Sit down and shut the hell up!

Started by Patriot, March 14, 2011, 08:31:21 AM

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By Neal Boortz
@ March 14, 2011 9:05

Know what? This nation needs to get together and speak with one voice to America's college students. One LOUD voice. The message?

Sit down and shut the hell up!

When you've been away from your mommies for a while; when you've shown that you can handle the rigors of academia ... and, most important, when you've actually spent some time on your own earning your own living, taking care of your own needs, filing out your own tax forms, and living free of the parental and academic umbilical cord ... then maybe we'll be willing to listen to something you have to say. Right now nobody is all impressed with your ability to occupy a public building while shouting "shame, shame, shame" and waving your fists in the air.

You really do think that you have all of the right answers to the world's problems, don't you? The Intercollegiate Studies Institute did a little test .. a civic literacy test of more than 28,000 students .. to see how smart these college students really are. Here are a few of their findings. By the way, this was a multiple-choice test.

    * Less than half knew about federalism, judicial review, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and NATO.

    * Ten percent thought that 'we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal' came from the Communist Manifesto.

    * Harvard students failed the test, scoring on average 69, which is a D.

Columnist Mark Tapscott says, "Since the vast majority of the students tested are products of public schools, the results represent a comprehensive indictment of public education, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers."

You're in college to learn. Maybe after you're through making asses out of yourselves in Madison you'll get to the task at hand.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You know, I'm getting tired of older generations ranting and raving about how the younger generations don't know anyting, haven't spent enough time in the real world, so forth and so on.  Maybe instead of disregarding them simply because they fared poorly on a civics test we might actually listen to what they have to say.  Afterall, it wasn't their failed policies and practices that got us in this mess to begin with.  In fact, every single problem we're facing today can be laid at the feet of the folks that have "spent some time on your own earning your own living, taking care of your own needs, filing out your own tax forms, and living free of the parental and academic umbilical cord ".  Afterall, they are the ones that continue to vote for the same people, partys, and practices, that have crumbled this country.  So, to all the older folks bitching about how the young people in this country don't know anything...take your geritol and try forming an original thought, who knows you just might surprise yourself.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Uh, then there was "Don't trust any one over 30."... ;D  So where does that leave you?  ;D ;D ;D ;D 
My parents had W W II , I had Viet Nam, you had/have The Middle East. All were the same, yet all were different. The so called "generation gap" has been around for a long time. Generations that listen to each other about many areas of life are always better off. We all have a lot to learn from each other if people will just open their ears and hearts and really listen and try to understand and be less judgemental. Every conversation should not include a predator and a victim.


Varmit,  I couldn't have said it better myself. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Varmit on March 16, 2011, 04:13:07 AM
You know, I'm getting tired of older generations ranting and raving about how the younger generations don't know anyting, haven't spent enough time in the real world, so forth and so on.  Maybe instead of disregarding them simply because they fared poorly on a civics test we might actually listen to what they have to say.  Afterall, it wasn't their failed policies and practices that got us in this mess to begin with.  In fact, every single problem we're facing today can be laid at the feet of the folks that have "spent some time on your own earning your own living, taking care of your own needs, filing out your own tax forms, and living free of the parental and academic umbilical cord ".  Afterall, they are the ones that continue to vote for the same people, partys, and practices, that have crumbled this country.  So, to all the older folks bitching about how the young people in this country don't know anything...take your geritol and try forming an original thought, who knows you just might surprise yourself.

Geritol has nothing to do with anything.  Maybe the 'older generations' at some point did start listening to their offspring rather than the common sense and wisdom that their age had tried to give them.  Anyone who thinks that youthful book learned education produces the wisdom that comes from years of life experience is probably youthful & book learned.

The article makes a valid point.  College kids standing around at a state capitol breaking windows & chanting slogans is probably less about offering wise and reasoned solutions and more about a 'fun' party atmosphere, diversion from term paper writing or learning a work ethic.  All of us were college age at one time.... some of us outgrew childish things.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on March 16, 2011, 07:02:32 PM
The article makes a valid point.  College kids standing around at a state capitol breaking windows & chanting slogans is probably less about offering wise and reasoned solutions and more about a 'fun' party atmosphere, diversion from term paper writing or learning a work ethic.  All of us were college age at one time.... some of us outgrew childish things.

You completely missed my point.  I'm not advocating vandialism but I am willing to ask a question that few older folks aren't willing to and that is simply...why?  In most instances of youthful protests the underlying cause stems from no one actually trying talk to the younger folks. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on March 21, 2011, 04:04:44 AM
You completely missed my point.  I'm not advocating vandialism but I am willing to ask a question that few older folks aren't willing to and that is simply...why?  In most instances of youthful protests the underlying cause stems from no one actually trying talk to the younger folks.  

