Foreign Assistance

Started by Teresa, April 12, 2011, 11:36:34 PM

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We're about to go belly-up here in America because of our financial lack of dollars but we can sure support several other countries. 

I find this very shocking!

Use your browser over the map surface to see the amounts.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa and others,

The map is a little misleading.  If you notice, the default year is 2012, and the amounts are the requested/proposed values.  If you scroll back to 2010, you'll see what we actually paid to those countries.  You'll find that in most countries, we paid much more than what was actually requested.  In fact, in many cases we paid almost double.  In one case, we paid more than triple the amount requested.  This occurs because foreign governments lobby our congress to increase their aid payments.  Congress knows that the average voter doesn't pay attention to who gets what in terms of foreign aid, they are all too happy to just throw our money around.  In return, some of that foreign aid comes back to them in the form of campaign contributions.

Now you can't talk about foreign Aid without talking about Israel.  Frankly they are the best example of this scam.  They are the largest reciptient of aid, and they have been for decades.  They also are the most powerful lobby in washington, lots of people don't know that.  Here is a list of their 2010 contributions.  The primary pro-israel lobby groups is called AIPAC (american Israeli public affairs council)

You'll notice your house representative is on there for $3,500.   I'll bet you he votes to give them even more money than what they ask for.  Thats usually what happens.  Israel will request 2-3 billion in aid, and they end up getting 4-6 billion.  This amount doesn't include military hardware and all the R&D contracts that our government outsources to them.

If you scroll down to the bottom, you will see that between 1978 and 2009, AIPAC gave nearly 50 million dollars to 2,198 congressional candidates.   thats 23,000 per person.  This figure doesn't include presidential elections, PR firm expenditures, and other pro-israeli lobby groups.

Unfortunately, this gets even worse.  We also have to bribe arab countries to make peace with Israel.  We give egypt over 3 billion a year and Jordan 1.5 billion a year just so they'll sign peace treaties.  Next, we give money to the palestinians to rebuild everything after ISrael destroys their cities every couple of years (using weapons donated by our taxpayers).  Thats another billion a year.  There are many more costs associated, too many to list here,  I suggest reading the following article.

And what do we get for our money?  nothing but trouble.

AIPAC has long  been involved in manipulating our government and spying on us.  This is not rumor, or accusations,  Its a fact.  Their members have been arrested, tried in court, and convicted.  Some people even say they knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened.

We need our money here to feed our own poor.  why don't you write your congressman and ask him how much money he's going to send to foreign countries?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Government ought not to have any financial obligation to the poor or to any other groups or parties.

Now if you personally feel lead to donate, go ahead.  You're on your own.......


Quote from: Anmar on April 13, 2011, 01:55:30 AM
Teresa and others,

The map is a little misleading.  If you notice, the default year is 2012, and the amounts are the requested/proposed values.  If you scroll back to 2010, you'll see what we actually paid to those countries.  You'll find that in most countries, we paid much more than what was actually requested.  In fact, in many cases we paid almost double.  In one case, we paid more than triple the amount requested. 

Yes, I knew that.. I spent some time really looking a that and studying it..I shouldn't... It just makes me so mad  all over that I go in and want to eat high carb snacks.. LOL 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: redcliffsw on April 13, 2011, 07:26:11 AM
Government ought not to have any financial obligation to the poor or to any other groups or parties.

Now if you personally feel lead to donate, go ahead.  You're on your own.......

I might do mor of that if i had the choice,  instead the government taxes me to give handouts to rich corporations, rich people, and foreign countries
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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