Eagle Cam....

Started by Teresa, March 04, 2011, 04:33:57 PM

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Well when you 2 good ole boys get done with all your "push ups and  runnin".. why not "run" over by my place.
There "might" be some sport in this ass whuppin' game after all.. ( That is.. if you and Ole Sarge can still stand and have any lungs  and arms left.. )
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ms Bear

Teresa, what are the shiny things in the bird nests?  Maybe we need to get Jarhead to check them out with his metal detector.  Might be real gold those birds are finding.

Diane Amberg

Yes, after they stop smoking that funny weed that makes them think they are 20 again! ;D ;D ;D


Ms Bear,
Funny you would mention gold because two days ago I found my first gold. Hunting at an old late 1800---early 1900 hotel / house of ill repute, site. It was a dainty gold ring. I'm sure some spoiled dove was so happy to receive it until she learned the cheap gold plated copper ring is worthless and chucked it out the widow where it laid buried 5 inches deep ,for a century, until I unearthed the "tear jerker". I did find an unusual thing. What I thought was a small brass strip turned out to be a 1935-1945 Social Security card. I can make out the first 3 numbers to know it came from Alabama and I can see just a few of the letters of the name. Looks like they might be--M--c--D--o--n--a--l--- I can't quite make out the last letter but quite possibly a "D". Any idea of anyone by that name who would have been at a "ho house" ?
PS: Larry, you are lucky I don't know your last name because I gar--an-tee you them letters would change and start looking like your name. :)


Jarhead, I think some of that shrapnel must have got shoved from your butt up into your head.  I ain't go no idea what you are telling me.  I haven't made any comments on this thread.  As far as my last name, it is there in the roll call for all to see, but if your metal loaded brain can't find it, pretty much like that thing you are lugging around looking for gold, it is JORDAN.  By the way, maybe that metal detector can't work with all the interference coming from above your eyes. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Jarhead, I am really glad you found something interesting.  Maybe the owner of the SS card was the gardener.  Some of those houses had a lot of men working at them.  Went to one in Fort Smith, AR that is now a museum and those ladies lived very well.  The owner had half the men in town on her payroll.  Dr and merchants came to the house to sell to the girls since they could only leave when she took them to the Opera or theatre.


The Eagle is starting to be  more active than she has been... She rearranges her 2 eggs and is busy tucking and pulling bits of nest all around her to block more of the wind.  She gets herself all settled on the nest again.. and then an hour or so later.. she is up again.. fussing with them and busy rolling them over with her feet .. I can't wait until they hatch.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: jarhead on March 12, 2011, 03:07:16 PM
Any idea of anyone by that name who would have been at a "ho house" ?

Oh yeah, I have an idea. So does Teresa.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


... yup... and it was most likely the one who dropped the coin in the first place ..then after all these years.. went back to find it..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The baby eagles have arrived, what a neat thing to get to watch.
Thanks Teresa

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