Is $200 Oil Possible?...

Started by redcliffsw, January 22, 2011, 08:40:48 AM

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Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on January 22, 2011, 06:22:19 PM
Feelin' better about buying that new moutain bike.  Thanks.  Can't prove it but I think oil is a natural by product of the life of the planet.  Not that we should squander it but I don't think we will suck it down to the last drop.
I don't either. THey keep saying we are using it up but they keep finding more oil or being able to recover oil from wells they claim that are tapped out. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on January 22, 2011, 05:13:23 PM
You know, 7 generations ago no one had any concept of how we would be today. And 7 generations from now we won't even be remembered.   The technology, its going to come with time.  We have to take care of ourselves right now not 7 generations from now.  As far as oil why does it concern anyone?  IF its used up, then theres other resources that can be used, not as effective as oil but available.  Whats the big concern about oil?   
Quite frankly i doubt there will be 3 more generations on this earth much less 7.  We are fast losing the Generation that saw Israel become a state, and this world will be a one world government, heading in the fastlane to Armageddon before that generation passes

Less than 7 generations ago things occured that changed the world.  Social Security, two world wars, countries rising virtually overnight to superpower status and so on.  Not to mention the fact that with each passing second our knowledge increases 100 fold.  So saying, why worry now seems a bit naive.  As for long has the internal combustion enegine been around?  I hear what you're saying about taking care of right now...but..if we do not adapt to changing circumstances then we are destined to go the way of the dinosaur.  Since its discovery we have become almost compeletly dependent on oil.  We have put all our eggs in one basket and anyone with a lick of sense will tell you thats not good. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on January 22, 2011, 08:59:14 PM
Less than 7 generations ago things occured that changed the world.  Social Security, two world wars, countries rising virtually overnight to superpower status and so on.  Not to mention the fact that with each passing second our knowledge increases 100 fold.  So saying, why worry now seems a bit naive.  As for long has the internal combustion enegine been around?  I hear what you're saying about taking care of right now...but..if we do not adapt to changing circumstances then we are destined to go the way of the dinosaur.  Since its discovery we have become almost compeletly dependent on oil.  We have put all our eggs in one basket and anyone with a lick of sense will tell you thats not good. 
The internal combustion engine is the most efficient that can be created to date.  Ok lets say you go with electric vehicles. DO YOU KNOW that it will be worse to do that than to stay on oil?  Lithium is rare.   Thats what it takes to just get a battery that will drive you 100 miles.   Secondly the only place your going to get it from is one of our enemies. China.    So thats a no brainer. THE ONLY possible future energy source that will be sustainable is to produce nuclear packs to power the vehciles.  That will only happen when nuclear fusion has been perfected. Its not even off the drawing board.

Water is the next possible choice with a hho generator but it is not possible to run just off water. so yu need fuel to mix with it, so that means oil.   IF it ever does become a possiblility, then you run into the problem of creating a shortage of water. That is because only 2% of the water on the planet is useable.   And to take out of that 2% will make less for us drink and live in a world already facing water shortages.

Wind and solar are not ever going to be reliable sources.  You cannot count on the sun to always be shining or the wind to always be blowing.

Hydro is going to disappear when water starts becoming scarce.  Hydro plants have been shutting down for the last decade in the south due to droughts.  So there goes a semi reliable system. 

Coal is most definately a reliable source.  I think i read somewhere where the US has enough reserves to last us for the next 1000 years or so. maybe less. WHo knows.

There isn't any renewable sources out there at this time.  And i would say 100 years from now there probably won't be any more then thanthere is now.  I suspect if the world lasts long enough that we'll be mining fuel resources from mars and asteroids.

FOr right now, we are going to use what we have to move along.  And there is no need to rape the public over oil to get there.  Just so that you know, the problem with the internal combustion engine isn't the problem.  THe problem is the fuel.  It just doesn't burn 100%.  I think it burns about 28% and has burned at 28% for the last 100 years.  Its a flaw in the resource. Now if you could figure out how to release the other 72% of that stored energy, then you will make that mileage go 72% higher.   That is where our future lies right now.  Unlocking aka cracking the carbons in the fuel source.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Most efficent to date??  I highly doubt it.  If a shade tree hobbyist can add a homemade hydrogen generator to his vehicle and increase the fuel efficency from anywhere from 30 to 90% I don't believe that world class eneginners cannot come up with something better.  For cryin out loud we have put a man on the moon, came up with stealth technology, laser surgery, the Mars Rover, and you're trying to tell me the internal combustion is the only thing we can come up with?  I don't buy it.  Frankly, I think the only thing keeping us on oil is money.  There is to much to be made by those who have it.  That along with the unwillingness of folks to face the fact that we need to change.  You say that "this" isn't effective or "that" isn't feasible so we should just keep on the way we've been going...thank God our inventors and doctors don't share that view. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Varmit come on, use some common sense.  They probably can come up with a efficient power plant but you nor i or anyone but a rich man or government will be able to afford it!  I don't care if they mass produce it, the fuel or powerplant will be so expensive it will be only available to the rich. 

