Observations that kinda make you wonder about some people....

Started by Patriot, March 01, 2011, 09:24:50 AM

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By Neal Boortz @ March 1, 2011 8:35 AM

Uh oh. Can I say "shots"? That's rather violent language, don't you think? Yeah ... like I give a flying whatever.

Oxfordshire County, England. The county council has issued a ban on goggles for children during swimming lessons at council schools. Why? Since the bands that hold the goggles to the kids faces are made of rubber ... the goggles could "snap" onto a child's face and it might hurt.

You gotta be careful when you hire those folks who read the lottery numbers on TV. WABC-TV in New York has caused some turmoil when they apparently broadcast the wrong lottery numbers. Now Rakel Daniel is suing. She says she was "severely damaged" when she thought she had the right numbers ... only to find out a mistake had been made. Have I mentioned that I favor a "loser pays" legal system?

In Indianapolis some guy is suing a strip club for dental injuries. Yup ... some stripper caused what he is calling "lifelong dental injuries." I really don't think I want to know any more.

Government worker unions in Wisconsin are now encouraging people to boycott small businesses. The unions found out which small businessmen contributed money to Walker's campaign ... then they hand out fliers to people telling them to boycott these businesses until the owners release a statement condemning Walker. Aren't you really just falling in love with unions?

This nation and our media seem to be more interested in the drama surrounding Charlie Sheen than the fiscal crisis that threatens every single one of us. Charlie Sheen is the wreck you passed on the expressway a few miles back. Government spending and our national debt is the washed-out bridge just around the next corner.

Union violence is increasing in the demonstrations in Wisconsin, Atlanta and around the country. Odd, isn't it, that the ObamaMedia isn't spreading the stories about violent union protestors they way it did about the Tea Parties.

Now we have an advertisement on the tube for some outfit that will "shred" your criminal record so that you can get a job. How wonderful is that?

Have you heard that our wonderful Homeland Security Department is now after your DNA? Coming up this summer .. The TSA will be trying out some portable DNA scanners at airports. A quick cotton swab on the inside of your mouth and the government has your DNA in a database.

Last week a Fox News reporter in Madison offered a union protestor the opportunity to have her say in an interview on Fox. As soon as the anchor asked this woman (a teacher) a question she started screaming "United we stand! United we stand! United we stand!" The crowd immediately joined in her chanting. So much for her opportunity to tell her side of the story on Fox News. And these people deserve our respect?

Link: http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/index.html
While you're there, read the other stories.  Take your blood pressure meds first.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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