Extractions From 1930 Howard Courant

Started by genealogynut, November 11, 2006, 10:38:09 AM

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Howard Courant
July 3, 1930


From the Howard Courant, July 4, 1890, Thompson & Sons publishers:  Many cattle are dying with Texas fever or something of the kind. Westly Best, south of Moline, has lost many fine cattle and others in that neighborhood have lost quite a number.  There is much feeling among the farmers and secret meetings are being held and violent talk is indulged in.........John T. Frazier of Moline, was found murdered in the Gibson pasture near Sedan, Monday, the 1st of July.  His throat was cut and there were many knife wounds on his body and a couple of bruises on the head.  There has been no reliable evidence against any person, though it is said five Chautauqua county men have been arrested and questioned.  Frazier was a half owner in the big Gibson herd which was driven in from Texas before the 1st of March, the legal limit for bringing southern cattle into Kansas.  Fever broke out from the Gibson-Frazier cattle and Wesley Best was the principal loser, and his cattle were all fine blooded stock.  Frazier was a single man, 33 years old and very popular.  It is said he called on Best a day or two before his death and assured him he would remunerate him for his loss, if it took every cent he was worth.........The coroner's inquest did not bring out any reliable clues as to the perpetrators of what looks like a cowardly, cold-blooded murder.  The commissioners of Chautauqua county have offered a reward of $1000 for the apprehension of the murderers, for it looks like several must have been implicated in it.  (The Frazier murder has never been solved and is one of the mysteries in that line destined never to be accounted for).......Last Thursday evening the Metropolitian Hotel was opened by a banquet which was attended by a large company of guests.  Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Steele, who have leased the hotel, greeted the guests and after the banquet there was dancing till near midnight............Miss Edith Haven of Moline is spending the 4th in Howard with The Courant family.......Mr. and Mrs. John A. Oliphant and babies came back to the old home town to spend the 4th with old neighbors and friends........A horse driven by Abbey Longley and Etta Drewry ran away one day recently, threw the girls out and gave them a bad scare, but they suffered no serious bruises......Will Heichert, who was called to Newcastle, Indiana, by the serious illness of his mother, has written back to Geo. Hubbell, that his mother died Tuesday, the 1st...........Geo. L. Rule will open a restaurant in the Plowman building soon......Frank Clark of Sedan has bought an interest in the Elk Falls Mills.


From the Howard Courant, July 7, 1910, Thos. E. Thompson, publisher:  Jack Johnson, colored, easily whippped Jack Jefferies and is now heavyweight champion.  The fight took place at Reno, Nevada.......E. K. Longley is a Republican candidate for Probate Judge.....Little Geo. Cheney, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Cheney of Eureka, sustained a dangerous fall one day last week, falling through an opening in the floor and landing on a cement floor several feet below.  Fortunately, there were no serious consequences.......Postmaster E. G. Dewey of Moline has had his salary raised from $1300 to $1400 a year.......A son was born to M. and Mrs. Phares Root of Elk Falls, June 21st.......C. F. Plowman, Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Zirn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodwin, Miss Violet Criger, all of Howard; Miss Sadie Hebrank of Independence were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Frakes in a social gathering at their home in Elk Falls, Sunday evening......Wm. McGlasson shot and killed Grant Gordon at Longton, June 30th, at 4 a.m., in the office of Thayer's barn where both men were employed.  McGlasson's story is that he was sleeping in the barn and that Gordon came in at an early hour for some purpose but was not recognized and when McGlasson told him to "Stop--What do you want?" and he didn't stop, he fired his revolver, and Gordon fell, crying "Oh, Bill!"  McGlasson then ran for help, and when he returned with others, Gordon was entirely dead......McGlasson has been placed under arrest, notwithstanding the coroner's inquest decided it was not felonious.....G.W. Bowman has sold his interest in the dry goods store to H. B. Thompson......The publisher of The Courant composed a rhyming message to the "Brave Boys of "62," printed it on postcards and mailed one to each Civil War soldier in this community and also sent a number to others further away........

(Also in this  newspaper were Political Announcements, here are just a few.)


I have decided to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Probate Judge of Elk County, subject to the primary election in August.  I have been a resident of Elk County almost 30 years and a Republican all the time.  I respectfully solicit your suport.  ------G. I. BURRES, Grenola, Kansas


Mrs. Nola Nix hereby announce her candidacy for the office of County Superintendent of Elk County, subject to the decision of the Democratic primaries.


I am a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of Elk COunty, subject to the wishes of the Republican voters of the August primary.  -----WALTER STREET, Wild Cat Township.


I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Probate Judge of Elk County, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters at the August primaries.  FRED L. SHAFF

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