A Visitor from the Past

Started by Patriot, March 06, 2011, 10:05:26 AM

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A Visitor from the Past
by Thelen Paulk

I had a dream the other night,
I did not understand
A figure walking through the mist,
with flintlock in his hand

His clothes were torn and dirty;
As he stood their by my bed,
he took off his three cornered hat
And speaking low, he said,

"We fought a revolution
to secure our Liberty
We wrote the Constitution,
as a shield from tyranny

For future generations
this legacy we gave
In this, the land of the free
and the home of the brave

The freedom we secured for you,
we hoped you'd always keep
But tyrants labored endlessly,
while your parents were asleep

Your freedom gone - Your courage lost
You're no more than a slave
In this, the land of the free
and the home of the brave

You buy a permit to travel,
and a permit to own a gun
Permits to start a business
or to build a place for one

On land that you believe you own,
you pay a yearly rent
Although you have no voice in choosing,
how the money's spent

Your children must attend a school,
that does not educate
Your Christian values can't be taught,
according to the State

You read about the current news
in a regulated press
You pay a tax you do not owe,
to please the IRS

Your money is no longer made
of silver or gold
You trade your wealth for paper,
so your life can be controlled

You pay for crimes
that make your nation turn
from God in shame
You've taken Satans number,
as you traded in your name

You've given government control
to those who do you harm,
so they can padlock churches,
and steal the family farm

And keep our country deep in debt,
put men of God in jail,
harass your fellow countrymen
While corrupted courts prevail

Your public servants
don't uphold the solemn oath they swore
Your daughters visit doctors,
so their children won't be born

Your leaders ship artillery
and guns to foreign shores,
and send your sons to slaughter,
to fight other peoples wars

Can you regain your freedom,
for which we fought and died,
or don't you have the courage
or the faith to stand with pride

Are there no more values
for which you would fight to save,
or do you wish your children,
to live in fear and be a slave

Sons of the Republic,
arise and take a stand
Defend the Constitution,
the supreme law of the land

Preserve our great Republic,
and teach each God given right,
and pray to God to keep the torch
of freedom burning bright..."
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I guess its in how you look at it.
Look at Us
by John Trudell

At times they were kind, they were polite in their sophistication, smiling but never too loudly acting in a civilized manner an illusion of gentleness always fighting to get their way. while the people see, the people know, the people wait, the people say the closing of your doors will never shut use out, the closing of your doors can only shut you in.

We know the predator, we see them feed on us, we are aware to starve the beast is our destiny. At times they were kind, they were polite, but never honest.

We see your tech no logical society devour you before your very eyes we hear your anguished cries exalting greed through progress while you seek material advances the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety

But your minds are chained to your machines and the strings dangling from your puppeteers hands turning you, twisting you into forms and confusions beyond your control

Your mind for a job your mind for a t.v. your mind for a hair dryer your mind for consumption.

With your atom bombs your material bombs your drug bombs your racial bombs your class bombs your sexist bombs your ageist bombs

Devastating your natural shelters making you homeless on earth chasing you into illusions fooling you, making you pretend you can run away from the ravishing of your spirit

While the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety.

Trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness leading us into the trap believe in their power but not in ourselves piling us with guilt always taking the blame greed chasing out the balance trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

economic deities seizing power through illusions created armies are justified class systems are democracy god listens to warmongers prayers tyranny is here, divide and conquer trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

greed a parent insecurity the happiness companion genocide conceived in sophistication tech no logic material civilization a rationalization replacing a way to live trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

To god we hope you don't mind but we would like to talk to you; there are some things we need to straighten out, it's about these christians they claim to be from your nation but man you should see the things they do all the time blaming it on you: manifest destiny, genocide, maximized profit, sterilization, raping the earth, lying taking more than they need in all the forms of the greed. we ask them why, they say it's god's will.

Damn god they make it so hard. Remember jesus? Would you send him back to them, tell them how to kill him, rather they should listen stop abusing his name and yours.

We do not mean to be disrespectful but you know how it is, our people have their own ways we never even heard of you until not long ago, your representatives spoke magnificent things of you which we were willing to believe, but from the way they acted we know we and you were being deceived.

We do not mean you and your christian children any bad, but you all came to take all we had we have not seen you but we have heard so much it is time for you to decide what life is worth we already remember but maybe you forgot.

Look at us, look at us, we are of Earth and Water
Look at them, it is the same
Look at us, we are suffering all these years
Look at them, they are connected.
Look at us, we are in pain
Look at them, surprised at our anger
Look at us, we are struggling to survive
Look at them, expecting sorrow be benign
Look at us, we were the ones called pagan
Look at them, on their arrival
Look at us, we are called subversive
Look at them, descending from name callers
Look at us, we wept sadly in the long dark
Look at them, hiding in tech no logic light
Look at us, we buried the generations
Look at them, inventing the body count
Look at us, we are older than America
Look at them, chasing a fountain of youth
Look at us, we are embracing Earth
Look at them, clutching today
Look at us, we are living in the generations
Look at them, existing in jobs and debts
Look at us, we have escaped many times
Look at them, they cannot remember
Look at us, we are healing
Look at them, their medicine is patented
Look at us, we are trying
Look at them, what are they doing
Look at us, we are children of Earth
Look at them, who are they?

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 That's one of my favorites Varmit. Everything needed to know to "fix" things is right there.


Thats true Pam, but "they" won't see it.  Hell, they won't even admit to their own history so how can they see the truth?  And yes, I used to be one of "them", waving the flag and parroting this line or that about being a patriot while simply ignoring what that flag was built on.  You know, in a way its kinda funny to watch and hear people talk about how we're losing our freedoms, our constitution is being ignored, we have no say in how things are being run, blah blah blah...talk about karma.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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