U.S. fires cruise missiles on Libyan air defenses

Started by thatsMRSc2u, March 19, 2011, 02:15:37 PM

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(CBS/AP)  The U.S. has launched cruise missiles against Libyan air defenses as part of the international military effort against Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi.
CBS News national security correspondent David Martin confirms that the Pentagon launched 50-100 cruise missiles around 2 p.m. ET Saturday, following the French fighter jets' sorties over Benghazi.

A senior military official has told CBS News that the U.S. will be on the "leading edge" of coalition efforts to enforce the U.N. resolution.

The operation has two goals: prevent further attacks on civilians by Qaddafi's forces, and develop the ability to establish a no-fly zone by going after Qaddafi's integrated air defenses.


Wonder what would happen if about a thousand of us "good ol boys" decided we didn't like our CiC, so we loaded our deer rifles and headed to DC. You reckon they would stop us with whatever it takes ? You bet they would. You reckon the UN and France would say, "Mr Prez,you can't kill civilians, so we are coming after you and gonna shoot down any of your jets you send up"
I got mixed feeling about this deal, but hell---I'm a war monger so lets get it on !!! :)


What happened to the people at Waco and Ruby Ridge? And they weren't headed to DC.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


  I'm sure they would jarhead. How thin are they gonna spread us tho? :P I dont give a SHIT about the guys who start the wars, I care about the KIDS who have to fight em.

  Actually if a bunch headed there to change things most of the guys who are sposed to stop em would PROBABLY join em.


Quote from: Sarge on March 20, 2011, 08:04:32 AM
What happened to the people at Waco and Ruby Ridge? And they weren't headed to DC.

Yeah Thats the point!   I am mixed on going in, since i still have kids in the fight. UP UNTIL THE ARABS said we need to go in and do something i was on the side of the fence that said let them handle their own war.   But to be quite honest about it i couldn't be more proud if any one of my boys fought for the rebels.  Its a matter of standing up for the small guy.   Civilians have no dog in this fight so Ghaddafi has no right whatsoever to be killing civiilians.   Just sets wrong with me.  

On top of it, its not a war that we are involved in that doesn't have support. The arabs support it, along with other nations. IF the arabs and the world agree on that it isn't right, gotta say it aint right!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well said by one who understands what the Union Army (north) did to the Southern civilians during the War For Southern Independence.


You see where we fired 124 Tomahawk missiles now, at a cost of $600,000 per missile. That is 71 million dollars. Be alot cheaper to send Vamit in with a M-79 grenade launcher !!!

Roma Jean Turner

I'm all for that.  Instead of tearing up the infrastructure of another country and leaving the SOB's alive, I say we go for them first and get it done.  Come on.....I don't trust a man who wears a pill box hat.   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I'm a hard ass I guess.. You know... *quote * ...when Reagan ordered the bombing of Libya around '85ish, Qaddafi voluntarily ditched his WMD programs around 2000 - 2001.  Try to  remember when he OKed the bombings of the "La Belle" disco... and PA103.  No one seems to remember that the way the convicted bomber wound up in jail was because Qaddafi gave him up.
People had a hemorrhage when our Govt. court martialed  Navy SEALS for smacking around a terror suspect.

Another thing,... you didn't see Qaddafi dancing in the street treating the returned bomber as a hero did you?
It was these same civilian shits that Obama is now protecting.

Another thing to note... when we had a legitimate reason to go after him when Bush was in office,  the French refused to let us overfly their territory. This has been cited by several sources as being responsible for the loss of an F/B111 and the death of the Crew.

There is no reason to be attacking Libya.. and not any of the other countries with civil unrest, (like , say, IRAN )
The Administration has no clear objective beyond PR...and his own personal agenda.
Putin is correct...the Crusades were launched in large part as an effort by the Pope to find work for the disbanded Armies who were destroying the French economy. In other words they were as much about European internal affairs as about anything the Muslims were up to. *unquote*

This whole thing is BS and the fact that Obama is doing it should make it obvious that it is not in America's best interest.
Bottom line is ( in my not so humble opinion) ...I say... Either its for the win or it's a waste of time, money and lives. Hiding behind the UN and France is like hiding behind your mother's skirts. Wishy-washy is not the "right way" to do anything. We should have just stayed the hell out and let France handle it. They seem to be in charge anyway..
Thanks to this administration.. America is soon ..if not already.. being labeled and pegged as a weak country...   Lets bring our boys back home and put them on the border here .. and let them do what they need to do without all the political interference..
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