Sunshine... taxpayer funded farm subsidies in Elk County, KS

Started by Patriot, March 10, 2011, 10:21:11 AM

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Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on March 16, 2011, 10:55:38 AM
Actually yes they do.....they risk the fact that what they get from the subsidy will be more than what they would've gotten from planting those acres. If other factors come into play they MAY end up LOSING money. I realize I'm pissin in the wind even havin this conversation tho....just my cussedness comin into play I guess, so I'm out.

Wheres the risk. They invest NOTHING, and produce nothing. In order for it to be capitalist it must risk an investment and produce something.

Again unless they invest in seed, or something to produce something, there is no risk.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on March 16, 2011, 10:55:38 AM
If other factors come into play they MAY end up LOSING money.

I MAY get in a wreck in a car that I don't own this year.  Should I get a just in case subsidy to cover my potential losses taken by government from your earnings?  I think not.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I couldn't decide if I should say anything, but I looked at that chart and some of the money is for when the area is claimed a disaster isn't it? If so, have any of you never ever went to FEMA when the area was claimed disaster? I am not going to lie, we did. When in like 04-05 there was that bad ice storm and we had no power for almost 2 weeks. I went and stayed a few days with my sister, cause we didn't even had water when there is no electricity. We went and got a generator and FEMA cut us a check for most of it. It was nice being able to take a shower after going without for so long. I am just wondering if that is totally wrong, too. I see what your saying about the large amounts of money some of those people got, but do you know how many dollars worth of land, hogs, crops those people have? And they work just as hard as you and me. I know that we don't have any crops, but if the area is claimed disaster because of rain or something and our hay fields get ruined you bet I am going to push the hubby to go in and try to get some money. I mean we are going to have to turn around and spend it for hay that we lost to feed the cows in the winter.

I guess, I just don't get it. You get no help at all from the government, that is the way that I take it from all of your post. That's great so happy for you. I get the food program for the daycare, this is so much per meal per child per day. It is to help cover the cost of food. I don't see anything wrong with this at all. It doesn't cover the whole cost, but it sure does help. All I am required to do is feed the children certain things for each meal, which I do. Please explain to me, with out making me out to be the bad person here. Seems like every time someone has an opinion on some of these post someone else jumps up and calls them dumb and that they don't know what they are talking about. Watch after I post this no one with post anything. They never do, I think they don't like me, but who cares such is life!!!

MRSc2u, love it!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on March 16, 2011, 12:06:00 PM
I couldn't decide if I should say anything, but I looked at that chart and some of the money is for when the area is claimed a disaster isn't it? If so, have any of you never ever went to FEMA when the area was claimed disaster? I am not going to lie, we did. When in like 04-05 there was that bad ice storm and we had no power for almost 2 weeks. I went and stayed a few days with my sister, cause we didn't even had water when there is no electricity. We went and got a generator and FEMA cut us a check for most of it. It was nice being able to take a shower after going without for so long. I am just wondering if that is totally wrong, too. I see what your saying about the large amounts of money some of those people got, but do you know how many dollars worth of land, hogs, crops those people have? And they work just as hard as you and me. I know that we don't have any crops, but if the area is claimed disaster because of rain or something and our hay fields get ruined you bet I am going to push the hubby to go in and try to get some money. I mean we are going to have to turn around and spend it for hay that we lost to feed the cows in the winter.

I guess, I just don't get it. You get no help at all from the government, that is the way that I take it from all of your post. That's great so happy for you. I get the food program for the daycare, this is so much per meal per child per day. It is to help cover the cost of food. I don't see anything wrong with this at all. It doesn't cover the whole cost, but it sure does help. All I am required to do is feed the children certain things for each meal, which I do. Please explain to me, with out making me out to be the bad person here. Seems like every time someone has an opinion on some of these post someone else jumps up and calls them dumb and that they don't know what they are talking about. Watch after I post this no one with post anything. They never do, I think they don't like me, but who cares such is life!!!

MRSc2u, love it!!

The first thing I thought of:

Things to note: The government doesn't have the constitutional power to even do that and, as Cleveland thought would happen, public charity helped them out... providing 10 times more than what they were even asking for from the government.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on March 16, 2011, 12:06:00 PM
We went and got a generator and FEMA cut us a check for most of it. It was nice being able to take a shower after going without for so long. I am just wondering if that is totally wrong, too. I see what your saying about the large amounts of money some of those people got, but do you know how many dollars worth of land, hogs, crops those people have? And they work just as hard as you and me. I know that we don't have any crops, but if the area is claimed disaster because of rain or something and our hay fields get ruined you bet I am going to push the hubby to go in and try to get some money. I mean we are going to have to turn around and spend it for hay that we lost to feed the cows in the winter.

