It begins... Congresswoman, 6 Others, Killed By Gunman

Started by Patriot, January 08, 2011, 01:22:55 PM

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Exactly Twirldoggy, but the lefties are already crying the blues wanting stricter gun laws---hang Glenn Beck---banish Sarah Palin to Siberia and on & on. Haven't heard it said yet but I'm sure we will be hearing how Geo. W. Bush is behind this shooting


This democrat is not anti gun, I'm just anti nutcase with a gun.  I find it hard to believe anyone of any party thinks this was okay.  God help you, if you do.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 09, 2011, 02:51:04 PM
It's sad that a nine year old was killed for adult foolishness. So where were all those heavily armed people who swore that if more people were armed all the time this kind of thing wouldn't happen because the shooter would be too afraid of being shot himself he wouldn't try anything?

This wasn't hardly mentioned... but for the record.. Fox News reported either an armed citizen, or security officer/LEO got a shot off at the BG, before the crowd tackled and disarmed him..

Marshal and I always carry concealed and open carry while we are in Arizona..( see my profile picture)) THAT was in Arizona and is how I went to the grocery market that evening)   ;) but just because you CAN...  it sadly doesn't mean everyone does.. And I can not say with any certainty what I would have done if I had of been there when all the shooting started. . UNLESS I had a chance to take consecutive clean shots without missing without an innocent person not getting injured from a stray bullet... I have to say that I would have been staying low..
waiting to see if I had a chance to take him out physically ( like what was done)  or with a well placed bullet while he was reloading and his attention was distracted for that 5 seconds that you would have to make the move. Once again.. depends on where I was positioned ( as a shooter)

This act of violence happened so fast.. that in reality.. It would have been a shooting arcade if an armed citizen started shooting back with that many people in the close proximity of the violence taking place.
Most people do not realize that any shot you take at a human form has the capacity and probability to go through that person and hit someone else. And it isn't like in the movies.. where the good guy expertly draws his weapon and levels down and in the midst of flying bullets ..the perp is shot and the shot is clean and on a vital spot. I would say that most people in an adrenalin state  ( who are your average every day citizen ) doesn't have the experience or nerves of steel to stay calm and level in a situation like this to make the shots and to make them good. .
Lots and lots of "ifs"...
But to say that just because Arizona has full open carry, that nut cases with a premeditated intent to kill , won't happen grasping for a place to put the blame.
Losers like Jared Loughner, get huge amounts of notoriety.  Perhaps this has more to do with violent acts like this than gun... magazine capacity and ammo used in a crime like murder.

Quote from: greatguns on January 09, 2011, 09:38:38 PM
This democrat is not anti gun, I'm just anti nutcase with a gun.  I find it hard to believe anyone of any party thinks this was okay.  God help you, if you do.

You better hang on to your hat Great Guns Sally~~ ....... cause it looks like its gonna be a bumpy ride...

The anti's gunners are just beginning their BS on this.  I'm sure that as soon as the initial shock.. 0.35 seconds.. wore off they were gathering in the war rooms rolling out the plans to capitalize on this tragedy.
Because *gasp* everyone knows that the shooter had nothing to do with it.  ::) This was all about that ugly and evil gun that not only can't be detected by x-ray or metal detectors.. but that evil gun that ran out and killed and wounded all these people in the hands of the poor victim that happened to be holding it.
I don't know what the Dictator in chief will try to have his regulatory hounds try to do... but I think they'll be looking to use the FCC to regulate the 1st amendment.... and get rid of as much conservative speech as they can....with
"Hate" speech laws being expanded to include political statements... I imagine that they will try to go for a limitation on the capacity of magazines... most likely be screaming to have a  "re-examination" of carry laws in AZ and other places that are relatively "loose".

What bother's me is that this happened in January.  How bad is it going to get when summer hits and both sides have been at each others throats for six months?

As much as I hate what happened to Ms Giffords and do not want her to suffer for this... you know that the Brady campaign already has the contracts ready for her to sign.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


My hat done blew off and I left.  Gun, pipe bomb, knife, brass knucks, or any other weapon doesn't matter to me.  Crazy people on the loose bother me.  Just my take on it.  I guess in a nut decides to kill me, it really doesn't matter how it is done.  Sounds like the lady that grab the magazine away from him done the most good.


Quote from: greatguns on January 09, 2011, 09:38:38 PM
This democrat is not anti gun, I'm just anti nutcase with a gun.  I find it hard to believe anyone of any party thinks this was okay.  God help you, if you do.

Maybe we should consider lockin up more of the nut cases instead of the guns!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Teresa, I feel your post is right on. The gun will be the blame in this case as usual. I honestly think people have the right to own and carry guns, but in most cases, like with Teresa and others they know how to correctly use them!! This is was case of a guy that is, as great guns says, pure nuts. Read somewhere that he with drew himself from college and that the only way that he could attend again is if he had a pys evaluation.

When it comes to gun control, you just can't honestly control it or any weapon. People have ways of getting them no matter what. I think the shooting is a bad deal! I hope that it doesn't happen again, but chances are most likely. There are more people in this world with views like this guy, wish there wasn't but there is.

You just can't take guns away because of this incident or the others. It's not the gun that did the actual shooting, it was the man. Yes, the gun did the damage but it takes a person to shoot it.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


So true Angie.  God forbid we have mental institutions to put them in 'cause that isn't a nice thing to do.


You know having faced with a event in that i could have justly used a gun in defense, there is one thing that ran through my mind.  Making sure that i tried everything else before using that gun up to and including threat of violence to that individual. 

I don't think i could have taken the shot unless the guy was pointing at me, in that I would never be able to deal with the chance of killing a innocent in that crowd. It was way too crowded to be firing at anyone.  Too big a risk of killing someone innocent.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Yup, my thoughts too. As you all know I'm not for gun control, but I'm very much for common sense.  The chances of having a moment to "get the bad guy" without risking other lives would be slim to none. IMHO  Even then the intention could be misunderstood unless you are wearing a white hat. ;) Not a good idea to have 5 well intentioned armed people shooting each other because they don't know who else is involved as a bad guy. By the way, I don't know if this got carried out there or not, but the little girl who was killed was Dallas Green's grand daughter. He lives here in Newark. He went to UD and was the head coach for the Phillies baseball team for many years including 1980 when they won the world series. I certainly didn't expect this incident to have a local connection.

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