Wind farm conversation

Started by indygal, March 23, 2011, 09:32:46 AM

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Rudy Taylor

I haven't posted in more than a year, but wanted to stop by and add my compliments to the good people of Elk County who participated in the Community Conversation on Tuesday night in Moline. I work with lots of communities, but none so filled with neighborly people like those who live in Elk County. Fact is, I don't know of another county where such kind-mannered, thoughtful, open discussions would have drawn more than 250 people. I'm so proud to be a part of Elk Konnected. If I were younger, I'd move there!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Encourage home improvement and new construction.  Lower the taxes and see how many people will improve their property.

IMHO this money shouldn't be used for anything except for the operation of the county, thereby lowering the amount of taxes that property owners have to pay.  Give the propety owners a break and the rest will follow.  Possibly even new businesses.


Patriot, spot on!  Wilma, I agree.  The taxes for such a small county are unreal.  The problem that I see with allowing the money to be used for the operation of the county, is that it won't lower taxes.  It will just be squandered in much the same way our taxes are.

I know I'm not the only one, but it seems awful damn "funny" to me that we have an individual that sits on the commissioners board with controlling vote not only on allowing the windfarm, but also has a say in how this money is to be used, and (so I've heard) is going to have a few of these towers installed on her land, for which she will be paid a rather healthy fee.  This whole thing smacks of political corruption. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I didn't attend the meeting, but wish I had to hear the ideas. I think people are getting way to worried about how to spend this money before we have it all complete. I know we have to get together and discuss things, and that was a good thing. I think we all need to be "THANKFUL" Elk County was used as a Windfarm sight at all. There are other places that they could have went with this project. I for one am grateful that they choose Elk County.The way that I see it right now with the project in the starting stages, the County is getting some of the benefits now. I know that we live just a mile off from Limestone road and there have been many Semi loads of gravel being hauled out to the work sight. I have seen many of these Semi's at Toot's and P&J's stopping for a break between loads. That is tax dollars coming back into the county from the Windfarm. Plus I know of one working that is renting a place here in town, and have heard that others are looking. So, that again is money coming into the county from the project. To me, a not so into all the Politics of things, is a good thing. That means the project is already putting money into Elk County!!! I for one am not worried, right now, with all the talk. I am just glad that we are getting some money inflow into the County!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Thank you, Rudy, for the possitive comments!  We would love to have you up here in Elk County....anytime!!!


Elk County owes a huge debt to the property tax payers that have been carrying the county for years and years.  It is time to repay some of it.  This isn't just my HO.  It is my O and nothing humble about it.


Angie, no one is saying that they aren't thankful for the windfarm.  As for the semi loads of gravel...they have to build up the site.  Question is...are they going to repair the damage those semis are doing to the roads or will the county get stuck with that? 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

What kind of contract did they sign? Road damage could have been made part of it.


From the Road Maintenance Contract between Caney River Wind Project and Elk County Commission 1. a. (iii):

Quote]Repair to roads:  Caney River shall, at its expense, contract with qualified contractors to repair any damages to the roads and bridges directly arising out of Caney River's transportation of equipment and project components during the construction of the Project.  Caney River shall complete its final road repair obligations to the reasonable satisfaction of the Road Supervisor within one (1) month after Caney River completes construction of the Project, or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permit.

There is also an escrow account of $200,000 established for reimbursement of the county for any 'Emergency Repairs' performed by the county at its discretion.  

(This document is scanned into a pdf, and thusly I can't cut and paste out of it, and don't feel like typing more of it here.)

Diane Amberg

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