In 2000 i think it was, a big ice storm came and took out trees, lots of them where i lived, power was cut to the entire area for over 2 weeks at my house.  Temps ranged from 10 -15 deg.  No generator.  Just moved everyone into one room and used a can of propane and a heater head on it.   

went to town when we could cut our way out, 3 or 4 days later, took showers up at the church.  Never expected anyone to provide generators. No i wouldn't have taken the money either if it were offered.  In fact, we had a tornado set down in town one year.  tore it up pretty bad.  Fema, Red cross, and a host of others showed up, and folks there told them to go away that we didn't need their help.  That we took care of our own, and we did.  Folks in town spent the days helping to clean up and in a months time we had everything cleaned up, and new houses started for those who lost their homes. 

That is the RIGHT way of doing it, not just taking a check from the government.   Generally the wise man will have 6 month survival supply stockpiled somewhere in containers that can be easily transported.  A foolish man waits on someone to rescue them. We saw how foolish people were in New Orleans during Katrina, but there were a few that were wise people and they survived without help.

As far as taking money for pastures, thats just wrong in so many ways.  IF you do not put up enough money out of profits to cover you in bad times, then your not planning ahead properly.  I've seen many businesses operate that way and they are the ones that go under.  Your supposed to have enough in operation savings to cover your operational costs for at least a year, two is better.  And that IS realistic if your running a business right.

Thats why most business owners don't get a check. Their money goes back into the operation until they get to a point to where they can operate for 2years on its own.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


What did I tell you, it's my opinion. What goes to say we don't have the money?? What part of I see what your getting at, to a point don't you get??? Your opinion isn't the only one out there, and mine is not either. I respect your opinion and everyone elses. I just don't actually get that it is so wrong if it is needed. Do you have enough money to back up your business for 2 years?? In this economy, not many people do. So your lucky if you do and I am glad if you do.

We don't run a big farm, I don't run a big daycare. So, it's my right if its offered to take any government money. By taking it, I understand that they can nose in my business to an extent. But if the government is handing it out, that doesn't mean that if you take it you are breaking any laws either, or a bad person for doing so. I am wondering if I look at that subsidies list far enough if you might see my name their??????? I wonder?????
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on March 16, 2011, 12:59:05 PM
We don't run a big farm, I don't run a big daycare. So, it's my right if its offered to take any government money. By taking it, I understand that they can nose in my business to an extent. But if the government is handing it out, that doesn't mean that if you take it you are breaking any laws either, or a bad person for doing so. I am wondering if I look at that subsidies list far enough if you might see my name their??????? I wonder?????

Just remember to give to you the government took from someone else by force.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteJust remember to give to you the government took from someone else by force.

Yeah Steve.....INCLUDING Angie and her family who I'm pretty sure pay their share of taxes just like everybody else. Must be hard for you to live in such an imperfect world when you got things SO under control and perfect. How DO you cope?

ice storm 2004 or 5...down power for two weeks......heated the house just like always....with our woodstove.....cooked on same stove and the smoker....heated WATER for bucket baths on SAME woodstove......set the freezer out on the porch along with the milk etc...... used oil lamps........national guard showed up to "rescue" us......we were settin, drinkin coffee made on same woodstove and visitin with the neighbors......imagine that.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on March 16, 2011, 12:59:05 PM
What did I tell you, it's my opinion. What goes to say we don't have the money?? What part of I see what your getting at, to a point don't you get??? Your opinion isn't the only one out there, and mine is not either. I respect your opinion and everyone elses. I just don't actually get that it is so wrong if it is needed. Do you have enough money to back up your business for 2 years?? In this economy, not many people do. So your lucky if you do and I am glad if you do.

We don't run a big farm, I don't run a big daycare. So, it's my right if its offered to take any government money. By taking it, I understand that they can nose in my business to an extent. But if the government is handing it out, that doesn't mean that if you take it you are breaking any laws either, or a bad person for doing so. I am wondering if I look at that subsidies list far enough if you might see my name their??????? I wonder?????

If a thief came to you to give you money that they took from someone else, and you know they stole it, would you still take it?

The government can not constitutionally do what they are doing, it is not in their enumerated power to do so. They are taking money and giving it away, just like Steve said.

What is so bad about that, you may ask. The government will never be able to do anything as well as the public can. There are some things the government is constitutionally allowed and supposed to do, which is fine, but for most everything else the government will make it expensive, inefficient, and in the long run will do more harm than good. Why do you think the economy is so bad and people are struggling? The government has been growing for far too long doing exactly what the constitution says it can not do.

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