Reaping what we've sown.

Started by Varmit, January 20, 2011, 11:11:01 AM

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It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



Don't take this to mean that I've "gone native", although that wouldn't be a bad thing, but you can't really argue with what this guy has to say.  Now does that mean that I agree 100% with everything he says (in this video, yes) no, I like Central Heat and Air but I can find no fault with what his message is.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I started this thread because I wanted to share a few videos I found that I felt had a pertinent message.  Until recently I had grown up thinking and believing in a country that could do no wrong.  To me it didn't really matter what this country did to other nations as long as it was for our benefit, or to "right" a perceived "wrong" against us.  I bought into the lie that this is the greatest nation on earth.  I mean, in terms of principals or those things which we say we stand for...freedom, justice, fairness, equality...yeah, I believe in those things.  But the reality of it, is that as a nation America does not.  Oh we say we do...with liberty and justice for all...but that is a lie.  Really, the only difference between us and more oppressive regimes is that we just aren't as brutal about it, well nowadays anyway.  All a person has to do is to look at the history of this nation, the real history and not the popular version we've all been taught, to see that. 

I think the saddest part is that its not the government that should take the blame.  Its the people.  They say things like "We want freedom of religion."  When what they mean is that they want the power to subjugate everyone else to their religion.  This is done mainly by christians on the exetreme right.  There are other segments of other religions that try to do this but they are not nearly as effective as "The Church".  Their influence can be seen in laws governing everything from abortion to alchol to drugs to even what consenting adults do in their own homes.  Freedom of religion...pffft! Whatever.

Then theres the "Patriots".  The "we're the only ones that actually love our country" types, the "we are the REAL americans" blowhards.  These types really piss me off, I know because I used to be one.  These are the types that will spend billions of dollars to wage wars for some political agenda, but hardly lift a finger to feed the homeless.  I mean, of all the countries in the world you'd think that in America there wouldn't be an issue of people going hungry.  But there is.  These "uber patriots" love their country so much that they will advocate the killing of unarmed, women, children it doesn't other countries and call it "defending Americas Freedom".  They let their love of their country blind them to the fact that while we are fighting for freedom overseas we are oppressing freedom right on our own soil.  These are the types that can be counted on to vote into law the legislation that would restrict how consenting adults can act in their own homes.  These so-called lovers of freedom are also the ones that think they have a right to say who can and cannot marry.  Yeah...real freedom for all types.

Now, there are those that will say "if you hate it here so much, why don't you just leave".  To that I say, "you can shove that right up your ass" I was born here, I will die here, this is my country and I love it dearly.  But that doesn't mean that I'm blind to the ill's that infect it.  I would think that a true patriot would want to fight for freedom of ALL people, not just a select few. 

Usually I vehemently disagree with obama but I think he may have had a point when he said that we aren't just a christian nation anymore.   I think that, really we never were.  Even at our founding we merely paid lip-service to christian morals and ideas, but we seldom expressed them.  We lied, we cheated, we stole, we began a war of genocide in Gods name.  Whats christian about that?  And truth be told its still going on. 

I once prayed for my eyes to be I almost wished that they hadn't.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on January 22, 2011, 09:49:23 AM
Then theres the "Patriots".

Varmit, you are revealing yourself as one really bitter fella.  Further, your bait here is more than transparent, laced with a lot of disingenuous crap, and way beneath what I had thought of you up to this point.  Though my assessments really don't matter. I'll pass on the bait and the hook, thanks.

Quote from: Varmit on January 22, 2011, 09:49:23 AM
Now, there are those that will say "if you hate it here so much, why don't you just leave".  To that I say, "you can shove that right up your ass" I was born here, I will die here, this is my country and I love it dearly.

I, for one, am glad you're unwilling to leave and want to stay and voice your opinions.  It makes for interesting reading if nothing else. 

John Trudell has mellowed his methods some since the days of Alcatraz & flag burning at the FBI in D.C., hasn't he?  He's even recognized that all of the 'middle class', presumably including millions of white Christians, are at risk in the present world climate.  I was glad to see that.  He's taking a much more reasoned & less single sided approach.

Reasoned thought & expression.  Now there's a twist!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The "Patriots" wasn't meant as bait.  I wasn't referring to you.

Bitter??   Damn right.  I don't like being lied to.  I don't like my kids being lied to. 

Disingenuous crap??...You gonna back that up with something or what?

