If it weren't so sickening, the irony would be halarious...

Started by Patriot, January 02, 2011, 10:36:45 AM

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And in other news from the WTF catagory... Big Sis redoubles efforts on border security -- in Afghanistan...

Napolitano Visit Aimed at Beefing Up Afghan Border Security, Customs

By Mike Levine
Published December 31, 2010

KABUL, Afghanistan -- During an unannounced New Year's Eve visit to Afghanistan, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to the country's mountainous border region near Pakistan to see first-hand her department's efforts in the war effort there.

"Seeing is worth a thousand words," Napolitano said after the tour, to which Fox News was granted exclusive access. "This all involves safety and security in this part of the world. And that is something that has direct connection as well to the United States."

She described her department's role in war-torn Afghanistan as a "complement" to the military operations there.

Her agency has about two dozen officials in Afghanistan, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, Customs and Border Protection officers, and Border Patrol agents. Many are training Afghan security forces to manage their country's borders.

Full article:  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/31/napolitano-visit-aimed-beefing-afghan-border-security-customs/

Meanwhile, at a little, privately owned ranch in Arizona...... ???

Conservative to the Core!
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