A wise man told me once that your not going to be successful or accomplish anything if you try ti fight the system.  It is and has been around longer than anyone on the planet and generally works.  To accomplish anything, and to be successful, one must learn the systema nd work within it to get what they want.  

For example, if you want a better paying job, you don't go on national tv and call your boss a dictator and tryant and call for equal partnership with the boss. What you do is work for the boss, learn what he knows, copy his success and you will in turn have a shot at being just as succcessful.  

Students act first think last. They do not have the ability or the wisdom to do it. IF they did, they wouldn't be students.  Their opinions are ok in a classroom to be used in guiding them to think critically and make good decisions.  BUT to  go out and express their opinions in mobs and act a fool, the only thing people will think of them is that they are absolute fools and their credibility is  instantly lost.   Demanding this, or that isn't going to get the job done.  What you have to do is find out what it will take to get the job done, lay the foundation to build on, and then proceed through the system to get it  done.  

This might mean having to slip some cash to someone in power under the table to grease the wheels. Is it right? nope, Its just reality. ITs the way it works and the wise man will use it to his advantage.  NO one every guaranteed that life would be fair.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on March 21, 2011, 07:15:05 AM
A wise man told me once that your not going to be successful or accomplish anything if you try ti fight the system.  It is and has been around longer than anyone on the planet and generally works.  To accomplish anything, and to be successful, one must learn the systema nd work within it to get what they want.  

Did Christ, Ghandi, or MLK work within the system?  How about the folks that setup the underground railroad?  The "wise man" you mentioned seriously needs to get a clue.  The only thing the System understands is force.
Students don't have the ability or wisdom to think first and act last??...Their opinions are ok only in the classroom??...Brushing them under the rug like that is exactly why they act out.  Fact is most of the "older" generations don't want students to think critically, they want them to follow the same thought patterns as the older folks.  If students did think critically they would realize that the older generations are compeletly full of s#^t.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I have been reading this and it does kind of raise some attention. Not all students act in this manner. I think these students were not being listened to that is why they acted out. Sit and think about when you were a kid, or even their age. If you were not even given a chance to be listened to how did you feel? I am not at all saying what they did was right, they needed to try for a better manner to be heard. I do listen to my kids, but at the same time if I feel that they shouldn't do something or what they said wasn't right I try to steer them in the right direction. I don't believe that we should always conform them to be like us, as basicially kissing *SS to get somewhere in life, like a job and so forth. I don't feel that I should do that either. I want to be myself and if someone doesn't like me for that then so be it. God made me this way for a reason, he has a plan! I want my children to be independant adults, not rely on someone else to get them somewhere in life. If speaking their mind is wrong, then so be it. But if they go as far as tearing things up and breaking the law, I don't feel that is right.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

jerry wagner

Quote from: srkruzich on March 21, 2011, 07:15:05 AM
A wise man told me once that your not going to be successful or accomplish anything if you try ti fight the system.  It is and has been around longer than anyone on the planet and generally works.  To accomplish anything, and to be successful, one must learn the systema nd work within it to get what they want.  

For example, if you want a better paying job, you don't go on national tv and call your boss a dictator and tryant and call for equal partnership with the boss. What you do is work for the boss, learn what he knows, copy his success and you will in turn have a shot at being just as succcessful.  

Students act first think last. They do not have the ability or the wisdom to do it. IF they did, they wouldn't be students.  Their opinions are ok in a classroom to be used in guiding them to think critically and make good decisions.  BUT to  go out and express their opinions in mobs and act a fool, the only thing people will think of them is that they are absolute fools and their credibility is  instantly lost.   Demanding this, or that isn't going to get the job done.  What you have to do is find out what it will take to get the job done, lay the foundation to build on, and then proceed through the system to get it  done.  

This might mean having to slip some cash to someone in power under the table to grease the wheels. Is it right? nope, Its just reality. ITs the way it works and the wise man will use it to his advantage.  NO one every guaranteed that life would be fair.

Spoken in the same vein as most of your post.... as if you, representing the older generation, are the only ones capable of expressing a well defined opinion that could work.  It is time for the older generations to realize that they are not the only part of society, and that those that are younger are willing and capable of controlling their OWN lives. 

Patriot, you disagree with what those students were saying but at least they were willing to put their feet down and make a statement.  They may not know their history to the same degree as you do, but they does not mean they are ill-informed.

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