Is $200 Oil Possible?...

Started by redcliffsw, January 22, 2011, 08:40:48 AM

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Quote from: frawin on January 28, 2011, 01:53:35 PM
Patriot, the Obama program is to take away Drilling incentives and Capital from the oil companies. If the oil comapnies and most especially the independents can't recover Exploration and dryhole costs they are not going to drill the more risky prospects.

No argument there. But I think that's only part of the picture.  The bigger theme leads eventually to total govt control in many areas.  Ultimately it's all consistent with Obamaconomy across a lot of industries... through regulation & policy he screws independent oil producers out of business, screws small ag producers out of business in favor of corporate giants, fractures insurance companies with requirements that will eliminate them in favor of govt run health insurance, screws independent truckers with 'green truck' regulations that will drive them to unionized companies or put them out of business, and on and on and on....

Anybody see a classic socialist moving toward communist theme.... eliminate individual independence in business resulting ultimately in govt controlling the means of production through regulation & effectively enslaving the 'collective' workforce under the 'state sponsored' companies.

Inch by inch.  Degree by degree.  The melting pot will eventually boil... frogs and all.  To those who say it can't happen here, re-read world history & the Communist Manifesto.  Just because socialism & communism have been proven not to work in the real world, doesn't mean there aren't many deluded idiots in positions of power that think they can succeed where their deluded idiot predecessors have failed.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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