HHO is not that efficient.   YOU MIGHT just MIGHT get up to 50% increase, but that is only IF conditions are right.   A good figure is about 8 -10 mpg increase. And the problem is that it all depends on your mix of the solution.   

You know what would increase fuel efficiency today?  IF everyone tuned up their vehicle, maintained their wheels, made sure everything was lubed.  You would do more to increase mileage by those simple things. 
Its not being done.  people don't even know how to change oil in a car these days, much less lube one or tune it up.
used to be every guy knew all of this and then some.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well yeah, when new technology comes out its always expinesive.  But the price very soon goes down.  Thats not the problem.  The problem is that there is too much money to be made from oil.  The "powers that be" know that they can charge whatever they want because people will pay it.  And even if an alternative is found that could be made affordable I doubt that the oil corps. would allow it.  Thats why it is up to the common folk to demand it, and live up to their threats against the oil companies.  Boycotts or whatever.
And yes a properly maintained vehicle will run better.  However, the ways cars are being made today you basically need a degree in rocket science to perform maintance on it. 
Even if an HHO only increased the mpg of a vehicle by 8 or 10 mpgs we're still talking 160 to 200 on average.  That adds up pretty quick if theres enough people involved.  I've got a '79 ford that if the mpgs were increased by 10 that means I just doubled the distance I could travel. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Roma Jean Turner

Hang on to that old car.  If we ever have an Electrical Magnetic Pulse incident and the grid fries you may be the only ride in town.


Quote from: Varmit on January 23, 2011, 09:14:49 AM
Well yeah, when new technology comes out its always expinesive.  But the price very soon goes down.  Thats not the problem.  The problem is that there is too much money to be made from oil.  The "powers that be" know that they can charge whatever they want because people will pay it.  And even if an alternative is found that could be made affordable I doubt that the oil corps. would allow it.  Thats why it is up to the common folk to demand it, and live up to their threats against the oil companies.  Boycotts or whatever.
That isn't going to work.  boycotts don't ever work.  FIrst of all, your never going to be able to boycott oil cause too many things we use rely on it.   I'll tell ya what, I won't boycott oil for the simple fact that Oil has been one of the main reasons i am still alive.  They make all kinds of medical tools and supplies that save lives.
Secondly none of the "alternative" ideas can exist without oil.  You cannot have solar without oil, nor can you have wind power without it. IT is required in the manufacturing of both.  
On top of that, your roads are built on oil.  it is the most efficient form.  

QuoteAnd yes a properly maintained vehicle will run better.  However, the ways cars are being made today you basically need a degree in rocket science to perform maintance on it. 
eehhhhh not so much. Some of the cars do have internal plugs and coils but those are high end cars.  The avergage car can be maintained by the owner.  Its pretty simple.  Plus the darn car tells you whats wrong with it.  But changing plugs every 100k miles, oil every 3k miles, plugwires every 50k miles, and making sure the air in the tires as well as lubing all the joints will keep it maintained.   IF you get a tps go bad, the car will tell you and its a simple unbolt and unplug.  
same thing for other sensors on the car. I meanif you can install a HHO generator on a car, you can work on a car today.

QuoteEven if an HHO only increased the mpg of a vehicle by 8 or 10 mpgs we're still talking 160 to 200 on average.  That adds up pretty quick if theres enough people involved.  I've got a '79 ford that if the mpgs were increased by 10 that means I just doubled the distance I could travel. 

The key is not that you can get 8 or 10 mpg or 100 mpg.  It is the cost.  IF the average american cannot buy and pay for it, its not going to happen.  Right now they are over priced now.  Shoot even the ones with Int combustion engines today are as much as my house and land.

I am however interested in seeing how the new ford 2012 pickup will do in sales. its hydrogen run.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on January 23, 2011, 10:53:22 AM
Hang on to that old car.  If we ever have an Electrical Magnetic Pulse incident and the grid fries you may be the only ride in town.
lol your right. :) :D unless you use milspec parts.  Then you'll be ok.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


We are the most Energy wasteful Nation in the free world, we have the most plentiful supply of energy and our prices are among the lowest in the free world. If you think the World Economic condition is bad now, $200.00 oil will crater it completely. Americans don't want to give up their gas guzzling monsters.

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