The Molech Paradigm

Started by redcliffsw, March 14, 2011, 04:36:07 AM

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In 1857, the NEA was founded as the National Teachers Association (NTA) on the progressive principle of a free and compulsory education for everyone at taxpayers' expense. Although many people at the time were outraged at this taxation without representation and the taking away of people from their vocations, like farming, the idea of a free education for everyone sounded egalitarian and just. However, human nature and history tell us welfare philanthropy leads to paternalism and contempt by the giver and laziness, resentment and pathology by the receiver. Pick any large city in America to see the utter devastation and failure of progressive social policies.
-Ellis Washington


Outstanding post, thank you.  While many may object or not fully understand, I suspect that they fully demonstrate the validity of the author's point.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

He is certainly entitled to his opinion, but I must say something about part of it. I remember full well when we took turns reading the Bible everyday in school at the day's beginning and saluted the flag too.The courts took out the Bible reading in 1963 and schools would never have stopped it if they had not been ordered to do so. Most of you are old enough to remember how that happened. Why blame the schools? Lay the trouble at the feet of the Supreme Court!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 14, 2011, 10:07:29 AM
He is certainly entitled to his opinion, but I must say something about part of it. I remember full well when we took turns reading the Bible everyday in school at the day's beginning and saluted the flag too.The courts took out the Bible reading in 1963 and schools would never have stopped it if they had not been ordered to do so. Most of you are old enough to remember how that happened. Why blame the schools? Lay the trouble at the feet of the Supreme Court!

No Diane, lay it at the feet of publicly educated folks who disregarded their responsibility to place morally grounded people in charge of government in the first place.  Where the hell were, and are, the 'morally driven teachers & teachers unions' on so many morally based issues today?  The same place they were in & before 1963... absent... or calling in sick so they could attend a rally. We hear so often about  the pious self sacrificing teachers an their unions. I'm so sick of this 'teachers are all for the kids' crap.  Some are, many aren't.  For many, I suspect, it's a job.  And jobs are about making a living.  If all teachers were so damned noble, they would do their teaching on a subsistence wage... sacrificing all for the poor kids, ya know.  Wake up.  An improperly educated, morally bankrupt electorate (having been largely educated by public schools) are responsible.  And public school curricula developed by more publicly educated folks are at the core of what passes for and then. Now, try blaming it on the publicly educated parents who won't participate or take an interest in their kids' education.  Hmmph!

Pro 22:6  Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Now I have to say this.  My children started to school at Severy in 1955 and the last one graduated from West Elk in 1974.  During that time I was involved with what was going on in the class rooms.  Never in all those years could any of the teachers be accused of any of the actions described in the Patriot's last post of this thread.  First and foremost, their concern was for the students.  If they couldn't provide the teaching they thought best for the students, it was because they were prevented from doing so, not because of any lapses of integrity on the part of the teachers.

And I strongly suspect that this is true of our West Elk teachers today.


Quote from: Wilma on March 14, 2011, 10:59:34 AM
Now I have to say this.  My children started to school at Severy in 1955 and the last one graduated from West Elk in 1974.  During that time I was involved with what was going on in the class rooms.  Never in all those years could any of the teachers be accused of any of the actions described in the Patriot's last post of this thread.  First and foremost, their concern was for the students.  If they couldn't provide the teaching they thought best for the students, it was because they were prevented from doing so, not because of any lapses of integrity on the part of the teachers.

And I strongly suspect that this is true of our West Elk teachers today.

Unfortunately, Wilma, the vast majority of public schools, school teachers, administrators & lawmaking bodies do not exist, did not  originate nor were they educated by the fine few teachers who are working in Elk.  What happens in Elk is more the exception than the rule when it comes to public education.  I wish that weren't the case.  Look to larger populations to see where the rubber meets the road.

As for lapses in integrity, take a hard look at the political and curriculum agendas of the NEA whom many, many teachers have chosen to represent them.  Guilt by association.... very possibly.  Yet another very old moral value.  Being judged by the company they keep.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Patriot, nobody is stopping anybody from home schooling their kids, or sending them to their choice of private schools ,industrial high schools, specialty public (magnet) schools or charter schools. We have more different forms of potential education now for kids than there has ever been. I have no doubt there are some teachers for whom it's just a what. Who ever said it should be more? Frankly, I can think of less stressful things to do that pay much better! Is your occupation "A Job?" Do you take it home with you every night? Perhaps you do.
 By the way, Wisconsin is a very unusual case. It is not the norm at all. And the Governor used some very interesting math to support his claims of Gov't "bankruptcy." Apparently he calculated the budget based on what it would be if they gave every group in the state what they had asked for the first time before bargaining ever began. Now who ever heard of that happening? The teachers had already done give backs, and had agreed to put in more for their own health care and pensions. In most states that isn't even negotiable.    Why Wisconsin is that way I'll never understand, but they are. Collective bargaining there is the law. The Governor is breaking that law. Sadly, the courts may have to solve that mess. It's getting to the point where the whole pack of them are acting ridiculous.  As far as teachers being dedicated, I remember a man years ago who got all angry and said, "if teachers were so dedicated they'd work for nothing." Nobody expects doctors and lawyers and bankers and social workers and cafeteria ladies to work for nothing. Nor are professional baseball players who supposedly love the game so much. Sorry, doesn't wash with me. Do farmers, who claim to love farming so much and wouldn't do anything else, give away their crops and refuse their subsides because they are too proud to accept them? Of course not! And why should they? Certain kinds of "logic" are just silly. Nuff said.


Quote from: Patriot on March 14, 2011, 11:15:04 AM
Unfortunately, Wilma, the vast majority of public schools, school teachers, administrators & lawmaking bodies do not exist, did not  originate nor were they educated by the fine few teachers who are working in Elk. 

And somewhere out there, an English teacher lost her wings.  Patriot, don't be so mad at the public schools.  They are meant to be part of a system.  The real issue is that parents aren't taking the time to complete the rest of the system with a proper home life.  When both parents are working 50 hours a week just to make ends meet, and the kids are put into daycare, what do you expect?

Most of the problems we face today share a common root.  Economics.  This is just another symptom of our failing society.  I haven't been around for awhile, but I can go back several pages and see post after post of the same 2-3 people complaining about how crappy the symptoms are, yet none of you really understand the root of the problem.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from ANMAR
The real issue is that parents aren't taking the time to complete the rest of the system with a proper home life.  When both parents are working 50 hours a week just to make ends meet, and the kids are put into daycare, what do you expect?

So tell us Anmar, how many children do you have that makes you such an expert ? You living on the West coast your "proper home life" probably is a whole lot different than ours.


If you think I'm wrong,  prove it.  Its funny that you are so eager to talk about me and not ideas.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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