So, Who Still Wants Nuclear Power??

Started by sixdogsmom, March 16, 2011, 04:50:04 PM

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(AP)  FUKUSHIMA, Japan - Japan said radiation levels in spinach and milk from farms near its tsunami-crippled nuclear complex exceeded government safety limits, as emergency teams scrambled Saturday to restore power to the plant so it could cool dangerously overheated fuel.
The food was taken from farms as far as 65 miles from the stricken plants, suggesting a wide area of nuclear contamination.

While the radiation levels exceeded the limits allowed by the government, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano insisted the products "pose no immediate health risk."

Complete coverage: Disaster in Japan

Firefighters also pumped tons of water directly from the ocean into one of the most troubled areas of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex — the cooling pool for used fuel rods at the plant's Unit 3. The rods are at risk of burning up and sending radioactive material into the environment.

The first word on contaminated food in the crisis came as Japan continued to grapple with overwhelming consequences of the cascade of disasters unleashed by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake on March 11. The quake spawned a tsunami that ravaged Japan's northeastern coast, killing more than 7,200 people and knocking out backup cooling systems at the nuclear plant, which has been leaking radiation.

The tainted milk was found 20 miles from the plant, while the spinach was collected between 50 miles and 65 miles to the south, Edano told reporters in Tokyo.

More testing was being done on other foods, he said, and if tests show further contamination then food shipments would be halted from the area.

"It's not like if you ate it right away you would be harmed," Edano said. "It would not be good to continue to eat it for some time."

Edano said someone drinking the tainted milk for one year would consume as much radiation as in a CT scan; for the spinach, it would be one-fifth of a CT scan. A CT scan is a compressed series of X-rays used for medical tests.

Just outside the bustling disaster response center in the city of Fukushima, 40 miles northwest of the plant, government nuclear specialist Kazuya Konno was able to take only a three-minute break for his first meeting since the quake with his wife, Junko, and their children.

"It's very nerve-racking. We really don't know what is going to become of our city," said Junko Konno, 35. "Like most other people, we have been staying indoors unless we have to go out."

She brought her husband a small backpack with a change of clothes and snacks. The girls — aged 4 and 6 and wearing pink surgical masks decorated with Mickey Mouse — gave their father hugs.

Low levels of radiation have been detected well beyond Tokyo, which is 140 miles south of the plant, but hazardous levels have been limited to the plant itself.

Nuclear reactors at the Fukushima plant began overheating and leaking radiation into the atmosphere in the days after the March 11 quake and the subsequent tsunami overwhelmed its cooling systems. The government admitted it was slow to respond to the nuclear troubles, which added another crisis on top of natural disasters, which officials estimate killed more than 10,000 people and displaced more than 400,000 others.

The complex is deeply troubled, Edano said Saturday, but it's not getting worse.

"The situation at the nuclear complex still remains unpredictable. But at least we are preventing things from deteriorating," he said.

Photos: Chernobyl - Visit to a nuclear ghost town

A fire truck with a high-pressure cannon was parked outside the plant's Unit 3, about 300 meters from the Pacific coast, and began shooting a stream of water nonstop into the pool for seven straight hours, said Kenji Kawasaki, a spokesman for the nuclear safety agency.

A separate pumping vehicle will keep the fire truck's water tank refilled. Because of high radiation levels, firefighters will only go to the truck every three hours when it needs to be refueled. They expect to pump about 1,400 tons of water, nearly the capacity of the pool.

Emergency workers are also funneling water into the complex's most troubled reactors — Units 1, 2 and 3, officials said.

A power company official said holes had to punched in the roofs of the buildings housing Units 5 and 6, as workers tried to prevent dangerous buildups of hydrogen gas — a sign that temperatures continued to rise in those units' fuel storage pools. Firefighters had started pumping water into Unit 5's pool, and the temperature had gone down, but a pump broke, delaying the refilling, the official said.

Meanwhile, Hidehiko Nishiyama of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said backup power systems at the plant had been improperly protected, leaving them vulnerable to the tsunami that savaged the northeastern coast.

The failure of Fukushima's backup power systems, which were supposed to keep cooling systems going in the aftermath of the massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake, let uranium fuel overheat and were a "main cause" of the crisis, Nishiyama said.

