Camel torture video...brought yo you by animal loving liberals at The Daily Show

Started by Patriot, February 23, 2011, 12:39:46 PM

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From The Weekly Standard Blog

Video: The Daily Show Tortures a Camel in Madison
11:31 AM, Feb 23, 2011 • By JOHN MCCORMACK

Madison, Wisc.

No joke: The Daily Show brought a camel to the protests in Madison the other day, presumably to help make fun of the Cairo/Madison comparisons. As this video shows, the gag didn't turn out so well:

Who knew that an animal indigenous to the Middle East couldn't walk on snow and ice in the Midwest? Local firefighters eventually rescued the camel. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Daily Show didn't use any footage of the camel in its Tuesday night broadcast.

Update: If I'm not mistaken, it appears that Daily Show correspondent John Oliver walks in front of the camera at one point and urges the man shooting the video to turn it off. Censorship!


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