Private LLC with their own page on the Elk Co government website?

Started by Patriot, March 23, 2011, 08:24:20 AM

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While perusing the Official Elk County government website looking for a contact phone number, I noticed a privately owned LLC that specializes in 'community organizing' (Obama's favored line of work) sharing space on the 'official' Elk website.  Seems Elk Konnected advances its agenda (whatever that might truly be).  What the heck is that all about, taxpayers?  Sounds like more progressive hopey-changey feel good for the citizens.  I would have thought Elk citizens were bright enough to manage their own affairs and elect good managers without somebody paying for slick, professional community organizers from outside the community.  

I must have missed my mail, or something.  From that 'official' website (emphasis added)...

Elk Konnected began meeting with Terry Woodbury, Kansas Communities, LLC in February 07.  After 3 meetings, a steering committee was formed representing the Public Square-Business, Health/Human Services, Government, and Education.  The idea was by strengthening each community, the entire Elk Konnected area would be stronger.  Over $3000 was raised for seed money with 60+ individuals, organizations, and businesses giving $50 each.

58 citizens from the Elk Konnected area were interviewed, 140 individuals returned surveys, 126 individuals attended the Community Conversation in Longton expanding on the information collected from the interviews and surveys.  51 nominees representing the public square and the 6 towns met in January 08.  Utilizing the data gathered, the group formulated a vision statement and created 5 action teams.

Some 7% of the population were 'interviewed' or 'returned surveys', while some 4% provided input at a meeting in Longton.  That's damned sure representative of the populace (sarcasm intended).  Business, Health/Human Services, Government, and Education... three out of four ARE government...give me a break!  Committees...action teams... sounds like a managed plan to change the citizens, not improve the community.  And this in collaboration with one or more of our elected officials?  Being privately held, Elk Konnected, LLC is beyond the usual openness, disclosure, & public scrutiny required of government.  In short it stinks of a political action group. Is that what you voted for?  I darned sure didn't.


Look at this steaming bowl of soup while your at it:

'Community organizers' doing what they do best... getting paid consulting bucks and whatever else they do.
I was always told a consultant was usually someone who gets paid to tell other people how to do things they couldn't do themselves.

This smells of stuff right from the Obama/Sebelius/ACORN/Progressive playbook...Promise them a rose garden, but collect their money before you leave.  Inch by inch.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Looks like the Elk Konnected has more than a webpage.  They've organized and their sights are set on the WindPower monies.
I don't know why anyone would want to be part of such a scheme to raid the public treasury.  Majority rule?  Democracy?  Yeah, that's probably the thinking.  There ought to be a lot of opposition to this one.


Quote from: redcliffsw on March 24, 2011, 08:40:29 AM
Looks like the Elk Konnected has more than a webpage.  They've organized and their sights are set on the WindPower monies.
I don't know why anyone would want to be part of such a scheme to raid the public treasury.  Majority rule?  Democracy?  Yeah, that's probably the thinking.  There ought to be a lot of opposition to this one.

There may not be much opposition.  See the recent glowing posts about their Moline meeting in the Coffee Shop.  ElkKonnected LLC (with County Commissioner Hendricks on it's Board of Directors) has enlisted FourSquare, LLC to help implement a program of organized community enhancements (much like the Communist Chinese do in local 'councils' & committees).

FourSquare is headed by a well heeled Democrat who has implemented similar 'projects' across Kansas.  Why, Chanute is even 'FourSquare certified' (for what that's worth).  One KS county, after 4 years on the FourSquare diet, has increased school enrollment by.......... 3 pupils, and the community (read: indocrinated sheeple) are ecstatic!  Go figure.

After having highly structured meetings where input is taken from the community at large about needs in the community, a much smaller, select group determines (supposedly from the earlier inputs) what is 'most needed/desired and then makes official recommendations to (read: pushes) local government, business, etc.  This objectively looks like an ACORN style community organization scam if ever there were one.  Of course any dissent, opposition or deep searching is met with rapid segregation and demonization.  See Saul Alinsky and Rules For Radicals.  Military folk will know it as divide and conquer.

But the influential local powers that be seem to really be behind this... kinda like their recent attempts to put the taxpayers in debt for $5.5 million dollars for excessive school improvements (just before the economy tanked).  Trust me, this may well end up costing Elk taxpayers and creating more division among the citizens than it's worth. We may well get some new 'stuff', like an exercise center in Howard, but real county growth..... I doubt it.  Surely no more than local citizens could generate without 'outside' organization.  Elk citizens are fully capable! 

Finaly, I doubt this will do much for rural Elk residents at all.... we're used to lousy roads, & we got chores to do.

For once I agree with Varmit.  Get input, put this to a public vote in a voter referendum.  Let the taxpaying public tell the Commission what to do for once.  Back door 'democracy' and special influence is dangerous and unneeded.  We already have a governmental system..... demand that it do the job we elected it to do.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Can't disagree with you.  But if you put it to a vote, the vote will about how to spend the money.
Democrats vs the republicans so to speak.  It's the tyranny of democracy.  Lincoln style.

Looks to me like the landowners should have gotten a better lease deal.  Instead the masses are conspiring
to share the profits. 


Scholarship, I thought scholarships were for kids to go to college. So what poor kid misses out on a scholarship?
My e-mail from Kansas Department of Commerce.
I copied and pasted from my e-mail program the following.
Is that the $3000 form the 60+ that donated?
Where is the transparency, what are they hiding.


I found out that our agency provided a one-time $3,000 "scholarship" to Elk Konnected in September of 2008.  Upon receipt of a required report, these types of contributions were available to communities/counties to help them with the cost of participating in Public Square.   

I hope this helps.  Commerce has no control over the projects or initiatives that arise from the sessions conducted between Public Square & Elk Konnected.  It's basically community driven from what I understand.  However I'm not an expert on it but I have sat in on multiple sessions in other communities.  Again, you might visit with Elk Konnected reps. if you disagree with any of their goals or objectives. 



Craig VanWey

Southeast Regional Project Manager

Business Development Division

Kansas Department of Commerce

Shirk Hall - 1501 South Joplin St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Phone:  (785) 633-8407

TTY:  711

My response e-mail from the newspaper after submitting a Letter to the editor.
I copied and pasted from my e-mail program the following.

Dear Mr. Ross:

     Our newspaper tries to provide accurate information to our readers, and we have tried to do so with regard to Elk Konnected and its excellent spirit of cooperation in Elk County.  Prairie Star is a charter member of Elk Konnected which is simply a loose-knit group of people and businesses which try to link together for the good of the countywide community.

  We encourage letters to the editor, but they must be of reasonable length and stay with issues that are relevant to our readership market. For those reasons we are declining to print your letter in our newspaper.

  Thank you.

  Rudy Taylor, publisher
  The Prairie Star


Kansas Department of Commerce Said, "I found out that our agency provided a one-time $3,000 "scholarship" to Elk Konnected in September of 2008.  Upon receipt of a required report, these types of contributions were available to communities/counties to help them with the cost of participating in Public Square."

I believe he is saying each of the 15 customers of Public Square Communities LLC recieved $3000. Correct me if I'm wrong.
That would have been $45,000 for college students that needed scholarships to continue their education.


 ??? So if they did receive $45,000.00 who got the money??? What did they do with the money??


If Public Square Communities LLC helped each of it's 15 customers recieve $3000 my guess is they used the money to pay Public Square Communities LLC for their services.

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