Sunshine... taxpayer funded farm subsidies in Elk County, KS

Started by Patriot, March 10, 2011, 10:21:11 AM

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Quote from: RDSchoutenFarms on March 31, 2011, 06:37:59 PM
Our family's farm is listed on the Greenwood County Farm Subsidies. We were listed among the top in 2009. We were not in the top 10 and our subsidies weren't thousands of dollars.

I don't care if you only recieved a dollar, fact of the matter is that it is money you didn't earn. 

QuoteEveryone has a choice. If you want the help, the help is offered from the government. If you don't want help, that's your choice. Do not sit here and rant and complain about those who are receiving the government's "stolen" money. Farming and ranching is as big of risk as gambling. It, in fact is sometimes a gamble. This is why insurance is offered for land, crops, livestock, and other assets. People don't become farmers to get rich. How many farm or ranch owners do you know that ever come out ahead? Our debts and losses are always greater than our profit.

You're right, everyone does have a choice, including those that CHOOSE to farm or ranch for a living.  If they fail or succeed it should be based on how well they manage their farms and finances.  And seeing as how my tax dollars go to fund the subsidies I have every RIGHT to complain about it.  Because the simple fact is that  that money is "stolen".  It is taken from myself and others and given to folks that didn't earn it.  I worked for it, not you.  If you want insurance for land, crops, livestock and other assets, then PURCHASE IT YOURSELF and get your hand out of my pocket.  If your losses are always greater than your profit you have absolutely no business running a farm or ranch or any other business.

QuoteI have never heard of a farmer wanting or expecting a hand-out/bail-out from anyone. The subsidies are a form of farm income stabilization. You depend on your everyday job just as we do with our ranch. It's our life and certainly a way of living. I don't think anyone should complain about the subsidies if you have no idea what farming takes. I would invite you out to work one day, meet me at 5 AM, regardless of weather conditions, expect not to be home until well after dark. Unexpected events arrise, this isn't any 9-5 job. If you last a day or a whole week doing what we do everyday, maybe - just maybe you'll rethink your arguement.

If farmers and ranchers didn't want a handout then there would be no subsidies.  They aren't a form of income stabilization, its welfare, period.  Recieving money you didn't earn. 

By the way, apparently according to you, YOU don't know what farming takes.  Afterall, you said yourself that you don't know how to make a profit.  So before you start bashing people for not being able to do what you do, you might want to take a look in the mirror.  Afterall, it isn't smart to piss off the people who are financing your buisness.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You're right; everyone does have a choice, including those that CHOOSE to farm or ranch for a living.  If they fail or succeed it should be based on how well they manage their farms and finances.  And seeing as how my tax dollars go to fund the subsidies I have every RIGHT to complain about it.  Because the simple fact is that  that money is "stolen".  It is taken from myself and others and given to folks that didn't earn it.  I worked for it, not you.  If you want insurance for land, crops, livestock and other assets, then PURCHASE IT YOURSELF and get your hand out of my pocket.  If your losses are always greater than your profit you have absolutely no business running a farm or ranch or any other business.

I do have to start by saying, I was raised in Severy. Lived there all my life up until I graduated from high school and went to college. I didn't live on a farm, actually right by the Coop for my whole life. So, I really don't know a whole lot about the subsidies in general. But my husband and I dated since 1993, and since then have learned a lot. I was a 4-H member and anyone that knows my Granddad Knight knows I have been around livestock, cattle, horses and such forever. I started working when I was 12 years old at what was then, Mary's Drive In. I am now 36 years old. My husband was born and raised in Howard. His family has strong ties to Elk County. He has worked on the farm since I don't know; he was probably old enough to help to chores and such. I want to know, how the taxes that WE pay too, become money that we didn't earn????? In your statement you say- ".  It is taken from myself and others and given to folks that didn't earn it.  I worked for it, not you. You are saying that WE don't work and didn't earn that money!! That is so wrong on so many levels. I didn't look fair enough back into the list, but I am sure my husband's name is on there but not 100% sure on that. Do you know that WE do pay taxes!!! The same that you do, we just choose to pay it at the end of the year not out of a monthly paycheck. WE also choose to live off of about 1 paycheck a year, could you do that????? And our paycheck isn't nowhere near what you receive weekly, monthly, or however you receive it. WE pay taxes when we buy fuel, unless we buy in bulk, which WE don't, WE pay taxes on many different things WE purchase, the same as EVERY AMERICAN does!! How did that hamburger, salad, veggies, or whatever you ate taste last night for supper????? Who do you think raised that???? FARMERS!!!! I am not saying that I think it is right for the government to do this!! I am unsure about the whole subsidy thing; do not know that much about it. But what I do know is that FARMERS are important, just like your job is important!! My whole point in this rant is that, it's not wealth fare or stolen money, its money that FARMERS pay into also!!! Let's say that subsidies are not a legal thing. Ok, get that. You have never once taken money for doing an odd job for someone else??? Did you turn that money into the government for earned money so you could be taxed on it???? You all make it sound like they are robbing a bank and should be thrown in Jail. Whether it's right or wrong, black or white, it's my right as a TAX paying FARMING CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, to take the money from the government if I feel like it!! Just the same as it's your right to complain about it!! You have that right to be MAD!!! Just the same as I have the right to take it!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Oh, I only WISH we had a big old fancy feed truck!!! What we have is like a 1985 or so chevy, and you know what, it is paid for free and clear!! And I to WISH I could drive a fancy SUV but nope, a have a 2000 mini van!! Nothing fancy about our family at all!! I even buy my girls clothes and our clothes at Goodwill, garage sales, and other second hand stores. I have tried to convince my husband that maybe he needs to get another job. But you know what, he LOVES what he does!! He takes pride in raising cattle!! I personally don't care to be rich, just to be able to feed my kids and put a roof over my head. I can honestly say, I wouldn't have it any other way!! I know one good thing comes out of it, and that is my girls love it and so does my husband!! Plus, we have the luxury of spending time together at both our jobs!! Another benefit, WE raise some GREAT Kansas BEEF!!!!! :laugh:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 01, 2011, 06:12:02 AM
band's name is on there but not 100% sure on that. Do you know that WE do pay taxes!!! The same that you do, we just choose to pay it at the end of the year not out of a monthly paycheck. WE also choose to live off of about 1 paycheck a year, could you do that????? And our paycheck isn't nowhere near what you receive weekly, monthly, or however you receive it. WE pay taxes when we buy fuel, unless we buy in bulk, which WE don't, WE pay taxes on many different things WE purchase, the same as EVERY AMERICAN does!! How did that hamburger, salad, veggies, or whatever you ate taste last night for supper?????
As do all of us.  Not questioning that.