"I cannot say whether it was a human error, but we should examine the case closely," he told reporters.

A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co., which owns and runs the plants, said that while the generators themselves were not directly exposed to the waves, some electrical support equipment was outside. The complex was protected against tsunamis of up to 5 meters, he said. Media reports say the tsunami was at least 6 meters high when it struck Fukushima.

Spokesman Motoyasu Tamaki also acknowledged that the complex was old, and might not have been as well-equipped as newer facilities.

Plant operators also said they would reconnect four of the plant's six reactor units to a power grid Saturday. Although a replacement power line reached the complex Friday, workers had to methodically work through badly damaged and deeply complex electrical systems to make the final linkups without setting off a spark and potentially an explosion.

"Most of the motors and switchboards were submerged by the tsunami and they cannot be used," Nishiyama said.

Even once the power is reconnected, it is not clear if the cooling systems will still work.

The storage pools need a constant source of cooling water. When removed from reactors, uranium rods are still very hot and must be cooled for months, possibly longer, to prevent them from heating up again and emitting radioactivity.

People evacuated from around the plant, along with some emergency workers, have also tested positive for radiation exposure. Three firefighters needed to be decontaminated with showers, while among the 18 plant workers who tested positive, one absorbed about one-tenth tenth of the amount that might induce radiation poisoning.

As Japan crossed the one-week mark since the cascade of disasters began, the government conceded Friday it was slow to respond and welcomed ever-growing help from the U.S. in hopes of preventing a complete meltdown.

The United States has loaned military firefighting trucks to the Japanese, and has conducted overflights of the reactor site, strapping sophisticated pods onto aircraft to measure radiation aloft. Two tests conducted Thursday gave readings that U.S. Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel B. Poneman said reinforced the U.S. recommendation that people stay 50 miles away from the Fukushima plant. Japan has ordered only a 12-mile evacuation zone around the plant.

Emergency crews at the plant faced two continuing challenges: cooling the nuclear fuel in reactors where energy is generated, and cooling the adjacent pools where thousands of used nuclear fuel rods are stored in water.

The tsunami knocked out power to cooling systems at the nuclear plant and its six reactors. Since then, four have been hit by fires, explosions or partial meltdowns.

The government on Friday raised the accident classification for the nuclear crisis, putting it on a par with the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979, and signifying that its consequences went beyond the local area.

This crisis has led to power shortages and factory closures, hurt global manufacturing and triggered a plunge in Japanese stock prices.

Police said more than 452,000 people made homeless by the quake and tsunami were staying in schools and other shelters, as supplies of fuel, medicine and other necessities ran short.

On Saturday evening, Japan was rattled by 6.1-magnitude aftershock, with an epicenter just south of the troubled nuclear plants. The temblor, centered 90 miles northeast of Tokyo, caused buildings in the capital to shake.


Still not enough to make me worry about a nuclear reactor near me.  Considering that core 3 i believe has pretty much melted down, i'd have to say that the proceedure in place worked pretty good.  I've had more radiation in me in the last 2 months than what they are getting and i don't glow. 

cleanup is in a good position too as it is confined to the reactor core.  That will make it easier to handle.  I suspect they will get the rods cooled down, moved to a spent pool, cleanup the area the reactor is in and probably turn that reactor into rubble and rebuild.  The rubble can be cleaned up enough to bury under where a reactor will go keeping it contained.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


In just a few days people willl start to die from radiation exposure.


Quote from: twirldoggy on March 19, 2011, 05:13:37 PM
In just a few days people willl start to die from radiation exposure.

No they wont!  Sheesh.  there hasn't been enough exposure.
First of all there are no alpha or beta particles to inhale or ingest. That is what usually kills people.  It goes in and sits and turns to cancer.
Secondly Gama radiation is the one that is being emitted.  You get 25mr of radiation flying on a plane,
Radiation measurement in russia i think is called microroentgen.  typical city in america is 10 -12 per hour.  Normal.  You get around 25 per hour flying on a plane.  The fatal dosage of which your speaking of would require them to get 500 microrotentgens in a 5 hour period or 100 per hour.  They aren't getting anywhere near that in japan. Even at the nuclear plant that is melted down their not getting hit with that kind of radiation. 
The radiation being emitted is not radiation. Its a radionuclide which is not the same it has a half life of seconds and is based on Oxygen and nitrogen.  They split off and are back to their normal happy selves.
That is whytheyused the type of reactor they used. IT is a boiled water reactor.

