Up for Discussion - Wisconsin

Started by Mom70x7, February 26, 2011, 10:23:56 AM

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What's new about the collective bargaining for wages to be invested by the like group of eliitests
who wrote the artcile?  Same ole soup, just warmed over. 

Diane Amberg

What do you think you know about pension boards and how they work  investing public funds? I have a feeling you are woefully ignorant.


Yikes, Diane... don't you think that is a little strong... you are beginning to sound like.... er... me?

From Senator Mark F. Miller, Minority Leader, Wisconsin State Senate:

Dear Democrat Colleagues,

I've been watching the weather quit a bit lately, and I have to tell you that it is just too cold here for me right now.  I know, I know, we're supposed to be in session, but honestly, how can we be expected to get any work done with fourteen feet of snow on the ground?  Seriously guys, it's cold up here.  What we need is a winter break.

Look, the Republicans are bound and determined to do whatever they want.  I don't know where they got the idea that just because they have majorities in both houses and the governorship they can pass whatever laws they like, but that seems to be their thinking these days.  So, since I can't accomplish any of my legislative goals anyway, and since it's colder than the Governor's heart, I say we get out of town for a while and hit the beaches down in sunny Chicago.  Have you seen the lake here this time of year?  I've gotta tell you, it's just plain beautiful.  I really don't know why I'd want to be any other place.

Here's the thing.  Over the years, I've maintained a 100% rating with Naral, all the gun-control people, the Sierra Club, the gay-rights group and the public sector unions (except for those cops who keep giving me a bad rating, probably because they don't like the 100% I got from the ACLU).  At any rate, it's obvious this year that all my hard-earned work was going to be shoveled aside like so much snow by the Republicans.  Then it occurred to me what I could do.  I could take a vacation, get a little sun and fun, a little r & r, some downtime, some me time, and at the same time I could keep the Republicans from doing anything, and I mean anything, at all.  All I have to do is leave town and get you guys to come with me

It's perfect!  We have the new form of responsible government:  If you can't win the game, don't play!  We can take a vacation and still keep all of our special constituents happy!  The unions will love us for this, after all it's a move right out of their playbook.  Don't work, shut everything down, and make sure nothing happens until the other side caves to our demands.  I really don't see how anything can go wrong.

So, until the next election cycle and we get our majority back, join me down here in sunny Chicago, grab a Chicago-style pie and a Bulls game, and let's enjoy our winter break.

Your friend and a great leader,
Wisconsin Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller (D)


Yeah... Yeah... Yeah......

You know, there was a time when unions fought the good fight, but that was a very long time ago.  Listening to the union members in Madison raving about the glorious accomplishments of unions is a lot like listening to Arabs boasting about all of their great contributions to mankind, and being reminded that they took place several centuries ago.  

For sheer gall, it's tough to find a better example than the union members claiming they're doing it for the kids . Even the kids aren't buying it.  When I saw Richard Trumka, the thug-like crooked head of the AFL-CIO, rallying the troops, I fully expected him to say, "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for the teachers' union."

Hmmmm....I wonder how any Wisconsin teacher who called in "sick" will ever again have the gall to report a kid for playing hooky.

Speaking of playing hooky, I'm also wondering if anyone has begun a campaign to recall any of the 14 Democratic state senators who have been hiding out in Illinois.  Justice delayed, after all, is justice denied.  Keep in mind that it's only a rumor.... but I hear that 14 members of the Muslim Brotherhood have allegedly offered to replace them.  Their contention is that even though they're Islamic terrorists, they always show up for work.  They also point out that they are more than willing to do the work that some Americans apparently won't do.  (mmmmm... again, just a rumor.... I wouldn't take that too seriously.)

However, I don't expect any of our legislators in Washington, D.C., will be casting stones at their Wisconsin colleagues.  After all, even with time running out on the federal budget, those 535 seat-warmer clowns took off the entire week to celebrate President's Day.

And what about (D) Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller and State Sen. Lena Taylor.  It might be they are having too much fun together to want to go back to Wisconsin.... oh yeah!


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteLook, the Republicans are bound and determined to do whatever they want.  I don't know where they got the idea that just because they have majorities in both houses and the governorship they can pass whatever laws they like, but that seems to be their thinking these days.  So, since I can't accomplish any of my legislative goals anyway, and since it's colder than the Governor's heart, I say we get out of town for a while and hit the beaches down in sunny Chicago.  Have you seen the lake here this time of year?  I've gotta tell you, it's just plain beautiful.  I really don't know why I'd want to be any other place.

I don't have many 'coffee spewing moments' anymore, but after the Progressives attitudes & actions over the last 6 years or so..... that read was a keyboard soaker!  Thanks Warph.... and welcome back!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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