I don't know about his flag burning and what not.  I was turned on to his message, agree with it and thought I'd pass it on.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I have put off watching the videos in this thread for awhile; I wanted to watch them to try and get a clue as to Billys' apparent revelation in his thinking. My former husband, (Don Collier), may he rest in peace, was a great scholar of the history between the white man and the indigenous peoples of this continent. He read constantly and of course shared a goodly bit of that history with me. He often said that the 'Old Indian didn't have it wrong', that The Mother, (Earth), needed to be respected and watched after. That the white man was here to rape and pillage as the purse demanded. Now, we have all seen it happen. There are not so many of anything that we used to enjoy. Where is that parakeet that this area of the countryside used to have in such numbers? Nobody alive now ever got to see these birds, as they were hunted into extinction. Where are the quail, and the antelope? When you visit the river, how many large clam shells do you find? As short a time as ten years ago, you could find find numerous small shells as well as large ones as the water receded. Not so these days. Yes, yes! Be warned! The bad days may very well be coming! Thanks Billy for starting this thread! And perhaps Al Gore wasn't so far out in his thinking either, maybe it should have just been called climate change.


Nobody living in those days saw the birds and "clam shells" we have nowadays either.

I'd rather learn from the Indians' experiences and mistakes, instead of accepting falsehoods from Al Gore.


Look at Us
by John Trudell

At times they were kind, they were polite in their sophistication, smiling but never too loudly acting in a civilized manner an illusion of gentleness always fighting to get their way. while the people see, the people know, the people wait, the people say the closing of your doors will never shut use out, the closing of your doors can only shut you in.

We know the predator, we see them feed on us, we are aware to starve the beast is our destiny. At times they were kind, they were polite, but never honest.

We see your tech no logical society devour you before your very eyes we hear your anguished cries exalting greed through progress while you seek material advances the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety

But your minds are chained to your machines and the strings dangling from your puppeteers hands turning you, twisting you into forms and confusions beyond your control

Your mind for a job your mind for a t.v. your mind for a hair dryer your mind for consumption.

With your atom bombs your material bombs your drug bombs your racial bombs your class bombs your sexist bombs your ageist bombs

Devastating your natural shelters making you homeless on earth chasing you into illusions fooling you, making you pretend you can run away from the ravishing of your spirit

While the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety.

Trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness leading us into the trap believe in their power but not in ourselves piling us with guilt always taking the blame greed chasing out the balance trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

economic deities seizing power through illusions created armies are justified class systems are democracy god listens to warmongers prayers tyranny is here, divide and conquer trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

greed a parent insecurity the happiness companion genocide conceived in sophistication tech no logic material civilization a rationalization replacing a way to live trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

To god we hope you don't mind but we would like to talk to you; there are some things we need to straighten out, it's about these christians they claim to be from your nation but man you should see the things they do all the time blaming it on you: manifest destiny, genocide, maximized profit, sterilization, raping the earth, lying taking more than they need in all the forms of the greed. we ask them why, they say it's god's will.

Damn god they make it so hard. Remember jesus? Would you send him back to them, tell them how to kill him, rather they should listen stop abusing his name and yours.

We do not mean to be disrespectful but you know how it is, our people have their own ways we never even heard of you until not long ago, your representatives spoke magnificent things of you which we were willing to believe, but from the way they acted we know we and you were being deceived.

We do not mean you and your christian children any bad, but you all came to take all we had we have not seen you but we have heard so much it is time for you to decide what life is worth we already remember but maybe you forgot.

Look at us, look at us, we are of Earth and Water
Look at them, it is the same
Look at us, we are suffering all these years
Look at them, they are connected.
Look at us, we are in pain
Look at them, surprised at our anger
Look at us, we are struggling to survive
Look at them, expecting sorrow be benign
Look at us, we were the ones called pagan
Look at them, on their arrival
Look at us, we are called subversive
Look at them, descending from name callers
Look at us, we wept sadly in the long dark
Look at them, hiding in tech no logic light
Look at us, we buried the generations
Look at them, inventing the body count
Look at us, we are older than America
Look at them, chasing a fountain of youth
Look at us, we are embracing Earth
Look at them, clutching today
Look at us, we are living in the generations
Look at them, existing in jobs and debts
Look at us, we have escaped many times
Look at them, they cannot remember
Look at us, we are healing
Look at them, their medicine is patented
Look at us, we are trying
Look at them, what are they doing
Look at us, we are children of Earth
Look at them, who are they?

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