Main thing is to get the rods cooled off, pulled out and sent out for reprocessing. Once that is done, repair the block core or dismantle it and replace it.  There will be very little left. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 Is it dark there with your head in the sand?


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on March 19, 2011, 06:53:53 PM
Is it dark there with your head in the sand?
I would say the ones who want to stop all use of nuclear power, oil, coal are the ones with their heads in the sand.  Not going to happen and they had better get used to the presence of all three.

The resources are there to extract for us to use and it is foolish to not utilize a efficent means of creating power.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Saw an interesting deal on that maybe low levels of radiation might actually be good for you, according to some scientists. Something about a bunch of women that had TB and kazillion chest x-rays then they had fewer cases of breast cancer than women not exposed to so much radiation. I wish now I hadn't dozed off when it was on TV.


Just a few thoughts on this...

1)  Our tech. may have imporved but nothing is fail safe.  Why take the chance?  Coal and natural gas plants may have problems but even if they explode the land around them isn't unihabitable for hundreds of years.

2)  Power plants, espcially nuclear ones, do make for fine targets.

3)  With the hype about enegry consumption, I think more time should be spent on finding alternatives to what we have and on ways to cut down on the amount we use.

4)  We have to start thinking long term in this country.  Not just one or two generations down the road but 10 to 20.  Even if the fuel rods can be reused what is the by-product and how will it be dealt with?  I see it as a pandoras box kinda thing.  I mean, just because we could invent the atomic bomb, doesn't mean we should have.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on March 21, 2011, 03:25:25 AM
Just a few thoughts on this...

1)  Our tech. may have imporved but nothing is fail safe.  Why take the chance?  Coal and natural gas plants may have problems but even if they explode the land around them isn't unihabitable for hundreds of years.
WHy take the chance? because there is a technology that if we can improve on it and understand it more, implement it, we can eventually bring nuclear fusion into use and use that instead of the fission we use in our reactors. WIth fusion if things go wrong it stops reacting and you don't get the spread of radiation.

Quote2)  Power plants, espcially nuclear ones, do make for fine targets.
Maybe but it would take a huge missle to penetrate the reactor cores with 8' concrete walls.
Not going to happen with a suicide bomber.

Quote3)  With the hype about enegry consumption, I think more time should be spent on finding alternatives to what we have and on ways to cut down on the amount we use.
This is the best alternative we have available.  Its power for the next millenium.  Shrug.  It will outlast coal, oil, which you have to have both to make windmills and solar panels....

Quote4)  We have to start thinking long term in this country.  Not just one or two generations down the road but 10 to 20.  Even if the fuel rods can be reused what is the by-product and how will it be dealt with? 
Spent fuel rods can be reprossessed up to 95 percent. The 5% that is left over can be used in breeder reactors.  So there really is no reason for not using it.  There isn't any waste leftover in the actual process.  BUT you got idiots like carter, and obama that outlawed reprocessing of the fuel rods. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on March 19, 2011, 07:27:00 PM
I would say the ones who want to stop all use of nuclear power, oil, coal are the ones with their heads in the sand.  Not going to happen and they had better get used to the presence of all three.

The resources are there to extract for us to use and it is foolish to not utilize a efficent means of creating power.

Oh I've gotten USED to a LOT of STUPID things in my life........doesn't mean I have to LIKE them. What most people don't get about me is the fact that I am both a REALIST and an IDEALIST....I know how things should and could be in a better world....while seeing the futility of ever expecting things to change because the majority of people just don't give a shit....they want what they want when they want it and don't give a shit how they get it because in all reality they don't care what happens when they are dead because it won't be THEIR problem anymore.

SOMETIMES progress and innovation is NOT a good thing...sometimes it's God giving you the means of your own destruction just to see if you are stupid enough to use it.

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