Obama Believes In One World Government

Started by redcliffsw, March 22, 2011, 01:55:23 PM

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Ron Paul on Freedom Watch: Obama Believes In One World Government , Not National Sovereignty



One World Government Obama
By Ben Stein on 3.22.11 @ 6:09AM

Maybe I missed something, but wasn't that The Constitution of the United States of America that we just laid to rest this weekend?

It was buried in a private ceremony by Mr. Barack Obama of Chicago as he silently signed America on to the  One World Government some of us have been worried about for decades.

Look at it this way: Where did Mr. Obama get the authority to commit United States forces to war in Libya? There was no declaration of war. There was no authorizing resolution by Congress allowing money to be spent on a war against Col. Gaddafi. As far as I know, there was no meeting of Mr. Obama and top leaders of Congress to discuss the subject in even rough form, let alone detail. There was no lengthy buildup in which the Congress was "allowed" to express the people's opinion on whether we want to be in a third concurrent war.

There was just a vote by the United Nations Security Council, a very far from unanimous vote, and suddenly, the President's Secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, solemnly announced that we were at war.

But, when did we amend the Constitution to declare that the United Nations had control over our military
? When did we abolish the part of the Constitution that said Congress had the right to declare war? Now, I well know that in recent postwar conflicts, we don't have declarations of war. But we have Congressional  debates. We have funding votes. We have a sense of the Congress or some kind of resolution.

This time, zip. Nada. Nothing. Just France and the U.K. and Norway saying that it's time to go to war, and off America goes to war. And off Mr. and Mrs. Obama go to a South American "fact finding" trip for the POTUS and a fun sightseeing junket for the Obama girls.

(I wonder if there has ever before in history been a national leader who sent his country to war -- and the same day went off on vacation. Has that ever happened before? )

Something's missing here. Libya and Col. Gaddafi were and are no threat to the United States. It is sad and cruel that the Gaddafi regime was murdering its own civilians, but so do many governments all across the world, including North Korea, Iran, the Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, and Cuba. Are we going to war with all of them, now?

Meanwhile, again, what the heck happened to the Constitution? Is this Mr. Obama's legacy to our children? The junking of the Constitution in the middle of the night and the turnover of our sovereignty to the United Nations? (By the way, this is the same UN where Libya until recently sat on the Commission on Human Rights.) Why aren't any questions being asked? Is the Constitution that meaningless to us? Are we that pitiful now? Are we willing to toss overboard the Constitution for the writ of the United Nations? I guess so. Sad days.

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Nothing is more convincing that we are living in Orwellian times than the talk about Libya.  We go to war with no clear objectives and the possibility of a third unending war.  The US government would not tolerate armed insurection in this country and would not tolerate other countries coming to the aide of revolutionary citizens.  Furthermore US humanitarian aide does not extend to the thousands of Libyans on Italian soil with out food and decent living conditions.  

Diane Amberg

Wow! I feel like I just fell down a hole and came up in 1966. Genuine Peacenik speech. Viet Nam was never a war declared by Congress either. It was "A conflict" and look how that turned out. I'm not hearing the same thing. I heard "no boots on the ground" in Libya, just a short fighter "tear up the  military airports and whatever is needed to create a no fly zone," as part of a group country effort. Not so? Surely our our military officers can supervise that without help from the President getting in the way. Presidents are always in contact with whomever they need to be anywhere in the world anyway. He's better off where he is.


But lets call a spade a spade.  This is not a no fly zone.  When the Americans had to eject, the news is reporting the pilot called for bombing.  Two bombs were reportedly dropped,  but there is no report of where they were dropped or what damage actually ocurred.  One could rationaly assume that civilians were hurt or killed.  The US does not need to get involved in this nightmare, especially without the approval of congress.


Quote from Diane
Viet Nam was never a war declared by Congress either. It was "A conflict" and look how that turned out.

In your opinion, " how did it turn out" ??


Quote from: redcliffsw on March 22, 2011, 01:55:23 PM
Ron Paul on Freedom Watch: Obama Believes In One World Government , Not National Sovereignty


His well documented position in most things is government direction and control (the bigger the better).  The man spews socialist concepts at every turn. Hopey-changey.  Pied Piper, if you ask me.  Read Alinsky and smell the coffee.  Inch by inch.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Patriot, you are changing the subject and I thought my feelings on Viet Nam were very well known. It was made into an undeclared war that wasn't won or lost . It just sort of petered out after Saigon fell. It cost the lives of a number of personal friends and Congress wouldn't let the troops do what needed to be done, too many political restraints. I really don't care if you agree with my opinion or not. It's mine and it will never change. That was all a long time ago,a very turbulent time, and there are still many people who will never understand why we got into it. I believe history showed it made no difference at all.   


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 22, 2011, 09:25:19 PM
Patriot, you are changing the subject... 

Diane, read the topic title.  Perhaps I just returned to the subject.  Either way, is that important?  For what it's worth, it was windy in Elk County today. 
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 22, 2011, 09:25:19 PM
It just sort of petered out after Saigon fell.

I guess 'sort of petered out' would be one way to put it.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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