You're supporting socialists with your money every day...

Started by Patriot, March 02, 2011, 10:30:33 AM

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Follow the money (your money).

1.  From your hard earned wages to government (taxes and fees) or to purchases from companies with union labor forces.
2.  From the those organizations to the teacher, government union employee or union laborer as wages.
3.  From the employee to the unions as dues.
4.  And the unions are in bed with the likes of the International Socialist Organization.
5.  Your hard earned money going to support socialist/communist agendas and unions who fund elections of Liberal Progressive politicians that have socialist leanings and who support (pay back?) unions without restraint.  Is that why you support your union member neighbor?

These union employees (including so called educators) are either unwitting fools or are complicit in a socialist agenda. So which are they.... fools or socialists.  If the former, do they like being used, and what are they gonna do about it?  If the latter, then they are an enemy to the republic.  In either case, they need to be disbanded as soon as possible.

Before you think I'm too hard on unions:  I've heard it estimated that fully 1/3 of the cost of the new car you might like to buy goes to pay for union employee benefits and legacy costs.  How much do unions add to the costs of our clothes, food, fuel, utilities, medical care, etc.?

Union folks have had a great ride at taxpayer/non-union workers' expense for a long time.  But the lights are beginning to shine on the real movement behind the unions.  They don't represent the 'middle class' nor are they representative of a majority of the 'workers' in America.

Inch by inch.  Take back America.  Here's an interesting article about the union/socialist links.

(Yes, Martha Stewart, I still trust Fox News.  And the sources for this article are the reason.  You won't find this stuff reported by the mainstream media.)

Stern to WaPo: Labor Movement 'Had Socialist and Communist Tendencies'; Change the Tense, Andy
By Tom Blumer | March 01, 2011 | 14:06

...So what other evidence is there that Big Labor in the U.S. and the world's socialists have once again become quite cozy? On Friday, Meredith Jessup at The Blaze, Glenn Beck's online journalism outlet, provided some (bolds are mine):

     Last fall, leftist ideological groups of socialists and communists teamed up with American labor
     unions to march together for "One Nation." Now, as labor leaders struggle to maintain a stranglehold
     on collective bargaining privileges in Wisconsin, the same groups are once again marching together
     under a banner claiming unions are the heart of the American dream.

     ... Here in Washington, D.C., leftist activists at are co-hosting a rally Saturday
     with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). But behind the scenes, The Blaze
     has exclusively learned the rally has actually been organized by the International
     Socialist Organization.

     ... Despite and SEIU taking a leading role — along with a number of other sponsors
     including the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, George Soros' Media Matters, the Apollo Alliance and the Sierra
     Club — the National Park Service has confirmed that the Saturday rally's permit was
     requested by and issued to the International Socialist Organization
, a group committed to
     building a "future socialist society."

Imagine that...

In case you're wondering, here's what the International Socialist Organization says it's all about:

     The International Socialist Organization (ISO) is committed to building an organization
      that participates in the struggles for justice and liberation today--and, ultimately, for a
      future socialist society.

     ... The ISO stands in the tradition of revolutionary socialists Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin and
      Leon Trotsky in the belief that workers themselves--the vast majority of the population --
      are the only force that can lead the fight to win a socialist society. Socialism can't be brought
      about from above, but has to be won by workers themselves.

Read full article:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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