate to predict that Doug will be a good county commissioner, looking out for interests of the entire area. 


I can tell you who Doug Ritz is, he married Jeff's Aunt Linda Wiseman, now Ritz. They run a farm in rural Elk County. He works on the rural fire department. They live in Elk County outside of Fall River. His dad lived here in town, not sure of the address of the house but it is behind where Cindy Elliot and her husband live now. Not sure who lives there now, but its a cute little yellow house.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Thank you for confirming the confidence that I was feeling for him.  Being a newcomer in town, almost 6 years now, I had never heard of him.

Jo McDonald

Doug Ritz is the son of the late Charlie and Rita Ritz.
Rita was the administrator of Twilight Manor or many years.  One of their daughters married Sarah and Brooks Bryan's so, Paul;--they live in Valley Center, I believe.  I don't remember who the other daughter married.


Nothing really matters does it?
My bet is after election day we will have an Elk Konnected person on the school board.
Can't you see where this is going?????

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