Horrific Abuse case

Started by Teresa, February 17, 2011, 05:23:21 PM

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Janet Harrington

It is my understanding that this family is going after the social worker. I'm wondering if our state will defend her or will she have to retain her own attorney? Is it possible that she could be investigated for any criminal acts that have come out of this case? I don't understand how a social worker could not see what needed to be done. Is she so overworked that she couldn't get to that case? No, the family is saying she failed to do her job because of a pre-existing grudge against them. How does a social worker let personal feelings sway how she handles a case. She should have told her supervisor that there was a conflict and insisted that someone else handle the case. But, no. Now we have a dead baby because of neglect on the government's part.


I have to put my 2 cents in on this topic. As a case manager at  four county I work with adults and I have made abuse and neglect reports on a couple and the SRS case worker came in and seen the same problems that I seen and we increased services with someone in the home to teach these parents how to be parents and the SRS worker and I both kept a close eye on this situation and I has to make around 6 abuse reports before the baby was finally removed from the home because the Farm was involved and it is their job to keep the family together!!! The Farm case worker told me that the baby needed out of this home ASAP so that is why I kept having to make so many phone calls until they finally listened to me and not the FARM. Then there are other cases that the children need removed and once we turn on the heat and report the parents then they pull their children from four county services and these children are stuck with no one to advocate for them. It should be a HUGE red flag to the state when the parents get rid of services and these poor kids are stuck. It kills us to not be able to do anything else and we know these children are in horrible living conditions. I don't know what responsibility the school teachers have in reporting but I would think that not enough is being done there. I can think of several cases in this area and we all see these kids and feel sorry for them but no one steps up to the plate and makes that cridical call that could saves these kids from the abuse that they are suffering from. Now my opinion on these so called foster homes that are more like puppy mills and the foster parents are making money hand over fist make me so sick!!! But no one is ever going to do anything to these children mills because no one wants to adopt a child that has addiction, mental retardation, and mental health problems, so off to those homes way out in the country where no one sees how horrible their living conditions are and once again if four county blows the whistle on these people well were not allowed in the homes!! The state needs to run these programs better and remember that these children are our future.


Social workers in Kansas are licensed and have insurance to cover liabilities.  The insurance company will try to come to a resolution without going to court.  If it goes to court, the insurance company will pay the attorney.  It is out of the social worker's hands and she may not like what the insurance company does on her behalf.  


The Farm is a private agency that provides foster care for the State of Kansas.  Many social workers refuse to work there because of their policies.  I would not want my child in foster care in the State of Kansas.  

It is common for families to leave services or to leave the area to get away from reports of abuse and neglect.  Sometimes the use of placement is worse than leaving the child in its own home.   

In this particular case it seems apparent that the child should have been placed with the grandparents. 

Diane Amberg

Teachers absolutely do have a responsibility to watch for possible abuse in the home, after school care or anytime. We are expected to be an advocate for the child's mental and physical health. It's a tough thing to sort out and shouldn't have to be that way, but it is.
  The problem is not always adults either. Sometimes it is other children in the home, especially in blended families or families where there is a constant parade of adult "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" and their children moving in and out. That kind of cohabitation has become too common, without real emotional commitment, and often includes the presence of drugs and alcohol. Physical and mental abuse can be all too common. In some cases it's a wonder the kids ever learn anything in school, their lives are so unsettled. Once again absenteeism is often a problem.The child may be kept out of school until visible bruises heal so the child won't be asked any awkward questions.


I would like to add that if the prosecutor finds she has done a criminal act, her insurance would still cover a lawyer chosen by her insurance company.  The only exception would be if she is not a real social worker but some kind of helper that does not require a license.  Further in the insurance policy itself there is a list of acts that are not covered by the policy.  This varies by the company providing the insurance.  It is possible but not very probable that the social worker did not carry insurance.

Thoughts on "going after the social worker":  It would be very hard to prove a grudge existed against a couple or family.  It would be much easier to prove that the social worker did unethical things that would compromise her license.

I just read the article in the Wichita paper and it looks like the grandparents are suing SRS, the agency, rather than the individual, Linda Gillen.  This makes a big difference.   SRS will have their own lawyer.  It will be quite interesting to see if SRS prevails.  I hope they do not.  This lawsuit would also cause the supervisor and director to be liable for the behavior of Linda Gillen.    


Well either way it doesn't change my mind on reporting a home.  Quite frankly the kids got a better chance in the home than in Foster care.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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