Lets Get the Party Started.....

Started by PrehistoricRez, March 10, 2011, 12:31:49 AM

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The party about wind and dollars.  Why is it that the meeting for wind and dollars is in Moline.  Last I checked Howard was the county seat.  Is it because fewer people will show up?  Why is Elk DisKonnected in charge of the funds? NOTHING should be done with that money until a public vote is held on individual programs.  Why is no one talking about this on the forums?  Its kind of hush hush.  No one even knows a definite start date to build the wind mills.  So why are "we" talking about spending money "we" dont have? Typical Government


I agree on some level with this. I do know that there are a few workers here, as I have a friend that has a weekly rental place and they have one guy staying there all ready. I think that they are having the meeting to hear everyone's opinions about what they think should be done with the money. I agree, that they shouldn't be spending it unless we have it yet, but think its just to get opinions and also get information to people. Not sure, but they will more than likely have meetings in each town or around each town.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: PrehistoricRez on March 10, 2011, 12:31:49 AM
The party about wind and dollars.  Why is it that the meeting for wind and dollars is in Moline.  Last I checked Howard was the county seat.  Is it because fewer people will show up?  Why is Elk DisKonnected in charge of the funds? NOTHING should be done with that money until a public vote is held on individual programs.  Why is no one talking about this on the forums?  Its kind of hush hush.  No one even knows a definite start date to build the wind mills.  So why are "we" talking about spending money "we" dont have? Typical Government

Ask the Dem on the county commission whose also on the board of Elk DisKonnected.  I',m sure there's a 'good' reason.  Maybe it's like ObummerCare... gotta get it done so we can see what's in it.

I, too, would think the legal seat of county government would be the first place to discuss the finances of the county.

Elk DisKonnected...  like ED... erectile dysfunction?  Look at the grand poobahs with that group.  The whole thing is beginning to stink self aggrandizement & self interest like many other things in government.  Sounds more like a special interest political action committee than an interested citizens group.  As I understand it, Elk DisKonnected involves folks from surrounding counties as well.  What do non-Elk citizens have to say about how Elk spends its' citizens money anyway?  Further, we don't need to be sold on how to apply those funds like so much real estate.  If it walks like a duck & talks like a duck... you know the rest.  We need to have open discussion and reasoned decision making without undue outside influence.  We vote for commissioners who have a duty to hold hearings, listen to constituents, have open debate and make decisions for we the people that are based on sound constitutional principles.  What we don't need is a special interest steering committee to influence the county commission.

While we're on the subject, resign your position on the ElkKonnected  board Mrs. Hendricks!  It looks really bad for an elected official to sit on the board of a private sector group that intends to influence public policy.  Not to mention the potential conflict of interest issues!

Like the past kerfuffles over the failed school bond attempt (reason won there) and the courthouse historical designation/roof cost controversy (reason never entered the picture there), this too may become a case of narrow judgment resulting in the best course of action being diverted (through special influence) to an ego boosting project.  For once, can't we do things without all the ancillary BS.  Just keep it simple and straight forward.  Just because a lot uf us are older, doesn't mean we've lost our sense of smell entirely!

Wake up, people.  Washington isn't the only place where things get hammered by folks who have limited personal agendas.

When it happens, this will be your money! And a lot of your money.  Get interested, get involved, open the windows and let some sunshine hit this project before it's too late.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Bits and Pieces

Elk Konnected will be sponsoring a Community Conversation regarding the wind energy dollars.  Input and ideas are needed on how to bust [sic] use the PILOT funds. Join us on Tuesday, March 22 at the Moline Gymnasium from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m.  Terry Woodbury of Public Square Communities, LLC will facilitate.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on March 10, 2011, 10:59:03 AM
Bits and Pieces

Terry Woodbury of Public Square Communities, LLC will facilitate.

And just who is and what the heck involvement do Mr Woodbury and Public Square Communities have regarding how Elk County spends Elk County citizens money?  Makes one wonder just who the hell is running the roller coaster in this circus.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


As I will be unable to attend the meeting I hereby appoint you to be my voice in what to do with this new found wealth.
LOWER OUR PROPERTY TAXES. With any left over money buy a portable rock crusher and let the County go back to crushing their own rock at some of the old hill top rock quarries that are scattered around the county.


the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

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