Sunshine... taxpayer funded farm subsidies in Elk County, KS

Started by Patriot, March 10, 2011, 10:21:11 AM

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Quote from: mtcookson on March 17, 2011, 05:48:03 PM
Absolutely not. It is not a living document, that is fact. The whole living document thing didn't even start coming around till the 20's if I remember right and by progressives naturally. They try claiming its a living document so that they can interpret or attempt to amend it to match their progressive views.

What the constitution says is what it means, there is no other way. If you don't agree with it, have it amended or just get a constitutional convention and re-write the constitution so that the U.S. can be destroyed as fast as possible.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My point ins bringing up the 3/5ths clause was that the constitution can be amended.  Thats why they are called constitutional amendments.....

Its part of the brilliance of the founders, they recognized that times change, and at some point, people will need to change some things along the way.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Roma Jean Turner

with all the money our government throws around and wastes, I'm happy that some of it went to help one of our own.


I don't understand the folks that accept farm subsidies.  They chose to go into farming, if they fail or succeed it should be based on their own merits and their ability to manage their crops, livestock, etc.  Accepting money from gov't sources because of crop failure or loss of livestock is nothing more than welfare.  Its getting something for nothing.  I mean, by their way of thinking, if I hit a deer on my way to work then the gov't should replace my car at no cost to me, afterall, I pay my share of taxes.  So whats the difference?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


mtcookson, I see your point on the living document. Thought alot about this subject this weekend. The constitution is a document that the government is supposed to follow. I think they call it a living document because it can be amended. I think some of the people in the government need to just leave it alone. I hate alot of the things that the government has done with taking freedoms away, like freedom of religion in schools, and such. I think they need to go and reread what the framers of the constitution wrote. I don't agree with everyone's out look on subsidies though. There are all kinds of subsidies available out there not only for farming. But after thinking this through some, I do see some of the points out there. It's just like my business. I choose to be legal and get licensed in my daycare business, while there are others here in town that are not. If they were to get turned in then they would face a large fine because of it. These people can also do it cheaper than me, because I don't do it out of my home. I have a seperate place of business for it, which makes my cost more. It sucks, to that these people can have unlimited amount of kids and not get in trouble. I can't and have higher prices because I choose to do it legally, plus have to pay a license fee that isn't cheap either. Oh, well, I have also learned that sometimes life isn't fair and you have to do what you have to do to make it. That's what how I look at subsidies.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on March 21, 2011, 06:04:18 AMI think they call it a living document because it can be amended.

The main problem is, the people who consider it as a living document consider it as such so that they can "interpret" or change it based on "current views". Translation of "Living Document": We don't like parts of the constitution and what to interpret or change it in a way that fits our agenda, even if its clearly unconstitutional.

QuoteIt's just like my business. I choose to be legal and get licensed in my daycare business, while there are others here in town that are not. If they were to get turned in then they would face a large fine because of it. These people can also do it cheaper than me, because I don't do it out of my home. I have a seperate place of business for it, which makes my cost more. It sucks, to that these people can have unlimited amount of kids and not get in trouble. I can't and have higher prices because I choose to do it legally, plus have to pay a license fee that isn't cheap either. Oh, well, I have also learned that sometimes life isn't fair and you have to do what you have to do to make it. That's what how I look at subsidies.

In the long run subsidies will only make things worse for country. They may help you out temporarily but when the government keeps spending money it doesn't have it will only hurt everyone. When it takes an entire day's pay just to eat, no subsidy is going to help you nor even be available.

The reason you're struggling so much is because of over regulation by too large a government. Because you had to get an expensive license and are limited to how many kids you can have the government is causing you to struggle. If they would back off you would clearly do so much better.

Its just the same old stuff. The government tries preventing something from happening by increasing costs for everyone by requiring "licensing" instead of staying out of it and just severely punishing those who clearly do something very wrong. Say in your business's case, if you have a great record of taking care of children you shouldn't have to be punished with overly expensive licenses and being limited to how many children you can watch. If you start getting overwhelmed with children you'll know it and will be able to change your business as necessary like hiring some more help or just limiting yourself, not the government limiting you.

If a daycare is having abuse issues they need to be severely punished so that all daycare owners know if they do something wrong, that will happen to them. Its simple but the government is simply unable to ever to anything efficient, low cost, and simple like that because it is far too big and thinks it knows better.