QuoteWho do you think raised that???? FARMERS!!!! I am not saying that I think it is right for the government to do this!! I am unsure about the whole subsidy thing; do not know that much about it. But what I do know is that FARMERS are important, just like your job is important!!
No one is saying that they aren't.

QuoteMy whole point in this rant is that, it's not wealth fare or stolen money, its money that FARMERS pay into also!!!
The problem is a couple things.  First of all, its tax money stolen from the taxpayer, Farmer included being used to fund certain people.  IT is NOT funding farmers. It is funding Certain farmers.  It is just like taking and giving welfare to blacks instead of whites or latino or anyone else.  
I Produce honey, someone else produces cattle. Cattle folks get subsidizided, while honey producers do not.  Secondly Take all of america, and who pays taxes.  They all pay taxes (those that produce), they don't get a subsidy.  They pay their tax with no return of the money taken from them even if they are suffering a loss that year.

   A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

   Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You're right, everyone does have a choice, including those that CHOOSE to farm or ranch for a living.  If they fail or succeed it should be based on how well they manage their farms and finances.  And seeing as how my tax dollars go to fund the subsidies I have every RIGHT to complain about it.  Because the simple fact is that  that money is "stolen".  It is taken from myself and others and given to folks that didn't earn it.  I worked for it, not you.  If you want insurance for land, crops, livestock and other assets, then PURCHASE IT YOURSELF and get your hand out of my pocket.  If your losses are always greater than your profit you have absolutely no business running a farm or ranch or any other business.

This is what Varmit posted!! Tell me what he means then!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Certainly, the Fed's ought not provide anyone with money whether it be the money of the taxpayers, or borrowed or printed.

This country was not established for the Fed's to cover farmers' losses or the like.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 01, 2011, 07:54:33 AM
You're right, everyone does have a choice, including those that CHOOSE to farm or ranch for a living.  If they fail or succeed it should be based on how well they manage their farms and finances.  And seeing as how my tax dollars go to fund the subsidies I have every RIGHT to complain about it.  Because the simple fact is that  that money is "stolen".  It is taken from myself and others and given to folks that didn't earn it.  I worked for it, not you.  If you want insurance for land, crops, livestock and other assets, then PURCHASE IT YOURSELF and get your hand out of my pocket.  If your losses are always greater than your profit you have absolutely no business running a farm or ranch or any other business.

This is what Varmit posted!! Tell me what he means then!!

Welll IF your taking subsidy, your not paying taxes on your income.  Its pretty simple.  Your dipping into other peoples money.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I am really not trying to be a smart *ss but how is it other people's money?? I pay taxes the same as you. Do my taxes not go to the same place that yours goes to? And WE don't get subsidies. The point I am making is you all have a grip about everything. Can't we each have our own opinions???? I thoought that was ok????

Have any of you EVER recieved more than 400.00 for odd jobs??? Have you sold things that added up to more than 400.00??? Do you turn that money in???? Just asking, cause if not YOUR not doing what the government says either are you???
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


If your income is as low as you say it is, you are not paying taxes. The business probably is, but if your personal income is low you either end up not paying any in or you even get money back.

Diane Amberg

Interesting.There was a time when honey growers were subsidized. Then it has been sporadic with sometimes loans and sometimes not and other forms of money were available under other headings and names. My one girlfriend had hives for years but gave it up several years ago when she was bedeviled with throat mites and hive collapse. Is there no Gov't money available anymore under any name?  Steve, do you rent any hives out for pollination ? It's a  big business here.

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