Such an interesting discussion to come across. I don't normally chime in on politics, but this has sparked my brain.

Our family's farm is listed on the Greenwood County Farm Subsidies. We were listed among the top in 2009. We were not in the top 10 and our subsidies weren't thousands of dollars.

Everyone has a choice. If you want the help, the help is offered from the government. If you don't want help, that's your choice. Do not sit here and rant and complain about those who are receiving the government's "stolen" money. Farming and ranching is as big of risk as gambling. It, in fact is sometimes a gamble. This is why insurance is offered for land, crops, livestock, and other assets. People don't become farmers to get rich. How many farm or ranch owners do you know that ever come out ahead? Our debts and losses are always greater than our profit.

I have never heard of a farmer wanting or expecting a hand-out/bail-out from anyone. The subsidies are a form of farm income stabilization. You depend on your everyday job just as we do with our ranch. It's our life and certainly a way of living. I don't think anyone should complain about the subsidies if you have no idea what farming takes. I would invite you out to work one day, meet me at 5 AM, regardless of weather conditions, expect not to be home until well after dark. Unexpected events arrise, this isn't any 9-5 job. If you last a day or a whole week doing what we do everyday, maybe - just maybe you'll rethink your arguement.

And I know nothing about bees or beekeeping, but I honestly do not think they should even be relevant in this discussion. One of your colonies costs the same as what I can spend on on a few good bulls. And last time I checked, honey wasn't that great of a demand.


And I know nothing about bees or beekeeping, but I honestly do not think they should even be relevant in this discussion. One of your colonies costs the same as what I can spend on on a few good bulls. And last time I checked, honey wasn't that great of a demand.

Why isn't it relevant?  Just because you can buy your bulls cheaper than i can raise a colony??  I Do the same exact thing you do with your cattle. i go out in wintertime, sometimes have to move them  indoors to keep them alive.  I am at risk 100% NO GOVERNMENT WELFARE/SUBSIDY.   
As far as Honey isn't being in demand?? Are you kidding???  The US consuumes 382 Million pounds of honey each year.   While only 144 million pounds is produced by American keepers.  THe rest is imported because there aren't enough keepers in the US. 

So yeah its in high demand. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: RDSchoutenFarms on March 31, 2011, 06:37:59 PM
Such an interesting discussion to come across. I don't normally chime in on politics, but this has sparked my brain.

Our family's farm is listed on the Greenwood County Farm Subsidies. We were listed among the top in 2009. We were not in the top 10 and our subsidies weren't thousands of dollars.

Everyone has a choice. If you want the help, the help is offered from the government. If you don't want help, that's your choice. Do not sit here and rant and complain about those who are receiving the government's "stolen" money. Farming and ranching is as big of risk as gambling. It, in fact is sometimes a gamble. This is why insurance is offered for land, crops, livestock, and other assets. People don't become farmers to get rich. [font=Verdana]How many farm or ranch owners do you know that ever come out ahead? Our debts and losses are always greater than our profit. [/font]

I have never heard of a farmer wanting or expecting a hand-out/bail-out from anyone. The subsidies are a form of farm income stabilization. You depend on your everyday job just as we do with our ranch. It's our life and certainly a way of living. I don't think anyone should complain about the subsidies if you have no idea what farming takes. I would invite you out to work one day, meet me at 5 AM, regardless of weather conditions, expect not to be home until well after dark. Unexpected events arrise, this isn't any 9-5 job. If you last a day or a whole week doing what we do everyday, maybe - just maybe you'll rethink your arguement.

And I know nothing about bees or beekeeping, but I honestly do not think they should even be relevant in this discussion. One of your colonies costs the same as what I can spend on on a few good bulls. And last time I checked, honey wasn't that great of a demand.

My sister and her husband and his family farm A LOT of ground in western Kansas plus run a feed lot.  They are definitely not hurting for cash.  If farmers were constantly coming out with a loss, they wouldn't be doing it and they sure wouldn't be driving around in new tractors, combines, trucks and SUV's.  There is money there, but the farms have to be managed well.  Management is the key to profit or loss when it comes to farming, although once in awhile, the best management practices can be wrecked with a streak of bad luck.  The only think I noticed on the list was that it was the same people on the list over and over and in some cases reaching into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Granted, I don't know these people's situations or their over heads, but I could do A LOT to improve my management practices with that much money.  shrug. 


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